Minä juoksen. Jokainen ihminen jonka kanssa olen elämäni aikana kävellyt huutaa mulle aina "pitääkö meidän juosta"!!!!
Liikun nopeasti kuin elohopea
On mullakin tissit, mutta ei ne mahtavat ole
Toisaalta, kokoiselleni tytölle varmaan aavistuksen normaalia suuremmat. Siis ihan kun kokeilee paitoja. Paitakokoni on hyvin pieni muuten mutta tissit mahtuvat vain kokoa suurempaan paitaan, siis jos puhutaan vaikkapa napitettavista paidoista..
Olen keskikokoa rinnan kohdalta, muuten normikokoa pienempi.
Mulla kyllä pitää tuo oinas ja rapu paikkaansa osin. Kasvot on kolmion, tai sydämen muotoiset. Ja mun keho on melkolailla oinasmainen. Lihakset ei ole suuret mutta ne näkyvät. Ravusta tulee mantelisilmät
Miehelläni on ne myös. Ja tunteikkaat silmät. Minun silmäni kertovat mitä tunnen. Ne voivat olla surulliset, vihaiset, jäätävät tai ahdistuneet jne..
Though it may sound like explicitly physical traits, (strongly defined facial lines, bony structure, triangular shape of face, edginess, sharp eyes) it's something deeper too. The speech and "feel" of a strong Aries personality is also "angular". They're like rocky formations in human form, even if they're chubby or downright fat. To put it quite vague; they seem precisely contained within their "container" or form. Sometimes this form projects a sense of disproportionality. For example, a woman with strong Aries energies may be endowed with a heavy bosom, while the lower part of her body is firm, slight and hard. There is often an impression of tightness and density of muscle in both genders. Look for an active, explosive quality, like a soldier always ready to march onto war, eagerly naive but also proud. Arians are idealistic and positive, and they believe they can do just about anything. Self-centeredness is common.
Cancer is the child of the Moon, and is usually betrayed by her eyes. Eyes are usually quite large, almond-shaped and in a peculiar way luminous - meaning they're light in color or give the impression of light. The eyes tend to be watery and full of emotion even if the Cancer tries to hide it. If you get the impression that you are looking at a full or half moon contrasting a backdrop of darkness, you can take a fair guess that you're looking at a Cancer born. Although there are quite a few exceptions to the rule, you typically won't notice a Cancer immediately. Perhaps more than any other sign, the Crab sneaks up on you, subtly. You catch a glimpse of him or her in the corner of your eyes after a few hours at a party. Then they linger on your mind, quietly, and you don't quite know what role they have to play. Always eager to help and take care of things, Cancer is the one who'll fetch a bag of ice and hold it against the head of an accident-prone guest, or the one helping the host to remove spilled wine from the carpet.