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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Pluton aspekteihin apua kaipaisin..  (Luettu 6840 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 6 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 1236


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« : 04.09.2008 17:19:07 »

Syntymäkarttani Pluto siis tekee seuraavat aspektit;

 pluto aspect_ssx merkurius
 pluto aspect_sex venus
 pluto aspect_con mars
 pluto aspect_tri jupiter
 pluto aspect_sex saturnus
 pluto aspect_tri chiron
 pluto aspect_sex neptunus

Mitä ne tarkoittavat? Kiinnostaa kovasti, koska Pluto nyt on melko vaikuttava tekijä (vai?) syntymäkartalla ylipäätään. Eivät omasta mielestäni ainaskaan näyttäneet kovin pahalta nuo transiitit.. Laitanpa vielä tuo kartan tuonne alas, sieltä näkee merkit ja huonesijainnin..
« Viimeksi muokattu: 04.09.2008 17:38:06 kirjoittanut Eileithyia » tallennettu
Corvus Leonis
Viestejä: 1652

Kaikkien sisällä on jokainen meistä.

« Vastaus #1 : 23.09.2008 07:23:39 »

Nuo ei ole muuten mitään pahoja, paitsi Pluton yhtymästä Marsille kannattaa olla tarkkana. Se on kaksipiippuinen juttu, jossa on keskitettävä kaikki voimansa päästäkseen päämääräänsä tai muut kävelevät ylitse.
Viestejä: 3621

« Vastaus #2 : 23.09.2008 07:40:55 »

Pluto sextile Venus - astrological aspect
Astrology aspects - Pluto sextile VenusThe sextile aspect is an easier one to experience than the conjuncion or the challenging square and opposition. The state of a more harmonious inner balance is easier to find; and there is a more realistic appreciation and understanding of the nature of human love and relationships.

The experience of your feelings and emotions will be strong, but will be able to be absorbed into a personal integration rather than be a compulsive dominating energy driving your life. This means that you should be able to gain some perspsective upon the patterns of your emotional life, to see the rhythmic cycle, and to apply common sense, logic, and rationality to moderate any obsessive tendencies emanating from that level.

Understanding is a key for you; and you have an insight into the potentially transformative and beneficial power of love in a human life. To you, having a successful intimate relationship is a high priority, although you will tend to be very careful in your choice of partners. What you require is a partner who is capable of developing with you, as the relationship matures and changes over time, where there is a natural love and respect for each other, with mutual or compatible interests, and where both will benefit from each other's company. Running through the partnership will be a thread of purpose and meaning, perhaps a joint life direction to be aimed towards, which is nourished by a high degree of real communication and sharing. Your ideals are high, but are achievable in real life; the key to success lies in right mutual choice; and this can come about through a series of events that could imply that the partnership is 'fated' to occur. Feeling this way can give a strength and inner commmitment to the relationship at those times when mutual adjustment and personal change are required for the relationship to progress and deepen over the years.

Sexuality will be important to you, but not compulsively so, as you will see it as a natural, enjoyable aspect of adult life, and are unlikely to have any damaging feelings of unease about physical expressions of love and affection. Talents in the arts or music are at least latent in you; and if you draw these out strongly enough, you may discover that you have quite an original creative ability to display.

  Right now: Moon at 13°25' Cancer, Sun at 0°32' Libra 

Pluto conjunct Mars
Pluto conjunct Mars - astrological aspect
Astrology aspects - Pluto conjunct MarsThis aspect should give you considerable physical energy and vitality which you can apply to tasks requiring persistence, determination and endurance. You are able to direct a potent will towards realising your aims; and your innate vitality when rightly directed will be the means by which you steer your life course.

The energy can tend to amplify any self-centred tendencies in you, stimulating your desire nature and setting goals to achieve which would be primarily for your own personal benefit and satisfaction. You may like to create challenges for yourself, as a test for the efficacy of your 'powers'. If this tendency is allowed to dictate life choices, then you may become dominated by an insatiable desire compulsion, which is rarely fulfilled; this can reflect a certain naivety or innocence in your outlook which is essentially selfish and adolescent in quality; and the 'I want' syndrome may need more consicous moderation in order for you to regain control.

Often you will prefer to assert your individuality, sometimes even as a compulsive expression despite the reactions of others. You may not always think things through enough, or consider the possible implications of your actions and words prior to committing yourself. This can obviously create some difficulties for you; it is similar to the behaviour of an adolescent, which as most parents discover can lead to considerable family friction.

