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Ote Tony Wagnerin haastattelusta aiheena " Workplace survival skills":
"There are five fundamental contradictions between the traditional culture of schooling versus the new culture of innovation.
Contradiction number one, traditional schooling is all about celebrating and rewarding individual achievement. Well, we all know innovation is a team sport.
Contradiction two are the ways in which traditional education compartmentalize knowledge and favor specialization.
Well, we know you can neither understand nor solve a single problem today in the confines of an individual academic discipline.
Contradiction three are all of the ways in which classrooms reward compliance and deference to authority,
but the innovation era demands that you take initiative and that you question received wisdom.
Contradictions four and five I think are the most challenging
of all.
Contradiction four, you see, is all about the F word in schools, failure. The worst thing that can happen to you in school-- and we grade kids according to the number of mistakes they make. But here's the problem, innovation demands that you take risks, that you make mistakes,and that you fail. Companies talk about failing forward, failing fast,failing smart, failing cheap, fail often, but failing.
But we're creating generations of kids who are highly risk averse. All they know how to do is get A's and stay out of trouble. And that leads us to the last contradiction. We use grades as a part of an extrinsic motivation for learning-- carrots and sticks, rewards and punishments.
But the problem is the innovation era, from what I've seen, is far more dependent upon intrinsic motivation, curiosity. Being able to imagine, create new possibilities.
Things that are really antithetical to the traditional culture of schooling. "