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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Testi: Mikä Tarot-kortti olet?  (Luettu 93996 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 3 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 382

« : 27.01.2006 19:13:26 »

 Tee testi

Minä olen Hallitsijatar

You are the Empress card. The Empress is the
archetype of the Mother. She creates and
nurtures life. She represents the abundance
of Mother Earth. The Empress is capable of
using nature in a productive way. She
espouses art for art's sake. Her planet is
Venus, and she embodies love of beauty and a
strong value system. Here is also found
initial sensation. This is the first really
physical experience of the world that The
Fool has entered. The Empress has a rich
understanding of the world based on her five
senses. In a reading, The Empress represents
pregnancy, actual or metaphorical. She
indicates an act of creation and a sensual
experience of beauty. The Empress is a
nurturing force that wishes to see the
product of her experiences reach the next
stage of development. Image from A
Photographic Tarot
 Which Tarot Card Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
« Vastaus #1 : 27.01.2006 19:27:57 »

Nonnnii....eipä mene taaskaan kovin hyvin... Cheesy
Tosin puolustuksekseni laitan, että en osaa ymmärtää lukemalla kovin hyvin englantia (puhun ja kuuntelemalla kyllä onnistuu), joten meni puoliksi intuitiolla...
Niinkuin tuo tulkintakin jää minulle hiukan 'vajaaksi' Embarrassed


You are the Devil card. The Devil is based on the figure Pan, Lord of the Dance. The earthy physicality of the devil breeds lust. The devil's call to return to primal instincts often creates conflict in a society in which many of these instincts must be kept under control. Challenges posed by our physical bodies can be overcome by strength in the mental, emotional, and spiritual realms. Pan is also a symbol of enjoyment and rules our material creativity. The devil knows physical pleasure and how to manipulate the physical world. Material creativity finds its output in such things as dance, pottery, gardening, and sex. The self-actualized person is able to accept the sensuality and usefulness of the devil's gifts while remaining in control of any darker urges. Image from The Stone Tarot deck.

 Lips Sealed
12097 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 124058 times.
10% of people had this result.
« Vastaus #2 : 27.01.2006 19:32:22 »

You are the Fool card. The Fool fearlessly begins the journey into the unknown. To do this, he does not regard the world he knows as firm and fixed. He has a seemingly reckless disregard for obstacles. In the Ryder-Waite deck, he is seen stepping off a cliff with his gaze on the sky, and a rainbow is there to catch him. In order to explore and expand, one must disregard convention and conformity. Those in the throes of convention look at the unconventional, non-conformist personality and think What a fool. They lack the point of view to understand The Fool's actions. But The Fool has roots in tradition as one who is closest to the spirit world. In many tribal cultures, those born with strange and unusual character traits were held in awe. Shamans were people who could see visions and go on journeys that we now label hallucinations and schizophrenia. Those with physical differences had experience and knowledge that the average person could not understand. The Fool is God. The number of the card is zero, which when drawn is a perfect circle. This circle represents both emptiness and infinity. The Fool is not shackled by mountains and valleys or by his physical body. He does not accept the appearance of cliff and air as being distinct or real. Image from: Mary DeLave

No okei... Mun todellinen Tarot-luonteeni paljastu... Eipä siis mee kovin hyvin täälläkään...  :Smiley
« Viimeksi muokattu: 27.01.2006 20:32:13 kirjoittanut Alzbeta » tallennettu
Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #3 : 27.01.2006 20:41:28 »

Minulle tuli THE MOON eli Kuu, mutta en osannut siirtää kuvaa tänne  Wink

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
« Vastaus #4 : 27.01.2006 20:42:50 »

Hei, olen naimatar  Smiley
Viestejä: 1482

Ea Mai

« Vastaus #5 : 27.01.2006 21:01:23 »


The clay of reality is molded in dreams
Viestejä: 377

« Vastaus #6 : 27.01.2006 21:03:33 »


Olen myös Maailmankaikkeus.

Kerralla kristityksi, sano akka kun virsikirjan söi.
« Vastaus #7 : 27.01.2006 21:10:46 »


You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the imagery we find here may inspire us or torment us. Understanding the moon requires looking within. Our own bodily rhythms are echoed in this luminary that circles the earth every month and reflects the sun in its progress. Listening to those rhythms may produce visions and lead you towards insight. The Moon is a force that has legends attached to it. It carries with it both romance and insanity. Moonlight reveals itself as an illusion and it is only those willing to work with the force of dreams that are able to withstand this reflective light.

