« Vastaus #30 : 19.03.2009 12:21:06 » |
Earth in Leo: The highly personalized focus of Leo helps the Sun in Aquarius to shape his individualized path of service. It is then that the Water Bearer can move out into life and distribute his waters to the whole of humanity, thus releasing his "burden of consciousness" into a waiting world.. Leo brings out both the First Ray of Will/Power and along with Aquarius, the Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge. The right use of will has to be incorporated into this task so that the drives of the personality comes under the will of the soul. # 4 Earth in the Tenth House: The culmination of our efforts to secure a firm foundation for our spiritual purpose (the Sun in the fourth) is indicated by this placement of the Earth in the natal chart. Our vocation must become our avocation and the direction of our Path is such that our use of our social position in life is geared to the precise purpose of world service.
« Vastaus #31 : 19.03.2009 13:47:35 » |
10. huone on työ ja tavoitteet, siis palvelua työn piirissä.... merkki kertoisi lisää..
Mateve Kaksosissahan se. Earth in the Tenth House: The culmination of our efforts to secure a firm foundation for our spiritual purpose (the Sun in the fourth) is indicated by this placement of the Earth in the natal chart. Our vocation must become our avocation and the direction of our Path is such that our use of our social position in life is geared to the precise purpose of world service. Hmm, olenkin aina kokenut sen jotenksakin näin.
Viestejä: 76
« Vastaus #32 : 20.08.2009 16:48:14 » |
Earth in Virgo: A very healing position as the sign Virgo on the soul level stimulates synthesis and thus, wholeness. The Earth in Virgo gives an intuitive perception of what "works" in a given life situation, thus bringing about a focus of practicality that aids in the expression of service to the Plan. As the Moon is the esoteric ruler of this sign, the combination of Mother Earth and Mother Moon bestow and incredible degree of nurturing and compassion to the already empathetic Sun in Pisces. # 10 Earth in the Fourth House: One's own biological inheritance has to become a stabilizing force for life's achievements (Sun in the Tenth). This may require the transformation of one's attachment to one's physical mother (and hence to one's psychological matrix) into a clearer relationship with "The Mother": mother nature, the female quality of Divinity, and the mother of humanity. When in this position, one is literally "standing on the Earth" and a positive relationship with the nurturing dynamics of our planet is absolutely required.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 30.08.2009 19:07:15 kirjoittanut Cippa »
« Vastaus #33 : 20.08.2009 17:42:56 » |
# 3 (Tasahuoneet, joita käytän) Maa on sitten luonnollisestikin Oinaassa ja 9. huoneessa. Earth in Aries: A position which points to a life that serves to release or stimulate Active Intelligence (the energy of the "Mind of God") into the environment. This is accomplished by awakening first oneself and then others to the more spiritual uses of the Earth's (and one's own) physical resources. The position of the Sun in Libra in this respect, shows that such resources have to be distributed for the benefit of the collective (Uranus as esoteric ruler of Libra) and for the purpose of Right Human Relations (Venus as Libra's exoteric ruler). Earth in the Ninth House: Education will be at the center of one's life. Learning will be the most important occupation and teaching what is learned will follow. There is a great need to bring about a sense of unity to the diversity of human religions and belief systems so that humanity will come to understand that the basis of all truth is Love. Hämmentävän tutulta kuulostaa
« Vastaus #34 : 20.08.2009 22:10:40 » |
As the Earth is the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, and the latter points the way to the Mountaintop of Initiation (Capricorn) with his bow and arrow, the Earth in the natal chart represents the physical location of a person's Path. What helpful information to know! The balance between our inner and outer journey, between our envisioned spiritual goal and the actual field of service we have to create in order to get there, is very much embodied in the sign of the Centaur-Archer. The key to our success in this matter is very much connected to the Third Ray of Active Intelligence, as the energy of life always follows thought.
