Kysymys: Missä huoneessa plutosi on?
I - 53 (10.9%)
II - 38 (7.8%)
III - 42 (8.6%)
IV - 45 (9.2%)
V - 37 (7.6%)
VI - 48 (9.9%)
VII - 32 (6.6%)
VIII - 39 (8%)
VIIII - 30 (6.2%)
X - 44 (9%)
XI - 33 (6.8%)
XII - 46 (9.4%)
Äänestäjiä yhteensä: 429

Sivuja: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13
Kirjoittaja Aihe: Miten Pluto käyttäytyy eri huoneissa? Missä huoneessa plutosi on?  (Luettu 164296 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 3 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
Corvus Leonis
Viestejä: 1652

Kaikkien sisällä on jokainen meistä.

« Vastaus #150 : 09.08.2009 17:14:09 »

Skorpioni ja ykkösessä yhtymässä aurinkoon.
Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 16

« Vastaus #151 : 09.08.2009 21:10:21 »

Mulla on Pluto neitsyessä ja 4. huonessa.
 Eli vaikea lapsuus on takana...  Huh. Mulla on planeetat yleensäkin 3., 4., tai 5. huoneessa. Vain Saturnus on "eksynyt" 11.huoneeseen.

aurinko neitsyt III
nouseva rapu
kuu vaaka IV
merkurius neitsyt IV
venus vaaka V
mars neitsyt III
jupiter skorpioni V
saturnus härkä XI
uranus vaaka IV
neptunus skorpioni V
pluto neitsyt IV
Punainen Yliääni Kuu
Viestejä: 1239


Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #152 : 14.08.2009 08:49:34 »

Puhuttiinko tässä nyt alunperin pluton sijainnista NYT siis transiittikartalla vai syntymäkartalla?

No jokatapauksessa syntymäkartalla plutoni on kolmosessa skorppionissa ja transiittikartalla on pluto hyvää vauhtia menossa viitoshuoneeseen kauriin alueelle.
Viestejä: 872

Lunar Leo - GROARRR!!!

« Vastaus #153 : 14.08.2009 11:40:52 »

 pluto vaaka 8. huoneessa - omassa huoneessaan siis Smiley

Koen tuon Pluto-sijainnin siten, että elämäntehtäväni on selvittää totuutta, tutkia asioita pintaa syvemmältä, opiskella, kuka minä oikein olen ja kasvaa kokemusteni ja oppimani kautta ihmisenä.

Tuota 8. huoneen vaikutusta vahvistaa vielä se, että karttani hallitsija  saturnus löytyy myös 8. huoneesta (  askendentti kauris ).

Aspektit Plutolle:

 pluto puoli-  aspect_squ aurinko
 pluto aspect_squ mars
 pluto aspect_con saturnus
 pluto aspect_sex neptunus
 pluto aspect_sex ceres
 pluto aspect_tri vesta

Jostain syystä mun Kuu-aspektit ovat oikeastaan kaikki helppoja, kolmioita Kuulle on paljon. Sen sijaan  mars saturnus pluto -aspektit Auringolle ovat hankalia (ja on siellä myös  aurinko aspect_con uranus , voidaanko sanoa vaikeaksi?). Mulla on risainen isäsuhde alistavan isän kanssa. Isä asetti määräykset, millainen mun pitää olla, miten pitää käyttäytyä ja mitä mun pitää jatkossa opiskella/tehdä työkseni. Eli varmaan sitä nuo pahat Aurinko-aspektit kuvaavat, hallitseva isä ja sitä kautta huono minäkuva  Embarrassed

Aurinko 10-Merkurius 11-Venus 11-Uranus 10-Neptunus 11-Pallas 10-Ceres 11 Jousimies
Kuu 7 Leijona
Mars 1-Juno 1-Lilith 1 Kauris
Jupiter 9-Saturnus 8 Skorpioni
Pluto 8 Vaaka
Chiron 3 Härkä
Vesta 1 Vesimies
Vertex 7-PF 7 Neitsyt
Noususolmu 6 Rapu
AC Kauris (DC Rapu)
MC Jousimies (IC Kaksonen
Viestejä: 3522

Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #154 : 04.02.2013 10:18:54 »