23295 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 124121 times.
19% of people had this result.
Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 1

« Vastaus #8 : 27.01.2006 21:24:18 »

Kuolema (kuvaa en onnistunut laittamaan)

You are the Death card. Death is a stage in the cycle of life. Without death, there would be no room for new things to grow. When you receive the Death card in a tarot reading, fear not; Death is only an indication that transformation is about to occur. Death allows us all to evolve by removing that which is no longer needed. The end of one cycle makes way for a new one. Old behaviours and patterns which have tied us down are released. Death cleans house so that we don't have needless drains on our energy. In Death's ruthless destruction there lies compassion. Image from: Danielle Sylvie Taylor
« Vastaus #9 : 27.01.2006 21:35:44 »

You are the Justice card. Justice preserves the harmony of the world. Working with opposite forces, Justice does not seek to criticize or condemn but rather to accept. The idea behind the card justice is that opposite forces are complementary; you could not have good without evil or light without darkness. Justice's position is to make sure that if a thing is out of balance, the weight of its energy is realigned with its opposite force. This card is also a card of humour, for it is in pointing out contrary positions that humour is often found. The attitude that is found in the humourous person, being able to shift perspective and flow with an instinct, is important in the maintenance of good balance.
Viestejä: 2620


« Vastaus #10 : 27.01.2006 21:41:10 »

Hih, tein testin ennen muiden vastausten lukemista (ja aika rehellisesti mielestäni) ja mullekin tuli "the Fool"! Terveisiä vaan Alzbetalle!  Smiley

Eihän tuo ole huono kortti, eikös se ole suomeksi Narri, eli se symboloi rohkeutta, seikkailunhalua, valmiutta muutokseen ym. Omalla kohdallani voin kyllä allekirjoittaa tuon. Ehkäpä tässä myös vinkki Alzbetalle...  Elämä kolkuttaa ovelle, avaa se ja elä!!

Au Kauris, AC Rapu, Kuu Rapu
MC & Merkurius & Venus Vesimies
Punainen Galaktinen Lohikäärme
Viestejä: 77

« Vastaus #11 : 27.01.2006 22:00:02 »

Hahaa mikä kortti buck2

You are the Tower card. The Tower represents a sudden, drastic change. This change can be incredibly freeing. It can be a change in the way you think, or a change in environment. The physical body may be healed of a long illness in a seemingly miraculous way. Dramatic change may lead you into a completely different career or lifestyle. On the negative side of things, you may suddenly lose your fortune or have an experience that shatters your sense of identity. The Tower that crumbles under the lightning bolt is the physical and may be indicative of some aspect of your physical world. But as the Tower crumbles it reveals a sturdier foundation, something which perhaps you did not expect but which, nevertheless, arrives fully formed and strong into your life.
Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 5

Leijona, armoitettu.

« Vastaus #12 : 27.01.2006 22:03:30 »

Tää oli itekkin pakko testata   coolsmiley


You are the Sun card. The light of the Sun reveals all. The Sun is joyful and bright, without fear or reservation. The childish nature of the Sun allows you to play and feel free.
Exploration can truly take place in the light of day when nothing is hidden. The Sun's rays fill you with energy so that you may live life to its fullest, milking pleasure out of each day. Such joy and energy can bring wealth and physical pleasure. To shine in the light of day is to have confidence, to soak up its rays is to feel the freedom of a child. Image from: Stevee Postman.

16435 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 124163 times.
13% of people had this result.

Vain arpikudos on pysyvää.
Viestejä: 125

Jos en hyväksyisi itseäni tälläisenä-en olisi mtn!

« Vastaus #13 : 27.01.2006 22:07:09 »

Eipä yllättänyt olla devil... crazy2

Nouseva Rapu                   chiron-härkä-h.12
Aurinko Skorpioni
Kuu Kauriissa
Merkurius Skorpionissa
Venus Jousimiehessä
Mars Kauriissa
Viestejä: 5054


« Vastaus #14 : 27.01.2006 22:12:31 »

Sain saman kortin kuin edellä ReZeus  Smiley


 aurinko jousimies , kuu leijona , askendentti vesimies

 aurinko skorpioni , kuu leijona , askendentti kauris

Maya: Sininen Kosminen Yö
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