Tuossa "yläpuolella" olevasta cakra-ketjusta (Harvard-Kioto -translitteraatio: c = tsh,
ch = "tshh", esim 'chandas': ~ tsh-handas) tuli mieleen, että keegel muistuttaa
mielestäni aika paljon sitä, minkälainen käsitys minulla on vaikkapa haTha-yogan
muula-bandhasta. Mahtaako tuo muulabandha sitten tasapainottaa muulaadhaaracakraa
eli juuritshakraa...?
PS. Seitsemän "päätshakraa" (main chakras) alhaalta ylös (ulkomuistista, en
takaa virheettömyyttä):
muulaadhaara (muula + aadhaara)
mUla n. (adj. --- f. {A} & {I}) root (lit. & fig.), foot, basis, foundation, ground, bottom, immediate neighbourhoud; origin, source commencement, cause; the chief person or thing, e.g. text (opp. commentary), capital (opp. interest), also capital = chief city, holder (opp. owner); N. of a lunar mansion (also m.). -- {mUlaM kR} or {bandh} take root; {mUla} (---) sprung from, rooted in, resting on; (---) original, chief, first, also = ({ñA}) {mUlAt} or {mUlatas}, & {mUlAdArabhya} from the bottom or the beginning.
2 AdhAra m. support, basis (l. & f.); receptacle, canal; (g.) province, sphere (of an action).
svaadhiSThaana (sva + adhiSThaana)
sva (poss. refl.) one's own (often ---). m. n. one's self (in the obl. cases also used as a pronoun, cf. {Atman}); m. & f. {A} a kinsman or relation, a man or woman of one's own caste; n. property, wealth, riches.
adhiSThAna n. standing or dwelling-place; residence, capital; high position, power, dignity.
maNipUra (or {-pura}) n. N. of a town.
anaahata (an-aahata)
anAhata a. unbeaten (drum); -- unhurt*; *unwashed, new (cloth).
vishuddha (vi-shuddha)
vizuddha a. completely purified or cleansed, pure, clear, bright; settled, absolved, finished. Abstr. {-tA} f., {-tva} n.
AjJA 2 f. order , command Mn. x , 56 MBh. &c. ; authority , unlimited power Ba1lar. ; N. of the tenth lunar mansion VarBr2. ; permission (neg. %{anAjJayA} instr. ind. without permission of (gen.) Mn. ix , 199).
sahasraara (sahasra + ara)
sahasra n. (m.) a thousand (used also for any very large number).
ara m. spoke of a wheel.
sahasrAra mfn. thousand-spoked BhP. ; m. n. a kind of cavity said to be found in the top of the head and to resemble a lotus reversed (fabled as the seat of the soul) L. ; %{-ja} m. pl. N. of a class of gods (with Jainas)