Downtempo, ehkä sinulla tuo 2. huoneen Pluton merkitys avautuu paremmin jonkun tujakan Pluto-transiitin aikana. Kuvauksesi kuulosti Plutoksi vielä aika kevyeltä. Kyseessä on kuitenkin ääripäiden planeetta, joka repii tuhkatkin pesästä tai sitten kun antaa, niin antaa ruhtinaallisesti. 2. huone ei ole pelkästään rahahuone, kuvastaahan se myös syntymälahjoja ja arvomaailmaa. Se ei ole kuitenkaan mikään Jupiter, jos Pluto on vienyt/on viemässä jotakin tärkeää, se antaa takaisin korkojen kera usein vasta taistelun jälkeen.

Olen näköjään kommentoinut 4. huonetta parissakin viestissä, mutta siihen voisi lisätä vielä muutaman jutun, joihin olen törmännyt viime vuosina. Eli vaikka äitisuhteeni ei lapsuudessa hääppöinen ollutkaan, niin muuten ensimmäiset 21 vuottani elelin hyvinkin vakaissa ja turvallisissa oloissa. Mutta joitakin vuosia sitten aloin vetää aina enenevissä määrin puoleeni ihmisiä, joiden lapsuus on oikeasti ollut perhehelvettiä ja täynnä menetyksiä. Melkein on tullut se tunne, että 4. huoneen Pluto ei viittaa edes nykyisen elämän kotioloihin, ehkä olen kokenut perhehelvettini aikaisemmissa elämissäni ja nyt olen tukihenkilö vastaavia kokemuksia läpikäyville ihmisille.

Toinen juttu 4. huoneen Plutosta: Olen yleensä vieraanvarainen ja minusta on mukava kestitä ystäviä ja tuttavia (IC Leijona). Valitettavan usein kotiini on kuitenkin pyrkinyt ihmisiä, jotka kuvittelevat, että siellä voi käyttäytyä täysin mielivaltaisesti. Tästä syystä olen kehittynyt aika hyväksi pirttihirmuksi.  buck2. Ominaisuus liittyy läheisien suojeluun, eli ei ole tarkoitus alistaa omaa perhettä tossun alle.  Grin


Aurinko Kaksonen, huone 12, Kuu Härkä, huone 11, AC Rapu, MC Vesimies

Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 13

« Vastaus #155 : 04.02.2013 11:53:36 »

Minulla pluto näyttäisi olevan skorpionissa ja huoneessa 7.

pluto aspect_sex kuupluto aspect_tri marspluto aspect_kvi  jupiterpluto aspect_sex  saturnuspluto aspect_tri  chiron ja  pluto  aspect_sex  neptunus.
« Vastaus #156 : 04.02.2013 12:09:05 »

Pluto  skorpioni 9. huoneessa, väljä  aspect_con keskitaivas ,  tarkka  aspect_sex venus (joka  kauris ja OOB ), melkein yhtä tarkka  aspect_squ mars (joka 0 astetta  vesimies ).
- Kastehelmi -
Viestejä: 342

« Vastaus #157 : 04.02.2013 19:44:53 »

Mä lähdin taas Plutooni pohtiin... Huoneessa 12  aspect_con askendentti vaaka, aspect_sex mars leijona, aspect_ssx saturnus ja jupiter neitsyt, aspect_sex neptunus jousimies, aspect_tri pallas vesimies, aspect_squ juno rapu.
Mun ehkä hieman hankalaa erottaa tätä sijainnin vaikutuksia mun kartan muusta skorpparipuolesta. Mä koen, että tuo huonesijainti vahvistaa sitä. Kaikki piilossa oleva kiinnostaa. Se mitä tapahtuu kulisseissa, pimeässä... Mitä ihminen on on oikeasti, sanojensa takana jne. Mulle tärkeetä on käyttää plutovoimaa hyvään. 

