Most people like being animals. The lustful or “passionate” ego
enjoys its hedonism. An ascetic ego rejects sex and feels superior and
righteous, and it enjoys its false righteousness. The drunken ego
dreams of its drunkenness and rejects all aspects of seriousness. The
fanatical religious member is fascinated with pride and secretly or
outwardly hates all other sects. The hard worker is fascinated with
the hard work. A father enjoys releasing anger towards his family
because it is easy. A mother justifies her yelling back. An executive
loves his money and his new car. In synthesis: people enjoy their
People rather die than to kill their suffering. People enjoy
suffering. The esoteric philosophy states that the intellectual animal
is the product and pinnacle of natural evolution. The only thing left
for the intellectual animal is devolution, degeneration and death. It
is better to enjoy the harmony of the Being through psychological
death than to renounce the Being by remaining bounded by animal
desire. This is the message of Christ: “What good is it for man to
gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?” Animal
desire is going to die regardless, because it creates karma in the
rational animal, but only conscious sacrifice sustains and
reverberates the joy of the Being.
Instead of the Being, within each of us lies a legion of demons. In
fact, it is best to say that our existence is nothing more than the
compilation of a legion of demons. The ego is demonic or as the
Christians say, satanic. Literally, neither in any dogmatic sense nor in
agenda to cause fear, the ego is Satan. That is the true meaning of
Satan in the Bible. The ego is, as well, the Anti-Christ, the Beast
whose number is 666.
The Sixth Arcanum of the Book of Tarot is Indecision, the choice
between the Harlot and Virgin, and we have chosen the Harlot, and
we are the Great Harlot. We are thrice six because we are “six” in our
intellectual center, “six” in our emotional center, and “six” in our
sexual center. Our three brains are 6, 6, and 6. We are the ego, we are
the Anti-Christ. This is a definitive fact that we must submit
ourselves to, the truth is the truth, and the truth is that everything
the ego is, is everything the Christ is not. Whosoever carries the ego
is one with the Anti-Christ.
The Anti-Christ has the power of ubiquity, it is everywhere, it is
within everyone. The Anti-Christ, with his false materialistic values,
creates “wonders” in science that only “fools” would reject, such as
the Hydrogen Bomb, contraceptives, the grafting of fruits and
vegetables. The Anti-Christ does not even suspect his own ignorance,
he is like a child playing with nitroglycerin and pretending to have
total sapience.
In all reality the ego does not have a center. Rather, it is diffused
through all its desires and needs. The ego has no permanent will. Its will
is always changing. We must ask ourselves, “Why do I contradict
myself? Why do I often change my mind?” Everyone is a hypocrite
because no one has a permanent center of consciousness. Our
consciousness is always centered on different needs and desires and
this is the cause of our contradictions and hypocrisy. This is why no
man or woman who has ego is trustworthy.
Our ego is a multiple entity. There are multiple “I’s” within the
ego. Each “I” contradicts the other “I’s.” The “I” that swears fidelity
towards their spouse ends up fornicating with others. The “I” that
wishes to be charitable is overcome by the “I” that is greedy. Today
we see many people ashamed of their own actions. Sometimes we are
ashamed of actions as we carry them out. This is because one “I” feels
ashamed for the actions of another “I” that arose in a fit of passion,
jealously, greed, envy, lust, etc. Truly, this is neither happiness nor
freedom. We have become slaves to our desires. We have no
authentic will of Self. The Bible speaks of this multiple entity as a
legion of demons that has overcome a man of destitution.
When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in
front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice,
“What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God
that you won’t torture me!” For Jesus had said to him, “Come out
of this man, you evil spirit!”
Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “My name is
Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.”
– Mark 5:6-10
All of us have a true name that is Legion. The “I” is Legion. Only
the Intimate Christ has the ability to remove the ego.
The systematic identification and removal of all our “I” centers is
necessary to awaken consciousness. Otherwise we will never possess
the continuity of Will, the will of the Father here, as it is in Heaven.
Only the True Self has the power to act. The False Self, the ego, has
all action occur through it, it is a medium. Our true nature is
omnipotent and only It knows when to speak and when to keep
silent. The ego is merely a contradiction of values and it never
knows the correct way. We are all lost in the labyrinth of the mind
and its theories, logic and presumptions. The mind does not have
the ability to understand that which is real.
Each “I” we carry believes to be the authentic self. It is completely
unaware to the other “I’s” inside. We have a difficult time realizing
this because although we are constantly being controlled by different
egos, our bodies remain the same. It is the internal states that change, but
society does not teach us about the internal so we never are aware of
this very apparent fact. We come to understand that each “I” is
ignorant when we begin to see and understand its desires. Then we
come to see, through our consciousness, that we are not this “I” and
in fact it is some type of crystallized impression left on our interior
that incessantly wishes to relive that impression. Only then we will
truly know what desire is. If we do not begin to awaken
consciousness than the ability to see is more than impossible. Our
egos can be identified through constant vigilance and study. This is a
process Benjamin Franklin did to improve his interior self.
Interior perfection can be achieved through the radical disillusionment of
the “I.”
The “I” is multiple contradictions. The Human Being is a true
individual without contradiction. The Christ is a multiple singular
consciousness. The Christ is supra-individuality that manifests itself
everywhere and incarnates within any Human who is properly
prepared. We must first remove the ego and crystallize the Solar
Bodies of Emotion, Mind and Will. Then, if one so chooses, the Solar
Initiate can incarnate the Christ. This is a path rarely taken because
it is a path more bitter than bile; the masses spit on the face of
Christ, because he represents everything that the Anti-Christ is
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