lisäänpä hieman aiempaan viestiini, kun näiden jutuista ei ole omannimistään ketjua. onko kaikki tämä sisällöllisesti pohjimmiltaan samaa, oletteko vertailleet? hauskaa, seuraavassa viestissä kuvaillaan, miten E Hicks ei halunnut olla enää The Secretissä mukana..
Money, and the Law of Attraction
Your Story, and the Law of Attraction
Each and every component that makes up your life experience is drawn to you by the powerful Law of Attraction’s response to the thoughts you think and the story you tell about your life. Your money and financial assets; your body’s state of wellness, clarity, flexibility, size, and shape; your work environment, how you are treated, work satisfaction, and rewards—indeed, the very happiness of your life experience in general—is all happening because of the story that you tell. If you will let your dominant intention be to revise and improve the content of the story you tell every day of your life, it is our absolute promise to you that your life will become that ever-improving story. For by the powerful Law of Attraction, it must be!
Does Life Sometimes Seem to Be Unfair?
You have wanted more success and you have applied yourself well, doing everything that everyone said you should do, but the success you have been seeking has been slow to come. You tried very hard, especially at first, to learn all the right things, to be in the right places, to do the right things, to say the right things . . . but often things did not appear to be improving much at all.
Earlier in your life, when you were first dipping your toe into the idea of achieving success, you found satisfaction in satisfying the expectations of the others who were laying out the rules for success. The teachers, parents, and mentors who surrounded you seemed confident and convincing as they laid out their rules for success: “Always be on time; always do your best; remember to work hard; always be honest; strive for greatness; go the extra mile; there’s no gain without pain; and, most important, never give up. . . .”
But, over time, your finding satisfaction from gaining the approval of those who laid out those rules waned as their principles of success—no matter how hard you tried—did not yield you the promised results. And it was more disheartening still when you stood back to gain some perspective on the whole picture and realized that their principles were not, for the most part, bringing them real success either. And then, to make matters even worse, you began meeting others (who clearly were not following those rules) who were achieving success apart from the formula that you had been so diligent to learn and apply.
And so you found yourself asking: “What’s going on here? How can those who are working so hard be receiving so little, while those who seem to be working so little are achieving so much? My expensive education hasn’t paid off at all—and yet that multimillionaire dropped out of high school. My father worked hard every day of his life—and yet our family had to borrow the money to pay for his funeral. . . . Why doesn’t my hard work pay off for me the way it was supposed to? Why do so few really get rich, while most of us struggle to barely get by? What am I missing? What do those financially successful people know that I don’t know?”
Is “Doing Your Best” Still Not Enough?
When you are doing everything you can think of, truly trying your best to do what you have been told is supposed to bring you success, and success doesn’t come, it is easy to feel defensive, and eventually even angry at those who are displaying evidence of the success you desire. You even find yourself sometimes condemning their success simply because it is too painful to watch them living the success that continues to elude you. And it is for this reason—in response to this chronic condition in the financial affairs of your culture—that we offer this book.
When you come to the place of openly condemning the financial success that you crave, not only can that financial success never come to you, but you are also forfeiting your God-given rights to your health and happiness as well.
Many actually come to the incorrect conclusion that others in their physical environment have banded together in some sort of conspiracy to keep them from succeeding. For they believe, with all of their heart, that they have done everything possible to achieve success, and the fact that it has not come must surely mean that there are some unfriendly forces at work that are depriving them of what they desire. But we want to assure you that nothing like that is at the heart of the absence of what you desire or of the presence of things you would like to remove from your experience. No one ever has or ever could have prevented your success—or provided it. Your success is all up to you. It is all in your control. And we are writing this book so that now, finally, once and for all time, your success can be in your deliberate and conscious control.
Money Is Not the Root of Evil or of Happiness
This important subject of money and financial success is not the “root of all evil” as many have quoted—nor is it the path to happiness. However, because the subject of money touches most of you in one way or another hundreds or even thousands of times in every day, it is a large factor in your vibrational makeup and in your personal point of attraction. So when you are able to successfully control something that affects most of you all day, every day, you will have accomplished something rather significant. In other words, because such a high percentage of your thoughts in any given day reside around the topic of money or financial success, as soon as you are able to deliberately guide your thoughts, not only is it certain that your financial success must improve, but the evidence of that success will then prepare you for deliberate improvement in every aspect of your life experience.
If you are a student of Deliberate Creation, if you want to consciously create your own reality, if you desire control of your own life experience, if you want to fulfill your reason for being, then your understanding of these prevalent topics—money and the Law of Attraction—will serve you enormously well.
I Am the Attractor of My Every Experience
You are meant to live an expansive, exhilarating, good-feeling experience. It was your plan when you made the decision to become focused in your physical body in this time-space reality. You expected this physical life to be exciting and rewarding. In other words, you knew that the variety and contrast would stimulate you to expanded desires, and you also knew that any and all of those desires could be fully and easily realized by you. You knew, also, that there would be no end to the expansion of new desires.
You came into your body full of excitement about the possibilities that this life experience would inspire, and that desire that you held in the beginning was not muted at all by trepidation or doubt, for you knew your power and you knew that this life experience and all of its contrast would be the fertile ground for wonderful expansion. Most of all, you knew that you were coming into this life experience with a Guidance System to help you remain true to your original intent as well as to your never-ending amended intentions that would be born out of this very life experience. In short, you felt an eagerness for this time-space reality that nearly defies physical description.