Viestejä: 6648

Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #158 : 04.02.2013 22:54:15 »

 pluto neitsyt 9

« Vastaus #159 : 04.02.2013 23:02:02 »

Mulla on Pluto 8. huoneessa neitsyessä.
 pluto aspect_tri kuupluto aspect_opp chiron ja  pluto aspect_sex neptunus

Ei haisuakaan mitä meinaa. Paitsi elämän syviä vesiä?
- Kastehelmi -
Viestejä: 342

« Vastaus #160 : 05.02.2013 15:15:55 »

Mä lähdin taas Plutooni pohtiin... Huoneessa 12  aspect_con askendentti vaaka, aspect_sex mars leijona, aspect_ssx saturnus ja jupiter neitsyt, aspect_sex neptunus jousimies, aspect_tri pallas vesimies, aspect_squ juno rapu.
Mun ehkä hieman hankalaa erottaa tätä sijainnin vaikutuksia mun kartan muusta skorpparipuolesta. Mä koen, että tuo huonesijainti vahvistaa sitä. Kaikki piilossa oleva kiinnostaa. Se mitä tapahtuu kulisseissa, pimeässä... Mitä ihminen on on oikeasti, sanojensa takana jne. Mulle tärkeetä on käyttää plutovoimaa hyvään. 

Mulla myös 12huoneessa ja yhtymässä  askendentti. Kaikki mysteerit yms. kiinnostaa myös mua, joskus olen pohtinut, kuinka mielenkiintoista rikospoliisin ura olisikaan ollut.
Joo mä toimin läheisille yksityisetsivänä Grin Mut joo kaikenlaiset mysteerit kiinnostaa kovasti! Eikä pysty antaan periks, kun selvitystyön on alottanu Smiley

Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 49

« Vastaus #161 : 28.02.2013 15:39:08 »

Multa Pluto löytyy XII huoneesta, Skorpionista. Lisäksi on Pluto yhtymä Nousumerkki, avautuva kolmio Kuu, yhtymä Merkurius, avautuva sekstiili Venus ja sulkeutuva sekstiili Neptunus. Sellaisia.

Mitä ymmärsin, niin Pluton ollessa XII huoneessa, on henkilöllä suuri kiinnostus kaikkiin mysteereihin ja salaisuuksiin. Mahdollisesti lapsena kokenut pahoinpitelyä (henkistä tai fyysistä), hyväksikäyttöä tms., jonka vuoksi sitten on kääntynytkin sisäänpäin omaan maailmaan ja omaa luultavasti voimakkaita psyykkisiä kykyjä tämän vuoksi. Henkilöt joilla Pluto sijaitsee XII huoneessa näkevät usein toisten ihmisten ulkokuorta syvemmälle, piilotetut agendat ja ihmisten todellisen minän. Voimakas itsetietoisuus ja omien tekojen/valintojen/yms. analysointi, mutta kykenemättömyys jakaa näitä tietoja itsestään liittyy varmaan tähän myös sekä intuitio. Haasteena on surun tunteet, menetykset sun muut ja se, ettei lamaannu niistä. (muoks.muoks. voimakkaita parantajia löytyy myös henkilöistä, joilla Pluto tässä huoneessa!)

No ainakin omalla kohdallani surullisen paljon pitää kaikki paikkansa, vähän sydän hypähti kurkkuun lukiessani tietoa tästä huonesijainnista.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 28.02.2013 15:48:24 kirjoittanut isla-vera » tallennettu

plutonic power
Corvus Leonis
Viestejä: 1652

Kaikkien sisällä on jokainen meistä.

« Vastaus #162 : 19.04.2013 20:50:56 »

Tulee mieleen kaksi kaveria jotka kumpikin nousuvaakoja mutta toisella Pluto nousussa, toisella 12.huoneessa. Kumpikin tykkää pitää jöötä, mutta jotenkin tuo edellämainittu tuo persoonaansa hyvinkin voimakkaasti esille kaikkialla, vaikka olisi hiljaa, ja on avoimen itsekeskeinen, kun taas tämä 12.huoneen tyyppi osoittaa "plutonisen" puolensa lähinnä kahdenkeskisissä keskusteluissa (ja vielä yleensä nimenomaan jossain suljetussa huoneessa.)

Itse Aurinko-Pluto-nousuisena tiän vain että mua on aina pidetty omituisena, mutta ei ihmiskuntä säästy itsetuholta ainakaan sillä että joka iikka tekisi asiat ja eläisi samojen (yleensä hyvin epäekologisten) normien mukaan vain siksi että pelkäävät kaikkea. knuppel2
Rakkauden enkeli
« Vastaus #163 : 21.07.2013 18:33:59 »

Täällä onkin näemmä aika monella kyselyn mukaan Pluto 1.huoneessa...  :Smiley Henkisillä ihmisillä tyypillistäkö? Mulla se on kanssa ykkösessä ja vaa'assa. Etsin tietoa ja  Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Onneksi koen/tiedän käyttäväni tätä Pluton tuomaa voimaa pääasiassa positiivisesti... Aina sitä kuitenkin näyttää oppivan jotain uutta itsestään.

