no tämä oli uutta, mutta sopii itse asiassa nousuleijonalapseeni hyvin. joskus se vaan on liiallista. siitäkö se hänen hauskuutensa ja esittävyytensä tulee. tietysti jos Leijona hallitsee menestystä ja vaurautta, on helppo pitääkin hauskaa.
tulee mieleen 3 leijonaa. give us a little background, let's see what the sign Leo rules or signifies.
Leo rules acting, plays, movies,stage and drama of all kinds.
Jupiter in Leo themes from the past :
Great wealth paid for all kinds of creativity.
Creativity is highly valued by financiers and fine art has fetched record high prices.
Upbeat music, stage productions and movies where positivity is exalted
Many creative types including musicians are born with Jupiter in Leo
Game organizations are formed including Bowling, the Olympics, Golf and football.
Economic panics (in 1800s mostly, none since 1907) also Potential for Reversals
Gold rushes (49ers in California) invasions ( invasion of Kuwait), and land grabs
Since Leo rules childhood and Jupiter growth, personal growth focused on the Inner Child.
Power shifts and upheavals in Middle East (Shah, the Ayatollah and Saddam Hussein)
Hedonistic Temptresses are in fashion!
Photography and motion pictures are improved