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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Juno - puoliso  (Luettu 30186 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 4 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 444

« : 17.08.2008 09:12:59 »

Tällainen kiintoisa sivu löytyi:

^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #1 : 17.08.2008 09:26:57 »

okei, mies on elämäni keskipisteenä, siis.. no nyt ymmärrän.. heh heh..  Cool :Smiley

minussa on viattomuutta.  juno vaaka 1-huone

mies puhelias, kommunikointi hyvää.  juno aspect_ssx merkurius

viehko ja taiteellinen, sosiaalinen.   juno   aspect_con  venus

toiminnallinen mies (kyllä! ihmettelisin jos ei olisi)  juno aspect_squ mars

herkkä ja empaattinen, mielikuvitusta  juno  aspect_kvi  neptunus no niin, että tilaus on menossa.

vikan kanssa oli tuo kommunikointi, sosiaalisuus, tietynlainen toiminta, herkkyys. luovuus ehkä puuttui (ja toimintaa olisi enemmän tulimerkillä).
« Viimeksi muokattu: 18.08.2008 13:02:20 kirjoittanut ***Wild Star*** » tallennettu

Viestejä: 3615

« Vastaus #2 : 17.08.2008 12:15:54 »

Mulla oli juno neliö mars ja juno neliö neptunus, en siis ihmettele joitakin asioita, mutta tämä oli kyllä hupaisa:

Juno Aspects Neptune: If you have a stressful aspect (conjunction, square, or opposition) between Juno and Neptune, please, PLEASE do not marry someone because you feel sorry for them or because you want to "save" them. Remember this magic number. If you do, you will never again have the problem of getting into a marriage for the wrong reasons. Please memorize it. It's 911. Dial that and have them taken away so they can be helped by a professional. Then, get into therapy yourself to cure your masochism.

Joo... No ei enää sääliavioliittoja sitten.  Grin
Viestejä: 186

« Vastaus #3 : 17.08.2008 12:39:22 »

Mulla oli juno neliö mars ja juno neliö neptunus, en siis ihmettele joitakin asioita, mutta tämä oli kyllä hupaisa:

Juno Aspects Neptune: If you have a stressful aspect (conjunction, square, or opposition) between Juno and Neptune, please, PLEASE do not marry someone because you feel sorry for them or because you want to "save" them. Remember this magic number. If you do, you will never again have the problem of getting into a marriage for the wrong reasons. Please memorize it. It's 911. Dial that and have them taken away so they can be helped by a professional. Then, get into therapy yourself to cure your masochism.

Joo... No ei enää sääliavioliittoja sitten.  Grin

Kerrankin konkreettisia ohjeita  Grin
Viestejä: 186

« Vastaus #4 : 17.08.2008 12:48:48 »

Juno Aspects the Sun: There will be a tendency to attract showy, dramatic, Leo types of partners. Conversely, this person could themselves become more showy and dramatic after marriage. The harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile, and trine) can act in a similar fashion to Venus. They increase the charm and social graces to a degree. But Juno goes further. It can give one an air of innocence. We like people with Venus in conjunction the Sun because they are charming. Those with Juno in harmonious aspect to the Sun are liked because they are "cute." The stressful aspects, however, are indicators of ego conflicts with partners. Frequently, there are big problems with getting and holding on to a partner. In many cases, there is no desire to have a partner at all. Demetra George in her excellent book Asteroid Goddesses quotes Gloria Steinhem's famous answer to the question "Why didn't you ever get married?" Steinhem (who has the Sun in Aries square Juno in Capricorn) replied, "I don't mate well in captivity."[/i]

Juno  aspect_sex  aurinko  Hmm, Bob taitaa tuntea mut  Grin
Viestejä: 1237


Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #5 : 17.08.2008 12:49:44 »

Mistä nuo Junon aspektit saa selville?

Kun ei ainakaan tai tämä sivusto niistä kerro..
Viestejä: 121

« Vastaus #6 : 17.08.2008 13:01:51 »

minulla Juno huoneessa 3. ja jousimies.

mitäköhän tuosta yhdistelmästä tulee, ossaako kukkaan kertoa ??  Huh

 smitten smitten smitten
Viestejä: 1237


Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #7 : 17.08.2008 13:23:08 »

Niin, mutta kun siinä ei kuitenkaan kerrota mitään aspekteista.. Tai merkitä mitä aspekteja Juno tekee. Ainakaan en tajunnut. Siinä on se outo porraste mutta en ymmärrä sitä.  idiot2
^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #8 : 17.08.2008 15:52:17 »

Aries, jotain joukkarimaista kaipaat mieheesi tai suhteeseesi, ja ilmaisua. kas minullakin on tulossa tämä jousimiesteema, jos nyt oikein tulkitsen, ja 3 huone.