Pluto in the 1st House
With Pluto in the 1st, there is a deep intensity of self-expression. It's as if the power of the unconscious exists for all to see right at the surface of self, and that power has great impact. People tend to immediately like or dislike you, sometimes in spite of themselves. In some instances, others both like and dislike you simultaneously, experiencing attraction and repulsion together. This is because your natural radiance demands psychological confrontation between yourself and others, even though that demand is largely unintentional. Your projected energy is mysterious, promising more than is shown, with a hint of danger. Curiously, you are
often blind to the compelling nature of your own personality, and you wonder why others respond to you as they do.
  Natural persona: Your natural face is difficult to read, but impossible to ignore. Something dark and brooding is present, indefinable, unseen, but strongly felt. Your name-tag says, "I am not what I seem; I am more and less than you realise".

There's more. Anything in the first house tends to radiate visibly and obviously from the personality. With you sending out such Plutonian vibrations, people around you often let you symbolise that part of life for them. And when they are not at ease with Plutonian realities - a fair bet most of the time - they'll have a tendency to project their discomfort onto you, naming you the 'bad' one: you're 'too intense', 'too psychological', 'too sexual', 'too morbid', whatever. This scapegoating pattern is likely to have made itself felt at some point in your life, and it too is part of the Wound you carry. Your navigational error: Like the beer can sitting by the compass in our earlier parable, your truth-carrier's scar or your scapegoat's wound can distort your course
through life. Essentially, you can hold back too much, or express yourself vigorously and passionately but in pointless ways that have little to do with who you really are and what you really feel.

Pluto people are considered to be too egotistical, and there is seldom any pity felt for them. Others will say "Well, he (or she) deserves it, since he (or she) brought it on himself (or herself)". Unfortunately, Pluto first house people are not aware of what  they did to bring things on themselves. They will close the door to the frustrating past, and grudgingly go on. Friendships and connections are severed entirely, with little chance of reviving. Labeled either a 'loser' or an egomaniac, this person can simply disappear from the scene. Indeed, the Pluto native is often hard to find anyway - but under times of stress he or she can simply vanish, leaving no forwarding address or any clues to his or her whereabouts.

Of course, not every first house Pluto native has this particular problem of unrelenting crises, etc.. But she / he will generally still be a very private person. Few people, if any, will get to know this person intimately. Yet, there is often an aura of excitement around the Pluto native, which suggests that here is someone who lives life very richly and excitingly. Being around such a person can lend an aura of glamour to one's life; and others feel that they are somehow more exciting people because of this connection with power.

The Pluto first house person is a magician, and that's what magnetically attracts others. Somehow, others simply know that the power of this person can bring into his or her life anything she / he wants - anything! The focus of awareness is deep, and the sense of dynamic, powerful inner motivations can tap into the resources of the universe. By being clear with desire, the essential nature of Scorpio and Aries (the two signs most frequently associated with Pluto) creates that into reality. The native can experience life intensely in the moment, and is extraordinarily perceptive. Like a hawk or an eagle, people with first house Pluto are aware of their environment, and of how that environment reflects their own nature. They can live life with excitement, involved in unravelling the mystery of reality, and exploring their own magical resources - of which there are many! When this individual can positively use Pluto, she / he will not feel destroyed if others think him or her silly or ridiculous.

Seriousness is replaced with purpose; and there is a sense of cosmic humour with this placement, an understanding of how funny the universe can be. He or she can be vulnerable, and in that vulnerability can have the capacity to respond openly and in depth to feelings and stimuli. This is truly powerful. This person is selective in the choice of who or what to respond to, and doesn't necessarily feel obligated to be or act with your usual social politeness. Yet, she / he can be very tender, warm and understanding, when she / he chooses to be.

