Sivuja: [1]
Kirjoittaja Aihe: Suomen huippari -09  (Luettu 5512 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 2 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 3615

« : 01.05.2009 15:16:39 »

Eli suomen huippumalli haussa 2009, kilpailijat:
(en laittanut tähän jo kahta tippunutta eli Essiä  kaksoset ja Inkaa  harka)

Anastassia 28.02.1987  aurinko kalat
Anna-Kaisa 11.11.1983  aurinko skorpioni
Blanche 21.05.1988  aurinko kaksoset (vai härkä?)
Ida 24.07.1988  aurinko rapu
Janina 27.07.1989  aurinko leijona
Laura 05.04.1988  aurinko oinas
Nanna 25.09.1984  aurinko vaaka
Riina 08.10.1986  aurinko vaaka
Suvi 04.04.1990  aurinko oinas

Hei palaan tähän aiheeseen joku päivä kun jaksan. Piti tehdä kaikille kartat, mutta nyt en ehdikkään, mutta kun sain nämä tiedot tähän ylös niin odottakoon tässä.

By the way, mun suosikkeja ekasta jaksosta lähtien ovat olleet 1. Riina 2. Nanna ja 3. Blanche..
Blanche nyt on vähän itseään täynnä välillä, mutta musta se on kyllä siltikin aivan ihastuttava.  Grin
« Viimeksi muokattu: 01.05.2009 15:18:42 kirjoittanut Tiigris » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8253

« Vastaus #1 : 09.06.2009 22:56:16 »

Eli suomen huippumalli haussa 2009, kilpailijat:
(en laittanut tähän jo kahta tippunutta eli Essiä  kaksoset ja Inkaa  harka)

Anastassia 28.02.1987  aurinko kalat
Anna-Kaisa 11.11.1983  aurinko skorpioni
Blanche 21.05.1988  aurinko kaksoset (vai härkä?)
Ida 24.07.1988  aurinko rapu
Janina 27.07.1989  aurinko leijona
Laura 05.04.1988  aurinko oinas
Nanna 25.09.1984  aurinko vaaka
Riina 08.10.1986  aurinko vaaka
Suvi 04.04.1990  aurinko oinas

Ollen Nanna mun suosikki annoin Roopen kertoa hänen transiiteistaan seuraavaa:

Pluto sextile Pluto: Overall gentleness

End of January 2008 until end of November 2009: During this time the changes that take place in your life will be part of a creative evolution. You can see that you are moving toward your goals and that you do not need anything else in order to attain them. You will get there simply by allowing the current energies to play themselves out.

At the same time this influence will create additional opportunities for growth that you may or may not choose to take advantage of. This is a period of stability within change.

Quite likely your concerns will become deeper as you become interested in the more profound aspects of your life. You may wish to understand more about your internal psychological workings, and this is a good time to find out without fearing great upsets. The overall gentleness of this influence allows you to discover many things that could be the source of anguish at other times. On another level, this influence will also give you greater concern about the universe as a whole and where you are in relationship to it.

You will probably find that your views about daily life are stabilizing and maturing. Now that the period of rapid change is past, you are arriving at a way of dealing with the world that will not change much more except, hopefully, when future experience invalidates your present views. In other words, this influence doesn't represent settling into rigidity, but stability.

Uranus square Mars: With a little discretion

End of May 2008 until beginning of February 2010: Watch out for impulsive actions, rash decisions and other actions that may have sudden, unexpected consequences and undesirable results in the future. You may feel that your ego is at stake in some way and that you have to assert yourself now regardless of the risk of getting involved in an accident.

There may be considerable tension with others who seem to be in your way all the time. It may be difficult to avoid disputes and "blowing up" at others. This influence challenges your sense of security and just how much you believe you can assert yourself. The more insecure you are, the more likely you are to do something rash as a way of saying to the world that you are a person to be reckoned with. Authority figures who limit your freedom of movement and self-expression are very likely targets for your rebellion, which may be through petty acts or through larger actions that could get you into difficulties. It is not that you are wrong in wanting to assert yourself, but that the ways you choose to do this are not very well considered or effective. Do what you must, but act with a little discretion.

Quite often the effects of this influence are more unconscious; that is, you will not be aware of the feeling described above. This can lead to unconscious eruptions of the energy that can be quite disruptive.

The only real answer to this influence is to try to achieve some security about who you are and what you are doing. Then you will not feel such a great need to break free and take rash and ill-considered actions. You may still feel obliged to do something that is a significant break from your normal routine, but it will not be so destructive.

Saturn conjunction Mercury: Thinking small

Beginning of November 2008 until mid August 2009: This is a time of serious, heavy, even pessimistic thinking. Communication with others becomes more significant, but also more difficult. In fact this influence often means saying goodbye. You take life more seriously than usual and look at things more seriously, but you run the risk of losing your sense of perspective.