You will have a dislike of restrictions imposed upon you, always having a need for as much freedom as possible. If you feel that your energy is imprisoned, then you will be looking for the way out, feeling that before too long your energy will explode, and this can be quite uncomfortable. To minimise this, you should try to develop your life so that your choices of partner and work are reasonably compatible with your needs, if only to avoid unnecessary inner friction.

In your intimate relationships, you may be too forceful and aggressive. The Pluto energy will tend to make you too possessive and demanding of a partner; and you may attempt to dominate by your sexual expression. Sexual experiences will hold great meaning for you; and you will try to release much of your physical vigour on the physical level in an intense and potentially transforming manner. You may need to gain greater control over this aspect of yourself, to avoid it becoming obsessive or too extreme and violent in approach or tone.

As you mature more, you may discover an increasing interest in and awareness of social concerns; and this can be a fruitful channel through which to express your vitality and talents. You can be quite useful in encouraging others to apply their positions of power and influence to work for greater social benefit; and your ability to resolve difficult situations by strength of will can be creatively positive.

  Right now: Moon at 13°25' Cancer, Sun at 0°32' Libra 

Pluto trine Jupiter
Pluto trine Jupiter - astrological aspect
Astrology aspects - Pluto trine JupiterAs with the sextile aspect, the trine indicates the potential of releasing a powerful creative energy emerging from a humanistic and spiritual perspective, which will be of positive use to yourself and the world.

Your innate optimism and belief in the essential goodness of life will turn your inner faith into an effective ability to manifest your creative vision, especially as you are able to channel your will into constructive forms of expression.

Your contribution to society may well be in working closely with people; and you have the gift of being able to inspire others to discover how to experience life more intensely and creatively and to release their own latent talents. This can involve you in the expression of a sort of life philosophy which can be adopted by others on their path to self-understanding. Obviously, any such influence must be carefully handled by you, both in how your own self-perception is changed and in what you offer to others or share with them. There is a great responsibility to be assumed when presenting yourself in a way that can have considerable influence on others' lives; and awareness must be shown and applied to ensure integrity is maintained, that the 'teaching' is as honest and valid as possible, that there is freedom for disagreement or new thinking to occur, and that it is understood that 'your way' is not the only or most appropriate way for everyone. In fact, even direct opposition from another may be the right way for them to unfold themselves or to discover new insights, and could be right for you as a stimulus to re-evaluate your own path and attitudes.

Primarily, you seem to function in a role of 'educator', and you are likely to develop into an effective speaker, clearly expounding your beliefs, ideas and attitudes, and being quite persuasive in that way. You tend to need personal freedom, and dislike being tied down into predictable patterns of behaviour, as you may feel that you need to be relatively free in order to be able to respond to what you consider to be insights and intuitions. You support social transformation, and will reflect the unified vision as the direction for the future, offering a meaning and inspiring purpose for people to aim towards. You may find that a personal transformation is required of you prior to you fulfilling your potential role and function. Initially, this could involve considerable challenges facing you which require overcoming, or elements in your personal life that lead to periodic crises which lead eventually to wisdom and insight as a result of personal suffering.

  Right now: Moon at 13°26' Cancer, Sun at 0°32' Libra 

Pluto sextile Saturn
Pluto sextile Saturn - astrological aspect
Astrology aspects - Pluto sextile SaturnYou should have the ability to organise, control and focus your will-power effectively in order to achieve your ambitions. Similar to those with the conjunction, you can act as a 'magician' transmitting occult energies and influence through established structures; the purpose of such impulses will be varied, sometimes constructive, sometimes destructive or preservative in their initial impact and appearance. A Pluto impact via Saturn can seem to be very negative and destructive at first, as it can shatter the existing foundations, yet its purpose is rebirth and regeneration, breaking old outgrown limitations to create the space for the new direction to emerge through.

You may need to learn how to apply this energy in a practical way, probably through a self-initiated discipline and clear awareness of the way in which you wish to use it. Certainly, you will need to consider your aims carefully, planning and adjusting your approach according to strengths and weaknesses.

Success is important to you, materially and psychologically; and you will try very hard to become an achiever in whichever sphere of life you choose. Some degree of frustration is inevitable, but you tend to believe that with perseverance and a realistic self-appraisal you are capable of success - eventually. You believe that expeirence is the best teacher, and that a sign of intelligence is to make full use of that experience for the purposes of growth; and that involves learning and understanding life's lessons as soon as possible, to avoid unnecessary painful repetition. You can be intolerant of others who learn slowly, or who insist on repeating the same mistakes over and over again, thus spoiling their own lives. Taking responsibility for one's own life is important to you; and you understand the crucial role of choice in life, knowing that a life is determined by the nature of choices made, whether seemingly important or trivial in nature. Unwise choices invariably lead to more suffering for yourself and others, and could often be avoided if more thought and awareness were applied before decisions were taken.