You were not a beginner—even though you were newly beginning in your wee, small physical body—but instead you were a powerful creative genius, newly focusing in a new, Leading Edge environment. You knew that there would be a time of adjustment while redefining a new platform from which you would begin your process of deliberate creating, and you were not the least bit worried about that time of adjustment. In fact, you rather enjoyed the nest into which you were born and those who were there to greet you into your new physical environment. And while you could not yet speak the language of their words—and although you were perceived by those who greeted you as new and unknowing and in need of their guidance—you possessed a stability and a knowing that most of them had long left behind.
You were born knowing that you are a powerful Being, that you are good, that you are the creator of your experience, and that the Law of Attraction is the basis of all creation here in your new environment. You remembered then that the Law of Attraction (the essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn) is the basis of the Universe, and you knew it would serve you well. And so it has.
You were still remembering then that you are the creator of your own experience. But even more important, you remembered that you do it through your thought, not your action. You were not uncomfortable being a small infant who offered no action or words, for you remembered the Well-Being of the Universe; you remembered your intentions in coming forth into your physical body, and you knew that there would be plenty of time for acclimating to the language and ways of your new environment; and, most of all, you knew that even though you would not be able to translate your vast knowledge from your Non-Physical environment directly into physical words and descriptions, it would not matter, for the most important things to set you on a path of joyful creation were already emphatically in place: You knew that the Law of Attraction was consistently present and that your Guidance System was immediately active. And, most of all, you knew that by trial, and what some may call “error,” you would eventually become completely and consciously reoriented in your new environment.
I Knew of the Consistency of the Law of Attraction
The fact that the Law of Attraction remains constant and stable throughout the Universe was a big factor in your confidence as you came into your new physical environment, for you knew that the feedback of life would help you to remember and gain your footing. You remembered that the basis of everything is vibration and that the Law of Attraction responds to those vibrations and, in essence, organizes them, bringing things of like vibrations together while holding those not of like vibrations apart.
And so, you were not concerned about not being able to articulate that knowledge right away or to explain it to those around you who had seemingly forgotten everything they knew about it, because you knew that the consistency of this powerful Law would, soon enough, show itself to you through the examples of your own life. You knew then that it would not be difficult to figure out what kinds of vibrations you were offering because the Law of Attraction would be bringing to you constant evidence of whatever your vibration was.
In other words, when you feel overwhelmed, circumstances and people who could help you get out from under your feeling of overwhelment cannot find you, nor can you find them. Even when you try hard to find them, you cannot. And those people who do come do not help you, but, instead, they add to your feeling of overwhelment.
When you feel mistreated—fairness cannot find you. Your perception of your mistreatment, and the subsequent vibration that you offer because of your perception, prevents anything that you would consider to be fair from coming to you.
When you are buried in the disappointment or fear of not having the financial resources that you believe you need, the dollars—or the opportunities that would bring the dollars—continue to elude you . . . not because you are bad or unworthy, but because the Law of Attraction matches things that are like, not things that are unlike.
When you feel poor—only things that feel like poverty can come to you. When you feel prosperous—only things that feel like prosperity can come to you. This Law is consistent; and if you will pay attention, it will teach you, through life experience, how it works. When you remember that you get the essence of what you think about—and then you notice what you are getting—you have the keys for Deliberate Creation.
What Do We Mean by Vibration?
When we speak of vibration, we are actually calling your attention to the basis of your experience, for everything is actually vibrationally based. We could use the word Energy interchangeably, and there are many other synonyms in your vocabulary that accurately apply.
Most understand the vibrational characteristics of sound. Sometimes when the deep, rich bass notes of your musical instrumentation are played loudly, you can even feel the vibrational nature of sound.
We want you to understand that whenever you “hear” something, you are interpreting vibration into the sound you are hearing. What you hear is your interpretation of vibration; what you hear is your unique interpretation of vibration. Each of your physical senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching exist because everything in the Universe is vibrating and your physical senses are reading the vibrations and giving you sensory perception of the vibrations.
So as you come to understand that you live in a pulsating, vibrating Universe of advanced harmonics, and that at the very core of your being you are vibrating at what could only be described as perfection in vibrational balance and harmony, then you begin to understand vibration in the way we are projecting it.
Everything that exists, in your air, in your dirt, in your water, and in your bodies, is vibration in motion—and all of it is managed by the powerful Law of Attraction.
You could not sort it out if you wanted to. And there is no need for you to sort it out, because the Law of Attraction is doing the sorting, continually bringing things of like vibrations together while things of different vibrational natures are being repelled.
Your emotions, which really are the most powerful and important of your six physical vibrational interpreters, give you constant feedback about the harmonics of your current thoughts (vibrations) as they compare with the harmonics of your core vibrational state.
The Non-Physical world is vibration.
The physical world that you know is vibration.
There is nothing that exists outside of this vibrational nature.
There is nothing that is not managed by the Law of Attraction.
Your understanding of vibration will help you to consciously bridge both worlds.
You do not have to understand your complex optic nerve or your primary visual cortex in order to see. You do not have to understand electricity to be able to turn on the light, and you do not have to understand vibrations in order to feel the difference between harmony or discord.
As you learn to accept your vibrational nature, and begin to consciously utilize your emotional vibrational indicators, you will gain conscious control of your personal creations and of the outcomes of your life experience.
Excerpted from book,
“Money, and the Law of Attraction.