Your mental and intellectual viewpoint is narrowed by this influence. You are likely to concern yourself with a smaller range of ideas, but you are more likely to think about them thoroughly. You are beginning a major new cycle of ideas and opinions, of communicating in new ways. This consumes your mental energy and limits your ability to range over a large number of topics. Also you root out old ideas and notions that have outlived their usefulness in your life. Your mind is very disciplined, but with this discipline and narrowing of focus there is the danger of thinking too narrowly. You may overlook important alternatives because of your tendency to concentrate single-mindedly at this time. Also, with your tendency toward depressed thoughts you may overlook possibilities that seem too idealistic or risky; probably they are not at all - it is just that you are thinking "small."

Nevertheless this is an excellent time for working a single idea through completely, planning very carefully and realizing ideas that can have important consequences many years from now.

When dealing with yourself and others, be careful that you do not become too concerned with an unattainable perfection. One effect of the this influence can be to make you too exacting and critical, with the result that you alienate others.

Jupiter sextile Mars: Independent initiative

Mid April 2009 until end of December 2009: This is a time of high energy and independent initiative. You feel very self-confident and capable of tackling almost anything within reason. It is a good time to start a project, and most activities that you take up now should have a successful outcome. However, you must take some positive action in order to get the most out of this influence. It brings you opportunities, but you have to pick them up. However, this should not be much of a problem because this influence usually makes you feel like taking action.

You are unusually clear now about what you intend to do in any situation. Your will is strong, and you aim at achieving certain very definite goals. You can act decisively and with conviction. Under an influence like this you can convince other people of your point of view and get them to follow your lead. In fact, this is an unusually good time for working with other people because you can get others to identify their interests with yours.

Everything you do is aimed at enlarging your sphere of interests. You do not act out of petty motives, always having high-minded and high-level goals in mind. Others will respect your obvious integrity, which will make them more willing to help you.

If you have to go to a court of law at this time, the proceedings should turn out to your benefit. In fact, the chances are that you will be able to work out a compromise that will be advantageous to both parties.

Professional success is likely at this time, because of your excellent sense of timing and your ability to take advantage of every opportunity that comes along. You should be able to advance yourself without alienating others. They will recognize that your success is well deserved.

« Viimeksi muokattu: 09.06.2009 22:57:54 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8253

« Vastaus #2 : 15.06.2009 11:44:51 »

Eli suomen huippumalli haussa 2009, kilpailijat:
(en laittanut tähän jo kahta tippunutta eli Essiä  kaksoset ja Inkaa  harka)

Anastassia 28.02.1987  aurinko kalat
Anna-Kaisa 11.11.1983  aurinko skorpioni
Blanche 21.05.1988  aurinko kaksoset (vai härkä?)
Ida 24.07.1988  aurinko rapu
Janina 27.07.1989  aurinko leijona
Laura 05.04.1988  aurinko oinas
Nanna 25.09.1984  aurinko vaaka
Riina 08.10.1986  aurinko vaaka
Suvi 04.04.1990  aurinko oinas

Ollen Nanna mun suosikki annoin Roopen kertoa hänen transiiteistaan seuraavaa:


 Cheesy smitten smitten  Wink
Viestejä: 1015

Mää olen jellona ja helekutin ylypee siitä!

Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #3 : 15.06.2009 11:58:47 »

Nanna muute voittaa, eiks se nii menny?

aurinko, merkurius in leijona
askendentti in jousimies
kuu in oinas
venus, jupiter in neitsyt
mars in kaksoset
saturnus in vesimies
uranus, neptunus in kauris
pluto, keskitaivas in skorpioni
Punainen Solaarinen Lohikäärme
Viestejä: 406


« Vastaus #4 : 15.06.2009 13:41:23 »

Joo,lehdessä oli tänään jo bon aquan 'lipsautus', mutta sen kuulee sitten virallisemmin ilalla ohjelmasta...


MC harka 
AC leijona

Storia d"amore
Viestejä: 8253

« Vastaus #5 : 15.06.2009 13:46:26 »

Nanna muute voittaa, eiks se nii menny?

Noinhan on näreet, juu. Minulla henkilökohtaisesti on vähän ristiriitainen
suhtautuminen: Nansku on suosikkini, mutta sitä varjostaa hieman
traumaattinen lapsuuden kokemus siitä, mitenkä ainakin osa svenska talande bättre
folk'ista suhtautuu suomenkielisiin...

Viestejä: 416

« Vastaus #6 : 15.06.2009 16:12:52 »

Oho, Nanna on minua 2 päivää nuorempi  2funny

Aurinko vaaka 10.
Sivuja: [1]