Tuo mustan ja valkean ero kun on hieman häilyvä käsite niin kalastin netistä näkemystä niiden tantrisista versioista ja tämmöistä löytyi:
During the ordinary sexual contact the Intellectual Animal spills millions of Solar Atoms of very high voltage. These are immediately replaced by billions of Satanic Atoms from the Secret Enemy, and these are collected from within the Atomic Infernos of the human being by means of the process of contraction (orgasm) of the sexual organs after the coitus.
When the semen is not spilled, then the Solar Atoms return inward and upward through Ida and Pingala. Then the Solar Atoms extraordinarily multiply in quantity and quality.
However, the spilled semen (which the Black Tantrikas reabsorb through their urethra by extracting it from within the vagina) in fact, has already converted itself into a frightful accumulator of Satanic Atoms.
When these types of abnormal Satanic Atoms intend to rise up to the Golgotha of the Father (the Brain), they violently are cast down against the coccyx by the Three Akashic Breaths that work in Ida, Pingala and Shushumna.
These types of seminal malignant atoms are precipitated through Ida and Pingala. They violently struggle in order to reach the brain; however all of their efforts are useless because the Three Akashic Breaths cast them down against that region of the coccyx where a Malignant Atom has its habitat and also the power to place the abominable Kundabuffer Organ into activity.
http://www.gnosticteachings.org/the-forms-of-tantraTässä vähän hämää tuo orgasmin merkitys, että jos se tulee niin tuleeko miehistä silloin itse perkeleellisten voimien suoltaja!
Kun onhan sillä luontevampiakin merkityksiä kuin jonniinsortin saatanallisten atomien kanssa vehtuu...
Noh, tääkin on taas tätä egopuuroilun suota, joten antaa olla..