The Third Ray is both the Ray of the Earth and the Ray of Saturn. These two planets are therefore very closely linked. As we know, Saturn is both the esoteric as well as the exoteric ruler of Capricorn. It is through the one-pointed focus on mind, creatively active through the Path of Service, that brings us to the Mountaintop. Saturn's influence will also partner the Earth. The ringed Lord of Karma accompanies the energy and purpose of the Earth in our chart in order to motivate the outworking of one's personal sense of responsibility to the planet and to the Path. We can therefore state that Saturn represents our karma (what we need to fulfill) while the Earth indicates the nature of our dharma (the Way we go about fulfilling it).
Sagittarius is the sign of the Path while Capricorn is the sign of the Initiate, the goal of the Path. The nature of the Third Ray is an essential component of this relationship as it is the Ray of both the Earth and Saturn as well as one of the primary Rays of the sign Capricorn itself. In all the combinations which follow, you are advised to included the influences of Saturn, Sagittarius, and the Third Ray, for wherever the Earth is placed in your chart, so too is the karma of your Path and the vision of your Goal.
Eli olen aurinkoharka ja vastapaata on maamerkkini Saturnuksessa 4:ssa huoneessa
« Vastaus #35 : 23.08.2009 23:33:23 » |
Minulla tellus on neitsyessä 10. huoneessa. "10.HUONE Tarve muodostaa pysyvä asema yhteiskunnassa, sen hierarkioissa ja käytännön puitteissa. Suhde sosiaaliseen vallankäyttöön. Ammatti ja ura merkkinä sopeutumisesta yhteisöön ja mahdolliset saavutukset, arvonanto, maine ja kunnia. Sisäisesti suhde jompaan kumpaan vanhempaan, joka toimi lapsena johdattajana elämän käytännön toimintojen hallitsemiseen. Kysymys kuuluu: Miten tyydytän sosiaalista kunnianhimoani ja millaisia laitoksia ja systeemejä palvelen omalla panoksellani?" Lähde:
« Vastaus #36 : 14.09.2009 15:32:52 » |
Leijonassa ja 1.huoneessa
Earth in Leo: The highly personalized focus of Leo helps the Sun in Aquarius to shape his individualized path of service. It is then that the Water Bearer can move out into life and distribute his waters to the whole of humanity, thus releasing his "burden of consciousness" into a waiting world.. Leo brings out both the First Ray of Will/Power and along with Aquarius, the Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge. The right use of will has to be incorporated into this task so that the drives of the personality comes under the will of the soul.
Earth in the First House: The soul's physical purpose emerges as a result of the struggles and achievements in the realm of our personal relationships (Sun in the Seventh House). The person is to learn how to individualize Active Intelligence and then use his or her awakened intelligence for the common good. This requires a clear prioritization of one's field of service so that the dynamics of relationship support (and do not interfere with) the higher goal of life.
Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 33
« Vastaus #37 : 23.11.2009 12:22:28 » |
Eli siis jos olen , niin olen maa ? Pitäisi kyllä kohdallani loistavasti paikkaansa, juuri tämmönen maanläheinen laiskiainen
« Vastaus #38 : 26.11.2009 12:58:15 » |
Jaa, Tellus sijaitsee 3 huoneessa merkissä
"Det finns en särskild plats i helvetet för kvinnor som inte hjälper varandra"
- Kastehelmi -
« Vastaus #39 : 26.11.2009 14:03:10 » |
Eli siis jos olen , niin olen maa ? Pitäisi kyllä kohdallani loistavasti paikkaansa, juuri tämmönen maanläheinen laiskiainen Joo, mä oon kans!
