Nyt on teeämmäreillä ja joogapomppijoilla tekemisen meininki!?
Itse asiassa Jahve on saattanut järjestää turvapaikanhakijakriisin mm. aktivoidakseen
teeämmäreitä ja joogapomppijoita sun muita rauhantahtoisia voimia kokoontumaan
yhteisiin harjoituksiin kollektiivisen tietoisuuden harmonisoimiseksi??
Announcing the Next EU Summit Peace Assembly
16-20 March, Brussels Assembly
Great news from Brussels–we’re having a significant effect!
The UK’s future in the EU was hanging in the balance when the Summit convened in February. But the political leaders of the 28 EU nations achieved the remarkable result that the UK did not split from the EU. And although it was expected to be a long meeting over the weekend, the deal was already reached on Friday evening, and the UK was still in!
The quality of unity was enlivened in the Brussels collective consciousness by the EU Summit Peace Assembly at the Maharishi Invincibility Centre, which brought together 65 course participants from 12 countries: Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Ireland, the UK, Holland, Italy, Belgium, and for the first time also Austria and Serbia.
The Sidhas and Governors from Serbia reported that during this Peace Assembly a large demonstration was held in their country against NATO’s plans to make Serbia a member. It was felt that NATO membership would jeopardize the sovereignty of the nation. The course participants felt that their participation in the WPA supported this upsurge of sovereignty and freedom for their nation.
EU Summit Peace Assembly in February with 65 participants from 12 countries
Next EU Summit Peace Assembly: 17-20 March
During the next Assembly from 17-20 March, Dr Peter Swan, Minister of Communication, Dr Ashley Deans, Global Ambassador of Consciousness-Based Education, and Dr Craig Pearson, Executive Vice-President of Maharishi University of Management and author of the books The Complete Book of Yogic Flying, and The Supreme Awakening–Experiences of Enlightenment throughout Time, will give inspiring presentations. And as per tradition, Raja Lucien, the Raja of Invincible Belgium and his wife Gilda Ma will host a reception at their Raja residence during the Assembly.
A record of success
During past Assemblies, the press repeatedly commented on the remarkable coherence between the different nations, especially the larger nations. And during our last one in December, Reuters reported about ‘a show of unity and purpose’.
The Summit Peace Assembly has a strong effect because our Maharishi Invincibility Centre is so close to the conference hall of the EU leaders. To have a comprehensive effect on Europe, it is important that Sidhas and Governors from all European countries are represented during these Assemblies.
Building a permanent coherence-creating group
You are warmly invited to join us for long rounding to create coherence for the city of Brussels and the EU institutions, which is important for the security in Europe. A few days or longer—whatever is comfortable for you—there are knowledge programmes in the afternoon, and we can also brainstorm about activities to contact EU institutions to offer our programmes.
All Sidhas and Meditators are invited to join us as there is an ocean of possibilities in Brussels with so many institutions represented here, and we can use all the help we can get. We offer free rooms at the TM Center, and there is affordable accommodation in our area.