This individual has the power to act on his or her own decisions, and feel good about it, trusting the inner self. Even though others may think this person rude at times, the Plutonian knows what is true communication and what is really verbal manipulation,  and responds accordingly. Without the paranoia of the negative Pluto person, the positive individual can truly feel the difference, and will not be manipulated. He or she, however, will be open and expressive, and supportive of anyone about whom she / he cares greatly. This gives incredible depth to a relationship, and a deep and secure bond between the parties involved. Life with a Pluto first house individual is never routine! If you are one, or are fortunate enough to know one, you'll be aware of the magicality of life, when Pluto is used positively.

The Pluto individual will always be able to achieve his or her heart's desire, for she / he has the qualities of courage, self-forgiveness, and personal security through self- knowledge. With a grand perspective, this powerful personality creates  a unique and exciting reality for himself or herself. With the deep kundalini force within the self expanding outwards, the Pluto person lets his or her own magical genius complete that greater destiny she / he knows is waiting for him or her. Probably outcomes of the pattern mentioned before include the development of a powerful will, many upheaveals throughout life, high levels of endurance, non-conformity, resistance, intensity, and weight on the body (particularly about the hips). Others will notice this person's intense gaze, which hints at fire and power smouldering under the surface. This person can be overtly aggressive, or seemingly painfully shy. The face may have deep-set eyes, and a strong chin. Sometimes, despite the power of the jaw, the distance from chin to nose can be small in proportion to the space from eyebrows to hairline.

Common characteristics of the First House Pluto types are these: intense individualists, can be very strong-willed, intense, magnetic, bull-headed, defiant against arbitrary authority, courageous, possess inherent leadership abilities, are not given to meaningless conversations, have a penetrating gaze, and can be hard to get to know deeply. They have very strong physical bodies.

Pluto vaa'assa:

PLUTO IN LIBRA 1971-1984 (Generation X)

Pluto in Libra may be a bit compulsive. They want to understand the world around them, but they may act before thinking. They really want to appear as if they

are in control. They work very diligently at making all of their relationships work. This is their way of transforming themselves and others. Some may be unconventional, while others are very traditional in how they view these relationships.

Libra Pluto loves art and they respond best to the art that makes a strong impression on the viewer. Fairness and justice is very important to them, and they may help reform laws to make things more equitable. They are fairly diplomatic, but may get very angry when they see injustice. Ultimately they wish to create harmony. Fighting and discord cause them pain. They are able to dive right in to a situation, however and wade through all the unpleasantness to create that peace.

Pluto in Libra has the gift of compromise. They can find a middle ground in almost any issue. That issue where there is no middle ground and one side will definitely lose is the hardest situation for Libra Pluto to deal with. They may become immobilized and do nothing.
Viestejä: 73

« Vastaus #164 : 23.07.2013 17:26:37 »

Täällä onkin näemmä aika monella kyselyn mukaan Pluto 1.huoneessa...  :Smiley Henkisillä ihmisillä tyypillistäkö? Mulla se on kanssa ykkösessä ja vaa'assa. Etsin tietoa ja  Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Onneksi koen/tiedän käyttäväni tätä Pluton tuomaa voimaa pääasiassa positiivisesti... Aina sitä kuitenkin näyttää oppivan jotain uutta itsestään.

Pluto in the 1st House
With Pluto in the 1st, there is a deep intensity of self-expression. It's as if the power of the unconscious exists for all to see right at the surface of self, and that power has great impact. People tend to immediately like or dislike you, sometimes in spite of themselves. In some instances, others both like and dislike you simultaneously, experiencing attraction and repulsion together. This is because your natural radiance demands psychological confrontation between yourself and others, even though that demand is largely unintentional. Your projected energy is mysterious, promising more than is shown, with a hint of danger. Curiously, you are
often blind to the compelling nature of your own personality, and you wonder why others respond to you as they do.
  Natural persona: Your natural face is difficult to read, but impossible to ignore. Something dark and brooding is present, indefinable, unseen, but strongly felt. Your name-tag says, "I am not what I seem; I am more and less than you realise".

