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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Magiasta ja suht muustakin...  (Luettu 15039 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 1482

Ea Mai

« Vastaus #15 : 07.12.2008 23:00:16 »

Minuus, persoonallisuus, itseys, egous what next?  Me?

ja voiko olla ylempää tai alempaa jos ylhäällä on niinkuin alhaalla?  idiot2

tv: pullamössö
« Viimeksi muokattu: 07.12.2008 23:18:04 kirjoittanut Mio » tallennettu

The clay of reality is molded in dreams
Viestejä: 1482

Ea Mai

« Vastaus #16 : 27.12.2008 07:48:08 »

Vastaan tuli tuosta number seiskasta juttua:

Tää on kans hyvä...  :Smiley

There is nothing "outside" to God as God is the center and circumference of the cosmos at once omnipresent. God is in constant contact with every atom and all life forms via the zero-point field and its DNA "messenger molecules" and this truth then establishes the bedrock for all science of soul wisdom teachings.

In other words, to be a Christ means to possess Cosmic Consciousness and thereby be able to access the knowledge of heaven on earth. And as Alan F. Alford of Walsall, England heartily declares: "Ancient sages believed that the future destiny of mankind lay in a return to the Source, i.e. to God and Heaven.

Do you know where the word "devil" comes from? Do you know how the Devil was created? Yes, created, because that is precisely what has happened. As opposed to something real and set in stone that mankind has merely perceived, the Devil is a creation of man's mind. Take, for example, the current impression of a man with horns and a pitchfork.

This is a compilation of characters from other mythologies, incorporating elements of the Greek god of nature Pan, for instance. What this means is that the Devil is a not a real person of demonic nature running around the universe terrorizing people with "his" godlike but evil powers.

Although there is evil in the cosmos even Absolute Evil the current construct that humans perceive as the Evil One is an anthropomorphic version based in mythology. True evil is not personal, not a single being. It is merely a quality that can be possessed by anyone.

In God's Name Not the Devil's

In light of the fact that so-called holy scriptures record one barbarous, murderous act after another attributed to "God," it is not surprising that the "Devil" was once considered divine! Perhaps the Devil brings peace, and not a sword, to humanity.

Considering how many people have been killed in the name of God and not the Devil, maybe the world is worshipping the wrong entity. Perhaps the Indians and the Greeks were right in the first place. Think about it: No army has ever marched off to war in the name of the Devil. Kill all the war gods, and then maybe there will be peace.  Grin

Nearly every group that has fought in war has believed in a god who was on its particular side. Each cult or faction which has won has believed that its god provided it with the win; and each that has lost has believed that its god abandoned it.

As it turns out, it is pure egotism to believe that some god person is on your side and opposes your enemy. Every side or individual in a conflict or debate believes this, and each is wrong.

Belief Proves Nothing Truth Must Be Known

The clay of reality is molded in dreams
Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 2

« Vastaus #17 : 30.01.2009 03:08:42 »

Tuossa vähäsen kivaa iltalukemista Johannes Nefastokselta. Kannattaa tutustua tuotantoonsa tarkemminkin, tuolta Azazelin tähden sivuilta saa tilattua.

Post no1!  Smiley
Viestejä: 2899

« Vastaus #18 : 31.01.2009 02:25:02 »

Joo, vimeisen sodan seurauksena on juuri toi Kabala merkitys noussut-eli ymmartaminen, joka tulee yleensa jalkikateen ihmisymmarryksella(Jagobin ens. luku ei tarvitse edes Kabalah vaan riittaa raamattu)siina saa syyn ja seurauksen lait-ei tarvitse pitaa kuin ns. elamankirjana ja sita saa ohjeet(ei mikaan uskonnollinen kirja)
Yleensa ymmarrys pidetaan mustana magiana-koska sita eivat muut ymmarra....
Viestejä: 1482

Ea Mai

« Vastaus #19 : 04.02.2009 18:43:38 »

Tonne ku kirjottaa hakusanaks vaikka sen magickin tai alchemyn niin johan on taas sulattelemista..

Ja sitten musiikkiin:

The clay of reality is molded in dreams
Viestejä: 6618

Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #20 : 04.02.2009 19:44:35 »

black magic woman ajan teemaan sopivasti
Lilith pluto kauris
Rakkauden enkeli
« Vastaus #21 : 05.02.2009 14:15:52 »

Voima tulee pimeäksi vasta silloin, kun sitä käytetään pahaan, mutta itsessään mikään voima ei ole hyvä eikä paha. Ne voimat, mitä valkoiset maagikot, hyvät tietäjät käyttävät, ne ovat aivan samoja mitä mustatkin käyttävät, mutta valkoiset käyttävät niitä hyvään.

Amen.  smitten angel

Saturnalia, sinuna olisin kuitenkin hieman varovainen sen mustan raamatun kanssa...  :Smiley
Sivuja: 1 [2]