PUOLISO on kai aika radically eri kuin että, lähdetkö ulos, mennäänkö sinne ja tänne, olet jännittävä, puoliso kuulostaa joltain joka on syvempiä tunteita? heh, kestoa, sitovaa?

« Viimeksi muokattu: 17.08.2008 15:54:28 kirjoittanut ***Wild Star*** » tallennettu

Viestejä: 872

Lunar Leo - GROARRR!!!

« Vastaus #9 : 17.08.2008 19:08:57 »

Mulla  juno kauris ja 1. huoneessa - eli joku turvallisuutta ja materiaa (rahaa!) tarjoava uraohjus olisi meikäläisen mies 2funny 

Juno in Capricorn: Your need is for a practical partner who is a good organizer and can help you in business. Don't expect them to show too much emotion.

Juno in the 1st House: The  1st house is you, how you approach the world. Juno placed here can make being a partner the centerpiece of your life. Juno in the first house can also give you an air of innocence, something like a newborn child. This is especially true if Juno is within 10 degrees of the Ascendant and in the same sign.
- Juu, Juno sijaitsee mun kartalla 6 asteen päässä Nousumerkistä ja ovat siis samassa merkissä.

Aspekteja Junolle:

 juno aspect_ssx venus

Juno Aspects Venus: The attraction will be to a charming partner with good artistic ability and taste. At least that will tend to be true for the harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile and trine). The stressful aspects (square and opposition) could attract a lazy, slothful, and indolent partner. Partnership could also bring out these traits in you. With stressful aspects, there will tend to be a clash between your partnership needs (Juno) and your ability to express love and affection (Venus). As a result, you might find it difficult to express love to your partner (or vice-versa) and would seek to do this elsewhere. Years ago, there was a TV program called "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman" which was a satire on soap operas. Mary's husband had affairs with all the other women in town and was impotent only with her.

 juno aspect_ssx merkurius

Juno Aspects Mercury: Well, your partner won't be quiet. Forget the silent type. Anyone who marries you will have to communicate, communicate, communicate. The harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile and trine) indicate good communication between the two of you. It could also show that your ability to communicate improves with partnership. The stressful aspects (square and opposition) can indicate communication problems with partners. One of you may try to stifle the other here because you both want to talk at once. - Juu, no pakko myöntää, että miehen täytyy olla avoin tunteissaan ja keskustella kaikesta mun kanssa, sekä vakavammista että kevyemmistä aiheista.

 juno aspect_con mars (väljähkö, orbi 6 astetta)

Juno Aspects Mars: Marriage and partnership will stir you to action. In fact, you may need a partner to be active at all. The partners you attract will tend to be active, assertive, and aggressive. Conversely, having a partner may bring out these traits in you. The stressful aspects (conjunction, square, and opposition) are indicators of arguments with partners. One of you may try to dominate the other. crazy2 nyt tää alkaa jo mennä yli hilseen, näköjään määrätietoinen mies on sama kuin aggressiivinen, voihan pee  Undecided  Ja pakko tunnustaa, että itselläni on myös välillä taipumusta olla komenteleva, onhan mulla synt. kartalla 1. huoneen  mars sekä "kiltti" aspekti  mars aspect_squ pluto ..

 juno aspect_tri chiron

selitys puuttuu...

 juno aspect_con askendentti (väljähkö, orbi 6 astetta tässäkin)

Juno Aspects the Ascendant: Juno in conjunction with the Ascendant makes us more attractive, like Venus. But while Venus uses charm, Juno attracts by giving us an air of innocence, like that of a young baby. This trait is also present with the other harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) but not quite as strong. The opposition is not a stressful aspect here. Remember that an opposition to the Ascendant is also a conjunction to the Descendant. The conjunction to the Ascendant makes a person more marriage oriented, especially if Juno is in the 1st house. If Juno is on the 12th house side of the Ascendant, however, then there will still be an increased desire to marry, but there will be increased restrictions of some sort (see Juno in the 12th house). With the square aspect of Juno to the Mid-Heaven, there would tend to be extra stress in marriage that requires constant adjustment and re-adjustment. At least it will not be dull. - Joo, olen kieltämättä hyvin parisuhdekeskeinen, vaikka kaipaan myös reilusti omaa tilaa..

