hei, suomalainen versio tästä on kyllä Erika Ehn, ainakin jos pitää kanavoida mestareita ja neuvoa elämän solmuissa+ sitten tämä ylösnousemus.. enkelityöntekijöitäkin on. täytyy koettaa bongata vastaava tilaisuus tässä jossain vaiheessa muualta. yksisarviset kuulostavat aika sadulta. onko niitä??
laitoin Dianan 2012 textin palstalle, vaikutti itsestäni ihan ok jutulta, samaa mitä itse olen uumoillut.. tietysti aika rajuja muutoksia.
Hi Diana,
I am in a dilemma now. My girlfriend is a Christian (very Religious) and I am more open minded. Meaning that, even though I came from a Buddhist family, I believe that this world is full of wonders from GOD. All Religions came from Him. But she has her own belief. If we are to move forward in our relationship, I have to convert to Christianity as she wants a Christian family and Church marriage (as I understand that in order to get married in Church, both need to be Christian).
I know couples with different Religions can co-exist together but she does not want to tolerate this because she told me she loves Jesus very much and nobody can take her away from him. I told her I believe in GOD but she said my God is different. I am just sad that humans have twisted Religions to their own use and manipulated people. Does the Bible/Christianity really say that you need to convert in order to get married with your love ones? (I know in Islam, you need to convert to get married.) I read from Diana's book and I personally know that GOD promotes free will and choice and does not force. So, I am just disappointed that many Religious groups are using GOD and Heaven to expand their influence and members for their own personal agenda/gains and not encouraging unity among different races, belief, background, Religions, and not allowing the spirit/soul to be free. And thus, many people follow blindly. -Very sad indeed. I love my girlfriend and I want to be with her but I do not know how to handle this. Religion/Belief vs Happiness/Love?
What does Diana and the Angels/Ascended Master/Spiritual Masters said and advice about this? Will I still be able to talk and seek guidance from my guide, Kuan Yin (Goddess of Mercy) after I convert? Kuan Yin has been looking after me since I was born. I respected and loved her. I worry that she will be unhappy with me.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
Dear James,
It sounds as if you are a free spirit with an understanding of spirituality and Oneness. Any religion is a valid spiritual path and Jesus is the embodiment of unconditional love, which everyone must endeavour to embrace for ascension.
But it does sound as if your girl friend is very rigid and this comes from underlying fear. Anyone who believes their God is different, is sending out signals that they cannot accommodate Oneness. It sounds as if this would be very restrictive and frustrating for you.
As I belong to no religion but acknowledge them all I cannot comment on whether you will be allowed to channel your guide as a Christian of your girl friend’s sect. But Kuan Yin is a wonderful spiritual being and will continue to be near you. No spiritual master is ever judgemental or disappointed. They simply hold a vision of your highest destiny for you.
Maybe you need to decide whether you wish to have responsibility for your spiritual life to your girl friend and her particular brand of religion.
With Love and Light,