A feeling of security is important to you, reflecting the known boundaries of Saturn; yet you are more alive to the necessity of change in life, and are less inclined to resist this, than are those with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Emotionally, you accept the inner mutability and flow more naturally, and so do not create a problem of emotionally-based repression erupting into an uncontrollable destructiveness in your relationships.

Viestejä: 3621

« Vastaus #3 : 23.09.2008 07:44:02 »

Laitoin tuohon noita tulkintoja jotka löysin netistä. Pluto on tärkeä minulle myös koska minulla on monia pluto aspekteja mm. pluto on oppositiossa aurinkoon, kuuhun, venukseen ja marsiin. Sekä pluto on neliössä askendanttiin.
Olen hirveästi joutunut tekemään töitä itseni kanssa etten yrittäisi hallita muiden elämää tai yrittää sellaista, tempperamenttini kanssa on painittu myös Smiley
« Vastaus #4 : 24.09.2008 09:52:36 »

Juuri äsken lueskelin hirveän kasan karttani aspekteista ja ei niistä valmisteksteistä oikein saa mitään selvää. Kaikki ovat ristiriidassa keskenään.  Tongue
Tulkintaan kannattaa kai sitten ottaa huoneet mukaan, niin tietää millä tavalla se aspekti itselle vaikuttaa. Tosta kartasta iski mulle silmään tuo pluto-mars yhtymä ICllä. Ilmennätkö sitten tätä hallitsevuutta siellä perheoloissa, tai saatko ylihallitsevan miehen kumppaniksi.. Toisaalta se aspekti on kolmoshuoneen puolella, olisiko siinä sitten tätä epäsovinnaisen ja aggressiivisen toimittajan henkeä?

Mitä muuten Kato Vega tarkoitat tuolla "Pluton yhtymästä Marsille kannattaa olla tarkkana. Se on kaksipiippuinen juttu, jossa on keskitettävä kaikki voimansa päästäkseen päämääräänsä tai muut kävelevät ylitse." ?
^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #5 : 24.09.2008 11:50:43 »

Pluto sextile Venus - astrological aspect
Astrology aspects - Pluto sextile VenusThe sextile aspect is an easier one to experience than the conjuncion or the challenging square and opposition. The state of a more harmonious inner balance is easier to find; and there is a more realistic appreciation and understanding of the nature of human love and relationships.

The experience of your feelings and emotions will be strong, but will be able to be absorbed into a personal integration rather than be a compulsive dominating energy driving your life. This means that you should be able to gain some perspsective upon the patterns of your emotional life, to see the rhythmic cycle, and to apply common sense, logic, and rationality to moderate any obsessive tendencies emanating from that level.

Understanding is a key for you; and you have an insight into the potentially transformative and beneficial power of love in a human life. To you, having a successful intimate relationship is a high priority, although you will tend to be very careful in your choice of partners. What you require is a partner who is capable of developing with you, as the relationship matures and changes over time, where there is a natural love and respect for each other, with mutual or compatible interests, and where both will benefit from each other's company. Running through the partnership will be a thread of purpose and meaning, perhaps a joint life direction to be aimed towards, which is nourished by a high degree of real communication and sharing.

*Tämähän on nyt menossa, mutta siis missä ovat kasvamaan kykenevät.. taloudellisesti ja henkisesti.. no en tiedä, tuntuu että joku tulee mutta jos se on taas jotain sinnepäin, enpä paljon panosta. Tämä aspekti loppuu minulla maaliskuussa.

Viestejä: 1236


Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #6 : 24.09.2008 11:53:57 »

Toisaalta se aspekti on kolmoshuoneen puolella, olisiko siinä sitten tätä epäsovinnaisen ja aggressiivisen toimittajan henkeä?

Mitä muuten Kato Vega tarkoitat tuolla "Pluton yhtymästä Marsille kannattaa olla tarkkana. Se on kaksipiippuinen juttu, jossa on keskitettävä kaikki voimansa päästäkseen päämääräänsä tai muut kävelevät ylitse." ?

