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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Saiskos vähän valaistusta chironin ja bluton oppariin?  (Luettu 3211 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 4 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 1173

« : 30.08.2008 16:46:30 »

 Minun kartalla  chiron(dc:llä) aspect_opp :pluto:a,-- ja  chiron aspect_tri neptunus

 Kaipaisin näihin kommentteja??? Undecided smitten
Viestejä: 651

« Vastaus #1 : 30.08.2008 18:08:37 »

tässä sinulle

Chiron and Neptune: Neptune rules dreams, imagination, and intuition. On the negative side, it shows where we try to avoid any reality that we find unpleasant. Sometimes this can manifest as a rejection of anything "mystical." Or the other extreme could come out and produce someone who can't make a move without consulting a psychic. The intuitive powers may feel blocked. Conversely, they may be active with a vengeance and constantly contradict the "logical" conclusions that are reached. Chiron/Neptune could make for someone who constantly "malingers" and avoids all unpleasant situations (anything requiring work or contact with reality). The alternative is a person who is hard working, "responsible" in a very conventional way, and suppresses their imaginative-creative side. Then, all of a sudden, they become an alcoholic, drug addict, or have a mental breakdown of some sort. They could also fall in "love" with someone who has these problems (or who is a con artist) and get completely drained, even ruined. A perfect example of this comes from the world of literature: the professor that Marlene Dietrich's character ruined in "The Blue Angel." The way to deal with Chiron/Neptune is to strike a balance, to let the Neptune genie out of the bottle in a constructive way, to give vent to the sympathy and imagination without giving up reality. If you've been repressing the Neptune, take a class in art (or better yet, dance). Do some volunteer charity work. If you happen to be the malingering type of Chiron/Neptune, your cover is blown. The malingering is not the real problem. It is the smokescreen you put up to hide your real problems. Wake up and deal with them.

Chiron and Pluto: Pluto is like a super version of Mars. One of the main differences is that Mars is usually open and overt, while Pluto rules hidden, subconscious forces that build unseen and then explode with volcanic power. On the negative side, Chiron/Pluto aspects can (like Chiron/Mars) cause one to be an aggressive bully. But Mars will just push others around; Pluto wants to totally dominate. A highly negative example is Francisco Assis, the Brazilian serial killer, who has the opposition of Chiron to his 5th house placement of Pluto. The 5th house rules romance. Let me remind you again that one aspect by itself does not make for a mass murderer. There are very few serial killers in the world, but because Chiron and Pluto both move slowly, almost everyone born in that same year had this aspect, and that could mean over a million people. The reason Chiron/Pluto can cause one to act in a domineering manner is to compensate for subconscious fear of being weak and helpless. The cure for this Chiron Pluto type is to confront their own inner feelings of weakness. Conversely, the Pluto power could be suppressed. The result could be someone who is always getting picked on by bullies, or coming out on the wrong end of power struggles. They are afraid of letting their power out. Most likely, when they were children, any release of that tremendous Pluto force caused their parents to come down hard, and Pluto was pushed underground. The cure here is to recognize and take responsibility for one's own power, and to find ways to let it out constructively. A more positive example of Pluto/Chiron is Jonas Salk, the inventor of the first effective anti-polio vaccine. He did not have an aspect between Chiron and Pluto, but he had the Sun opposite the Chiron/Pluto midpoint. In his case, the positive, healing side of both Chiron and Pluto came out dramatically. Another positive example is George Bernard Shaw, who had Chiron in the 9th house (philosophy, publishing, "higher" mental functions) making a square aspect with Pluto in the 12th house (restrictions, "hidden" things). His Chiron was also opposite the Sun and Venus, so the power came out mostly in intellectual matters.

Huh huh.... aikamoista tekstiä, löydätkö itsesi?

Taivasta katsellen ja ihmetellen
Viestejä: 1173

« Vastaus #2 : 30.08.2008 19:44:35 »

 Kiitos meruska,- mutta "saiskos saman suomeksi",- no jaa aikakin jonkin verran, jotain

 tärkeimpiä jutskuja.   Kiss
Viestejä: 651

« Vastaus #3 : 31.08.2008 12:46:56 »

sanakirja vaan käteen. niin minäkin olen kahlannut omat tulkintani läpi.  coolsmiley
Rohkeutta. smitten smitten

Taivasta katsellen ja ihmetellen
Viestejä: 1173

« Vastaus #4 : 31.08.2008 13:16:24 »

 täytyypä yrittää,- se vaan kestää.  smitten smitten
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