Lisäys: löytyihän sieltä vielä nämä, kun tarkemmin tillittää:

 juno puoli- aspect_squ uranus

Juno Aspects Uranus: If you have this combination in your horoscope (especially the stressful aspects, the conjunction, square, or opposition) I have a question for you. Let's say you walk into a room where there are twenty people, and nineteen of them are sane and normal, but the twentieth person either escaped from an insane asylum or just got off of a UFO, guess which one you would be most likely to marry? (Hint: it's not the first nineteen). Uranus always has to be Different. When Juno aspects Uranus, the partner or the partnership has to be different. With the harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) you don't get into as much trouble. The partner will tend to be independent, or very bright, or a bit odd. The partnership itself will likely be more "open" with each partner doing their own thing and going their own way. Uranus is fanatic about having enough of its own space. The stressful aspects can lead to several marriages. Elizabeth Taylor has Juno in Cancer square Uranus in Aries (Uranus is also in a close conjunction with Venus). Years ago, Julian Armistead gave a lecture on her chart. He had several of the press clippings that quoted her at the time of her marriages. Her first marriage to Nick Hilton: "I've never known it was possible to be this much in love. This is going to last forever." Her second marriage a couple of years later to Michael Wilding: "This time, it's the real thing. This is going to last forever." Her fifth marriage to - well who can keep track? "This time I mean it. It's the real thing." Juno in Cancer always wants it to last "forever" and Uranus always makes you think it's the "real thing." If you have a Juno/Uranus stress aspect, don't rush into marriage. And forget about having a partnership that is conventional. It would bore you to tears - and divorce. Make sure that you and your partner each has enough "space." It helps if one of you travels a lot (Uranus aspects are perfect for bi-costal marriages). Absence for this combination truly makes the heart grow fonder. - crazy2 Öh, no pakko myöntää, että mulla ON taipumusta ihastua outolintuihin/muuten vaan hankaliin ihmisiin - nykyinen on kanssa aika omituinen omalla tavallaan, vähän vaikeasti ymmärrettävä ihminen.. uglystupid2 2funny  Meillä synastriassa Urkki toistuu useaan otteeseen vahvasti aspektoituneena - friikkejä olemme juu crazy2

 juno aspect_squ pluto (tosin tämä on jo väljä, orbi 8 astetta)

Juno Aspects Pluto: Partners will tend to be intense and secretive. Sex can be volcanic. Pluto is the planet of extremes, death, and transformation. Either your power or that of your partner will be affected by marriage. One of you is likely to be transformed in some way. The harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) can bring out a strength you never thought you had. The stressful aspects (conjunction, square, and opposition) will bring out strength too, in the form of dictatorial attitudes and power struggles. One of you will try to dominate the other. The feelings towards the partner can easily go from "I love you" to "I hate you" to "I'm obsessed with you." Even if the two of you break up, this will be the partner you never forget (for better or worse). - Öh, miten mulla toi Pluto toistuu ja toistuu ihmissuhteissa, joko kumppanin kartalla tai sitten synastriassa.. Joku ihme taipumus vetää salaperäisiä ihmisiä puoleen - ja vetovoima onkin sitten sitä luokkaa, että pois alta ja oksat pois tieltä..! Cheesy  Mikään keskinkertainen ei vaan näköjään riitä, menoa ja meininkiä sekä vetovoimaa molemmin puolin pitää olla - en ole koskaan tyytynyt toiseksi parhaaseen suhteissa Cheesy

Ja vielä..

 juno puoli-  aspect_squ keskitaivas

Juno Aspects the Mid-Heaven: Aspects to the  Mid-Heaven affect one's career and "public image." Juno-ruled careers include marriage councilor and people who work in organizations that try to prevent wife-battering and child abuse. Like Venus, Juno has an attraction for all occupations that involve beauty and adornment. This also includes anything involving the arts. When it comes to career, it doesn't matter if an aspect to the Mid-Heaven is harmonious or stressful. In fact, the stressful aspects can frequently bring greater success since they generate more power. Those with harmonious aspects may take it too easy and not push hard enough. - Heh, no välillä tuntuu, että lepsuilen liikaakin, mutta sitten, kun otan härkää p*lleista kiinni, niin sitten sitä työtä painetaan persnahkat parkkiintuneena, kohti täydellisyyttä ja voittoa  Cheesy  Riippuu mielentilasta tuo voimankäyttö Wink
« Viimeksi muokattu: 19.08.2008 21:24:01 kirjoittanut mc82 » tallennettu

Aurinko 10-Merkurius 11-Venus 11-Uranus 10-Neptunus 11-Pallas 10-Ceres 11 Jousimies
Kuu 7 Leijona
Mars 1-Juno 1-Lilith 1 Kauris
Jupiter 9-Saturnus 8 Skorpioni
Pluto 8 Vaaka
Chiron 3 Härkä
Vesta 1 Vesimies
Vertex 7-PF 7 Neitsyt
Noususolmu 6 Rapu
AC Kauris (DC Rapu)
MC Jousimies (IC Kaksonen
Viestejä: 278

« Vastaus #10 : 17.08.2008 20:21:43 »

Juno in Leo: No, your partner does not have to be in show business, but they will tend to have showy qualities, be creative, or be very playful. On the other hand, they may be arrogant, bossy childlike, or immature, especially if Juno makes some stress aspects. In any case, give up any idea of attracting a shy, retiring type.

