Kävin tossa ylemmässä jo ennen vastauksia ja nyt kävin tossa jälkimmäisessä....
Ja tälläistä löyty:
Chiron in the 12th house: As always, Chiron shows where we can do more for others than ourselves. A 12th house Chiron may compulsively try to take care of the poor the sick, and the unfortunate while neglecting their own needs and those of their own family. Conversely, there may be malingering and the person with this placement may themselves always seem in "need" because of one (frequently self-caused) "problem" after another. This placement tends to make a person feel tired and fatigued. If you have this one, be sure to get plenty of rest.
Chiron in Taurus: Taurus is the sign of money and resources and it shows our ability to possess things. It also shows what we instinctively value, including ourselves. This is the sign that gives us our gut level sense of self-worth. Chiron here can give us a miser's urge to hold on to every penny while denying ourselves any of life's pleasures, or a rejection of "those low, materialistic values" and, consequently, a life of poverty. And guess what? Deep down inside, both are the same. They both deny themselves pleasure and enjoyment because they don't value themselves. Of course, as always with Chiron, there is the ability to give good advise to everyone else concerning their material needs and sense of self worth. People with Chiron in Taurus have to learn how to enjoy the basic physical pleasures of life. They won't be able to do this, however, until they deal with their damaged sense of self-worth.
Siis haloo...näähän sopii niinku nappi...johonkin...Eli kuin olis itse joutunu asioitaan selittelee...elämänkatsomusta ja sellasta pientä...huh huh...
Kyllähän toi englanti vaikeeta tekee ku on paljon vaikeeta sanoja mutta ymmärrys meni 95% koko tekstistä...
Jos joku kielinero haluaa lyhyesti ton suomentaa en rupea kieltämään