cafeastrologyn sivuilta löytyi tällainen lyhyt tulkinta.
Pluto transits opposite Moon
*Emotional upheaval, turmoil and change in personal relationships, and irrational, compulsive feelings are key issues during this time period. Feelings that have remained hidden or forgotten since childhood arise now. You also sometimes feel gripped by feelings and emotions that you never thought you were capable of having!
+Your tendency to analyze, to probe, and generally to get at the heart of things finds itself at loggerheads with your living and support system. Others may resent your persistent prying and digging, and confrontations can be expected.
Kuuhun osuvat tr. ovat aina merkki muutoksista tunne elämässä ja kotiympäristössä. Tr. planeetta taas kertoo esille tulevien asioiden luonteesta tunne ja kotipuolella. Pluto tuo esiin voimakkaita pinnanalaisia asioita ja unohtuneita ajatusmalleja ja jotenkin kuu liittyy naiseuteen ja siis naisiin. Eli naispuoliset ihmiset voivat nousta esille on se sitten oma äiti tai joku muu nainen. Oppositio varmasti antaa hyvän tarkkailuaseman pohdiskella näitä pinnalle nousevia asioita.
Pluto oppositio Jupiter taas tuo syvällistä arviointia arvomaailman suhteen. Tällainen tulkinta löytyi cafeastrologyn sivuilta tästä tr.
Pluto Transits Opposition Jupiter
~Your perspective on what you want from life, what you are willing to do to get it and the values that you want to express undergoes a change. If you have been working in a direction that is compatible with your standards and your philosophical or religious views, you are likely to be effective. This thus becomes a time when your past faith and hard work are rewarded, bolstering your confidence and helping you to make even bigger plans for your future - plans that are based on a realistic and solid foundation.
If you have been working along lines that are in conflict with your religious and philosophical views, this could be a time of tension. A change either in the direction of your life or in your values will thus be necessary to deal with your growing sense of frustration. This can lead to a religious rebirth, a time when a particular church or cult seems to express what you feel you really need from life. Whether this religious growth is along institutional or personal lines depends on what you feel is missing from your life. Your main effort now should be in trying to live up to the best in you, rather than lowering your standards to achieve a more transient worldly success.
*You are less cautious, more adventurous and confident, and more willing to spread your wings to explore new possibilities than usual. You are attracted to power and wealth, and may engage in a power struggle or go out on a limb to achieve your goals.
+Career opportunities and choices go dead against what you feel in your gut to be right. Your own sense of honesty and sensitivity squares off with some possible moves that could lead you nowhere or, worse, lead you astray.
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