Kölnin universtaan saitilla on epäilemättä yksi maailman parhaita, ellei peräti The Paras, sanskritin webbisanakirjojen kokoelma. Ekan kerran tsekkasin Wilson'in dictionary'n. Se on huomattavasti selkeämpi kuin eniten käyttämäni Monier- Willams. Tärkeimmille merkityksille on myös annettu oivat kontekstit. Esimerkkinä sana yoga; tämän foorumin lukijoille lienevät kiintoisimmat määritelmät numerot 29 ja 30, alla boldattuna:
yoga [Printed book page 688]
yoga m. (-gaḥ)
1 Junction, joining, union.
2 Combination, association, meeting, conflux.
3 Religious and abstract meditation.
4 Keeping the body in a fixed posture.
5 Devotion, spiritual worship of GOD, or union with the Supreme Being by means of abstract contemplation; this does not necessarily imply an abandonment of the world or relinquishment of the usual observances of religion, but it involves internal indifference to objects of pleasure and pain, and utter disregard of the consequences or fruit of ceremonial rites.
6 The particular practice of the preceding sort of devotion, or the exercise of that abstraction by which union with GOD is supposed to be obtained; in the Gītā it is described as sitting on Kuśa grass, with the body firm, the eyes fixed on the tip of the nose, and the mind intent on the Deity; in the Tantras a fanciful operation is prescribed, by which the vital spirit seated in the lower part of the body, and the etherial spirit placed in the head, are supposed to be brought into combination in the brain, when the devotee becomes united with BRAHMA.
7 The system of philosophy which treats of the union of the soul with BRAHMA or GOD; it is the same as the Pātañjali doctrine, and constitutes one of the six Darśanas or philosophical schools of the Hindus.
8 Magic, or the acquisition of supernatural powers by the mystical and magical worship of ŚIVA and DURGĀ especially.
9 Consequence, result, the main end or object of any thing or act.
10 Connexion of one thing with another, as of cause with effect, predicate with subject, quality with substance, &c.
11 Acquisition of something not possessed before, accession of property or wealth; in grammar this application is assigned to any unusual construction of words or compounds, unauthorised by rule, but sanctioned by the authority that employs them.
12 A rule, an aphorism.
13 Propriety, fitness.
14 Side, part, cause or argument to be maintained or defended.
15 Thing, substance.
16 Wealth.
17 A drug, a medicament, especially a compound of various ingredients.
18 Fraud, trick.
19 A logician.
20 A spy, an informer.
21 A violator of truth or confidence.
22 A conveyance, a carriage, a boat, &c.
23 A means, an expedient.
24 Armour.
25 Putting on armour.
26 Lucky conjuncture.
27 (In arithmetic,) Addition.
28 (In astronomy,) The leading or principal star of a lunar mansion.
29 The twenty-seventh part of 360° of a great circle measured on the plane of the ecliptic, and used in calculating the longitudes of the sun and moon; each Yogas has a distinct name; astrologers also enumerate twenty-eight Yogas differently named from the foregoing, and corresponding with the twenty-eight Nakṣatras, or the divisions of the moon's path, but varying according to the day of the week.
30 A period, or the time during which the sum of the motions of the sun and moon amount to one Nakṣatra, the mean duration of which is 23hs. 47' 44".
E. yuja to join literally or figuratively, as with GOD, aff. ghañ.