Juno in the 8th House: You need a Sex Machine for a partner. Since the 8th house rules the partner's possessions, well, they may regard you as a possession (especially if there are stress aspects). Marriage and partnership can also help you to reconstruct or transform yourself (whether you want to or not).

Heh, kuinkas ollakaan.. Grin  Kypsymätön, leikkisä, omistushaluinen seksipeto. No on niillä ollu muitakin ominaisuuksia..!

To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
Viestejä: 278

« Vastaus #11 : 17.08.2008 20:35:55 »

Aspektit: juno aspect_con kuu
Juno Aspects the Moon: The attraction will be to emotional and nurturing partners, and domestic types. At least they will tend to be nurturing with the harmonious aspects conjunction, sextile and trine. The stressful aspects (square and opposition) can indicate a clash between your emotional and partnership needs. You could get a partner who is over-emotional or whines a lot. Conversely, the partner could bring out those traits in you.

-emotional and nurturing partners..yes..- smitten

 juno aspect_sex merkurius
Juno Aspects Mercury: Well, your partner won't be quiet. Forget the silent type. Anyone who marries you will have to communicate, communicate, communicate. The harmonious aspects (conjunction, sextile and trine) indicate good communication between the two of you. It could also show that your ability to communicate improves with partnership. The stressful aspects (square and opposition) can indicate communication problems with partners. One of you may try to stifle the other here because you both want to talk at once.

-kyllä, hyvin on kommunikoitu.Aina puhuttu kaikesta. crazy2

juno aspect_tri neptunus
Juno Aspects Neptune: If you have a stressful aspect (conjunction, square, or opposition) between Juno and Neptune, please, PLEASE do not marry someone because you feel sorry for them or because you want to "save" them. Remember this magic number. If you do, you will never again have the problem of getting into a marriage for the wrong reasons. Please memorize it. It's 911. Dial that and have them taken away so they can be helped by a professional. Then, get into therapy yourself to cure your masochism. On the positive side especially with the harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) the partner will tend to be sensitive, empathetic, and imaginative. Marriage and partnership can also bring out these same traits in you. In all cases, there will be an inclination to over idealize the partner, to see what we want to see about them.

- the partner will tend to be sensitive, empathetic, and imaginative..kyllä!-

juno aspect_sex pluto
Juno Aspects Pluto: Partners will tend to be intense and secretive. Sex can be volcanic. Pluto is the planet of extremes, death, and transformation. Either your power or that of your partner will be affected by marriage. One of you is likely to be transformed in some way. The harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) can bring out a strength you never thought you had. The stressful aspects (conjunction, square, and opposition) will bring out strength too, in the form of dictatorial attitudes and power struggles. One of you will try to dominate the other. The feelings towards the partner can easily go from "I love you" to "I hate you" to "I'm obsessed with you." Even if the two of you break up, this will be the partner you never forget (for better or worse).

-Sex can be volcanic..eikun sex IS volcanic  Wink.


To know it is to be fearless, and to know it is to be full of love.
Viestejä: 382

« Vastaus #12 : 17.08.2008 22:10:32 »

Mä en löytäny tota kyseistä sivua. Voisko joku kattoa mitä jousimies 12. huoneessa meinaa ??


Viestejä: 186

« Vastaus #13 : 18.08.2008 10:16:40 »
Viestejä: 1096

« Vastaus #14 : 18.08.2008 11:25:09 »

Mulla Juno Kauriissa, joten tarvitsen kuulemma käytännöllisen partnerin.
4. huone ja aspekteja

 juno aspect_tri askendentti
 juno aspect_squ uranus
 juno aspect_sex kuu
 juno aspect_squ chiron

Parasta oli tämä:
Juno Aspects Uranus: If you have this combination in your horoscope (especially the stressful aspects, the conjunction, square, or opposition) I have a question for you. Let's say you walk into a room where there are twenty people, and nineteen of them are sane and normal, but the twentieth person either escaped from an insane asylum or just got off of a UFO, guess which one you would be most likely to marry? (Hint: it's not the first nineteen). Uranus always has to be Different. When Juno aspects Uranus, the partner or the partnership has to be different. With the harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) you don't get into as much trouble. The partner will tend to be independent, or very bright, or a bit odd. The partnership itself will likely be more "open" with each partner doing their own thing and going their own way. Uranus is fanatic about having enough of its own space. The stressful aspects can lead to several marriages. Elizabeth Taylor has Juno in Cancer square Uranus in Aries. If you have a Juno/Uranus stress aspect, don't rush into marriage. And forget about having a partnership that is conventional. It would bore you to tears - and divorce. Make sure that you and your partner each has enough "space." It helps if one of you travels a lot (Uranus aspects are perfect for bi-costal marriages). Absence for this combination truly makes the heart grow fonder.

Onhan tässä "vähän" tottakin.  angel

Hyvin menee, mutta menköön Afro
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