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Pluto in 1st House: Pluto in the first house exerts a powerful influence over the personality, particularly so if it is conjunct the Ascendant. Even when not in conjunction with the Ascendant, Pluto here confers extreme emotional energy, a possible cruel streak, and need to be busy at all times.
Pluto in 2nd House: A second house Pluto means that the individual will be keen to express their power through wealth or personal possessions. Whilst being an excellent placing for those who are self-employed, it can lead to excessive possessiveness of both things and people.
Pluto in 3rd House: Pluto in the third house is a difficult placing, since Pluto's secretive tendencies are in contrast to this, the house of communication. A searching, investigative mind is likely, coupled perhaps with an aloof, difficult to get to know nature.
Pluto in 4th House: Pluto in the 4th house can be indicative of a difficult childhood, or of a person overly in thrall to their parents, even as an adult. If this is the case, this person would benefit from sorting through their childhood feelings, either alone or with counselling, in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes with their own family.
Pluto in 5th House: A fifth house Pluto brings tremendous determination to any creative abilities already present in the chart. The love life is likely to be intense but frustrating, and compulsive gambling or risk-taking could be an issue.
Pluto in 6th House: A sixth house Pluto can affect the health, especially in the form of mental or psychological problems. Where these are not present, then this person is capable of a great deal of willpower and staying power, but can become too obsessive about routine.
Pluto in 7th House: Pluto in the seventh house indicates that relationships and partnerships are likely to be passionate but stormy. The highs and lows of this person's love life may be difficult for them to handle.
Pluto in 8th House: An eighth house Pluto most likely confers some psychic abilities, or at the very least a deep interest in the unknown. Shrewd business sense and excellent research/investigation skills are also likely, together with a profound attitude towards sex.
Pluto in 9th House: A ninth house Pluto indicates an individual who satisfies their need to be in control via their education or studies. A compulsive student, striving for perfection in all intellectual tasks.
Pluto in 10th House: A tenth house Pluto is an interesting position for the career. Poorly aspected, it can indicate endless power trips and complexes; well aspected, it can indicate a shining star in the chosen profession. Either way, this person could quickly become obsessive about their career.
Pluto in 11th House: An eleventh house Pluto can lead to the individual becoming rather obsessive about friendships. Group activities can also become an obsession, at the expense of family and friends.
Pluto in 12th House: A twelfth house Pluto is powerfully placed psychologically, and means that although the individual can benefit from marvellous self-analysis, it can be very difficult for them to open up to others.