Onko minulla menossa jopa Pluton neliö tms?
Ainakin Pluton sekstiili askendenttiin vaikuttaa just tonne jolloin ajattelin erään tilanteen raukeavan eli hiihtolomaviikko (miel. ennen sitä, mahd jälkeen). Kummallista ajattelin ratkaista tilanteen 3 pv ennenkuin transiittii loppuu.
No luinpa 2 eri lähteestä että Pluto olisi Jousimiehessä joko 2006 tai 2008 asti. Voiko siihen mitenkään liittyä tää että törmään koko ajan Skorppareihin (Pluto Jouskarissa ollut 1995 asti jolloin olin vielä tietämätön k.o merkistä..). Kumpi vuosiluku pitää paikkansa? Ja mikä sitten tulee Jouskariin? Venusko? heh-
Pluto Sextile Ascendant:
A strong intuition puts you in a position to recognize and comprehend your true self and as well as the essence of other people. The resulting relationships will be characterized by their high level of interactivity. Being in a position to tap into the underlying sources of universal power you are able to use them to regenerate at anytime, if it is possible without causing suffering. People think of you as a punching clown because you always manage to recover quickly from the greatest crises.
There could be a danger of attempting to manipulate your environment. This may cause a lot of people to feel uncomfortable around you; still you are well prepared for competition. On the other, hand you are very capable of representing the interests of larger groups of people, which will eventually earn you the respect of others.