Ensiksi, kiitos Artemikselle teksteistä!  smitten

Ave; No löydän itsestäni ainakin sen puolen, että ilmaisen mielipiteeni hyvin selvästi - jopa hyökkäävästi  tickedoff silloin, kun todella joku kanta johonkin asiaan löytyy. Smiley Ja siihen ei kellään ole vastaan sanomista varmasti.
^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #7 : 24.09.2008 11:55:46 »

kannattaisi sinun katsoa auringonpaluukarttaa, että tietäisit mitä juuri nyt on menossa eikä yleisesti. itsellä ap kolmosessa    pluto   aspect_squ   saturnus  no en tiedä mitä merkkaa, ei tunnu estävän matkoja joita tulee koko ajan. nyt vain mietin menenkö loka/joulukuun matkojen välissä ennen helmikuun matkaa, jonnekin marraskuussa vai keväällä. mikä suunta kiehtoo (tiedän).

mutta kolmonenhan oli serkut ja kommunikointikin.. lyhytmatkat lähinnä.

Viestejä: 1236


Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #8 : 24.09.2008 12:21:49 »

No ap;llä on parhaillaan (jos Plutosta puhutaan)  saturnus aspect_squ pluto sekä

 pluto aspect_con keskitaivas
ja mikäköhän tuo outo väkänen tuolla on..?  Pluto tekee jotain Chironille.. No, kartta on tässä;

Corvus Leonis
Viestejä: 1652

Kaikkien sisällä on jokainen meistä.

« Vastaus #9 : 24.09.2008 15:37:35 »

Mitä muuten Kato Vega tarkoitat tuolla "Pluton yhtymästä Marsille kannattaa olla tarkkana. Se on kaksipiippuinen juttu, jossa on keskitettävä kaikki voimansa päästäkseen päämääräänsä tai muut kävelevät ylitse." ?

Ko. aspekti maksimoi ihmisen potentiaalin tavoitteiden saavuttamiseen, mutta sen vaikutus riippuu paljolti miten Mars on luonnostaan aspektoitunut kartalla. Pluto aktivoi tällöin Marsin itsensä lisäksi siihen kohdistuvat positiiviset kuin negatiiviset aspektitkin, eli nataalikartan Mars-aspekteja vilkaisemalla voit nähdä millaiset energiat saat puolellesi tai vastaasi Pluton transiitin aikana.

Minulla tuo transiitti on edessä muutaman vuoden kuluttua 3.huoneesta ja se heittää myös tuolloin sekstiiliä Merkuriukselle, sinänsä neutraalia enkä odota siltä mitään järisyttävää. Sen sijaan sen neliö asciin on hieman eri juttu...
Viestejä: 1236


Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #10 : 25.09.2008 10:38:41 »

Ko. aspekti maksimoi ihmisen potentiaalin tavoitteiden saavuttamiseen, mutta sen vaikutus riippuu paljolti miten Mars on luonnostaan aspektoitunut kartalla. Pluto aktivoi tällöin Marsin itsensä lisäksi siihen kohdistuvat positiiviset kuin negatiiviset aspektitkin, eli nataalikartan Mars-aspekteja vilkaisemalla voit nähdä millaiset energiat saat puolellesi tai vastaasi Pluton transiitin aikana.

No ne sieltä löytyy yksi yhtymä, kaksi avautuvaa sekstiiliä ja kaksi kolmiota. Tai siis ainakin nuo on ne mitkä tehdään marsille. Onko siis niillä aspekteilla mitä Mars itse tekee mitään merkitystä tuon Pluton aktivointiin? Mars itse tekee kaksi aspektia Merkuriukselle ja Venukselle. Sulkeutuva semisekstiili ja sulkeutuva sekstiili.


 pluto aspect_con mars
 neptunus aspect_sex mars
 chiron aspect_tri mars
 saturnus aspect_sex mars
 jupiter aspect_tri mars

 mars aspect_ssx merkurius
 mars aspect_sex venus
Corvus Leonis
Viestejä: 1652

Kaikkien sisällä on jokainen meistä.

« Vastaus #11 : 25.09.2008 12:00:40 »

Onko siis niillä aspekteilla mitä Mars itse tekee mitään merkitystä tuon Pluton aktivointiin?

On, koska Pluto aktivoi samalla nekin. Tosin nuo mainitsemasi aspektit eivät sinänsä ole mistään dramaattisimmasta päästä. Venus-aspektin aktivoinnin ansiosta rahantienaamiskapasiteetti paranee, paremman palkan, bonuksien, muiden etuuksien ja korkeamman elintason tavoitteleminen tuottaa tavallista todennäköisemmin tulosta.

Muiden ulkoplaneettojen tekemät aspektit tukevat samaa.
Sivuja: [1]