Nyt alkaa positiivisuus käydä päälle lailla purjekonelaivueen? Saksalaiset organisoivat synkronoitua
joogalentoa niin että hippulat vinkuu!
Dear Rajas, Mothers of the Domain, and National Directors,
The message is: Maximize group Yogic Flying numbers now! The time is very delicate for the next weeks.
World Peace Assemblies. Group Yogic Flying in the Transcendental Meditation Centres. Everyone lift off at the same time, even if at home.
Click HERE to download the
Maharishi’s Global Super Radiance Programme Chart.
Dr Eckart Stein and Dr Lila Maria Hartmann-Stein organized a call with Maharaja-ji [TM-liikkeen libanonilaissyntyinen johtaja, Tony (Abu-)Nader, MD, PhD] to inspire the leaders of Germany.
They informed Maharaja-ji that the German Sidhas are gathering as a matter or [of??] urgency in Oebisfelde Maharishi Peace Palace for group Yogic Flying for the nation and the world.
Maharaja-ji said:
‘This is wonderful that these assemblies keep happening. And the Movement in Germany has all the knowledge and expertise to assemble the strength and the forces to create a beautiful result for the nation and for the world. …
‘In this situation we look inside: inside of us for every individual and inside for all the nation, coming together, creating coherence, and then we know the Meissner Effect and we know when there is great coherence, no impurities can disturb. …
‘What we can do is come together as much as possible, this is the greatest strength, but if not, as a second choice, we try to fly at the same time.
Even if we are far apart, since the effect is non local, there can be a great coherence created by coordinating flying together at the same time.’ So please every Raja and National Director, if you have not already done so, call all your Sidhas to practise group Yogic Flying, for the sake of securing powerful harmony and peace for your nations and the world. It is so important right now.
Älkää sitten ihmetelkö, jos lähiviikkoina tuppaa hymyilyttämään ja jopa naurattamaan ilmeisettä syyttä! :
BTW, tuo tiennee sitä, että lähiviikkoina ilmat Suomessakin muuttuvat kesäisempään suuntaan, ja syyskuun
alkupuolella saanemme nauttia monin paikoin intiaanikesästä 22- 24 asteen päivälämpötiloin!?