« Vastaus #40 : 26.11.2009 21:46:50 » |
Itselläni maa on 2. huoneessa , toisaalta tuntuisi aika hyvin kuvaavan sitä missä olen tuotteliain. Olen luovalla, mutta käytännöllisellä alalla ja elämän haaveeni liittyvät luovuuden ja bisneksen yhdistämiseen, joten yleisesti voisi sanoa, että panostan niihin asioihin elämässäni ja olen niissä parhaimmillani. Tai sitten käsitin väärin xD Tosin tuo maa kaloissa jäi vähän epäselväksi, mutta kahtellaan. Earth in the Second House: A wonderful position of the Earth as it reveals that the individual has a great reserve of life energy, spiritual resources and "prana" (solar vitality). The goal of this life is to be able to shape the various forms of matter so that they express spiritual values and soul purpose. The challenge has to due with the transmutation of desire (Sun in the Eighth House). Earth in Pisces: The idealism and compassion of Jupiter and Neptune, the exoteric rulers of this sign are joined with the potent First Ray energies of Will/Power found in Pluto, the soul-centered ruler of the Fish. This brings about the need to work selflessly in order to release people from the illusions of the astral nature. The Sun in Virgo gives balance to this placement by focusing such efforts in very practical realms. One of the healing professions will be a very natural outlet for this combination.
« Vastaus #41 : 24.06.2012 23:20:20 » |
Kiintoisaa. Earth in Leo: The highly personalized focus of Leo helps the Sun in Aquarius to shape his individualized path of service. It is then that the Water Bearer can move out into life and distribute his waters to the whole of humanity, thus releasing his "burden of consciousness" into a waiting world.. Leo brings out both the First Ray of Will/Power and along with Aquarius, the Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge. The right use of will has to be incorporated into this task so that the drives of the personality comes under the will of the soul. Earth in the Eighth House: This is the area in life where the transformational process indicated in the previous paragraph takes place. It is the battle ground for the development of one's talents and resources (Sun in the second) so that they may find their usefulness for the collective good of humanity. The results that are achieved from the potential victory of the Earth in the eighth is that our life energy in general and our material resources in particular become more potent vehicles for the fulfillment of our dharma.
« Vastaus #42 : 24.06.2012 23:59:12 » |
Earth in Cancer: Cancer is also a Third Ray sign as is Capricorn, the position of the Sun when the Earth is in this position. Thus Saturn plays an essential role here and requires the individual to create a clear and precise foundation for the work of the soul in the present incarnation. The dharma of the incarnation is worked out through the creation of those thoughts and structures which nurture other people's Path towards Light. By so doing, one's own Path is clarified and focused.
Earth in the Twelfth House: The formative qualities of the Third Ray have ample opportunity for expression when the Earth is in this position. The individual has a wide choice of possible ways to manifest his or her dharma, a factor further emphasized by the sixth house placement of the Sun. The need to align the personal will with the will of the soul is absolutely required so that the application of Active Intelligence yields precision in the expression of the urge to serve.
Mitähän tähän nyt osaisi sanoa, vaatii sulattelua.
« Vastaus #43 : 25.06.2012 23:17:03 » |
Tellus ja löytyy huoneesta 12. Selostus onkin tuossa edeltäjällä. Ja oikeastaan ihan tuttuja juttuja oli. Nutton new.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 25.06.2012 23:18:59 kirjoittanut SanctAstra »
May those who Love us Love us / And those that don't Love us / May God turn their hearts / And if He doesn't turn their hearts / May He turn their ankles / So we'll know them by their limping. ~ Celtic blessing ~
Viestejä: 371
« Vastaus #44 : 26.06.2012 22:13:17 » |
Mulla on Maa Kauriissa ja 11. huoneessa, aikasemmassa viestissäni oli vielä väärän kellonajan mukaan tuo huone.. eli:
Earth in the Eleventh House: It is here that the highly creative energies of the Sun in the fifth house find an outlet through group activities. This position of the Earth is a fine testing ground to see how the soul-centered individual can contribute his or her individualized field of service into a wider sphere of participation. There is no room here for the emphasis of the personality as the fulfillment of one's personal dharma is directly connected to the collective purpose of humanity's evolutionary development.
Kuulostaa haastavalta, mutta mulla on oivallus, miten tuonkin toteutan.
1. 14.8% (10. huone) 2. 13.8% (6. huone) 3. 11.6% (8. huone) 1. 14.4% (DC) 2. 13.5% 3. 11.5% (MC)