There's more. Anything in the first house tends to radiate visibly and obviously from the personality. With you sending out such Plutonian vibrations, people around you often let you symbolise that part of life for them. And when they are not at ease with Plutonian realities - a fair bet most of the time - they'll have a tendency to project their discomfort onto you, naming you the 'bad' one: you're 'too intense', 'too psychological', 'too sexual', 'too morbid', whatever. This scapegoating pattern is likely to have made itself felt at some point in your life, and it too is part of the Wound you carry. Your navigational error: Like the beer can sitting by the compass in our earlier parable, your truth-carrier's scar or your scapegoat's wound can distort your course
through life. Essentially, you can hold back too much, or express yourself vigorously and passionately but in pointless ways that have little to do with who you really are and what you really feel.

Pluto people are considered to be too egotistical, and there is seldom any pity felt for them. Others will say "Well, he (or she) deserves it, since he (or she) brought it on himself (or herself)". Unfortunately, Pluto first house people are not aware of what  they did to bring things on themselves. They will close the door to the frustrating past, and grudgingly go on. Friendships and connections are severed entirely, with little chance of reviving. Labeled either a 'loser' or an egomaniac, this person can simply disappear from the scene. Indeed, the Pluto native is often hard to find anyway - but under times of stress he or she can simply vanish, leaving no forwarding address or any clues to his or her whereabouts.

Of course, not every first house Pluto native has this particular problem of unrelenting crises, etc.. But she / he will generally still be a very private person. Few people, if any, will get to know this person intimately. Yet, there is often an aura of excitement around the Pluto native, which suggests that here is someone who lives life very richly and excitingly. Being around such a person can lend an aura of glamour to one's life; and others feel that they are somehow more exciting people because of this connection with power.

The Pluto first house person is a magician, and that's what magnetically attracts others. Somehow, others simply know that the power of this person can bring into his or her life anything she / he wants - anything! The focus of awareness is deep, and the sense of dynamic, powerful inner motivations can tap into the resources of the universe. By being clear with desire, the essential nature of Scorpio and Aries (the two signs most frequently associated with Pluto) creates that into reality. The native can experience life intensely in the moment, and is extraordinarily perceptive. Like a hawk or an eagle, people with first house Pluto are aware of their environment, and of how that environment reflects their own nature. They can live life with excitement, involved in unravelling the mystery of reality, and exploring their own magical resources - of which there are many! When this individual can positively use Pluto, she / he will not feel destroyed if others think him or her silly or ridiculous.

Seriousness is replaced with purpose; and there is a sense of cosmic humour with this placement, an understanding of how funny the universe can be. He or she can be vulnerable, and in that vulnerability can have the capacity to respond openly and in depth to feelings and stimuli. This is truly powerful. This person is selective in the choice of who or what to respond to, and doesn't necessarily feel obligated to be or act with your usual social politeness. Yet, she / he can be very tender, warm and understanding, when she / he chooses to be.

This individual has the power to act on his or her own decisions, and feel good about it, trusting the inner self. Even though others may think this person rude at times, the Plutonian knows what is true communication and what is really verbal manipulation,  and responds accordingly. Without the paranoia of the negative Pluto person, the positive individual can truly feel the difference, and will not be manipulated. He or she, however, will be open and expressive, and supportive of anyone about whom she / he cares greatly. This gives incredible depth to a relationship, and a deep and secure bond between the parties involved. Life with a Pluto first house individual is never routine! If you are one, or are fortunate enough to know one, you'll be aware of the magicality of life, when Pluto is used positively.

The Pluto individual will always be able to achieve his or her heart's desire, for she / he has the qualities of courage, self-forgiveness, and personal security through self- knowledge. With a grand perspective, this powerful personality creates  a unique and exciting reality for himself or herself. With the deep kundalini force within the self expanding outwards, the Pluto person lets his or her own magical genius complete that greater destiny she / he knows is waiting for him or her. Probably outcomes of the pattern mentioned before include the development of a powerful will, many upheaveals throughout life, high levels of endurance, non-conformity, resistance, intensity, and weight on the body (particularly about the hips). Others will notice this person's intense gaze, which hints at fire and power smouldering under the surface. This person can be overtly aggressive, or seemingly painfully shy. The face may have deep-set eyes, and a strong chin. Sometimes, despite the power of the jaw, the distance from chin to nose can be small in proportion to the space from eyebrows to hairline.

Common characteristics of the First House Pluto types are these: intense individualists, can be very strong-willed, intense, magnetic, bull-headed, defiant against arbitrary authority, courageous, possess inherent leadership abilities, are not given to meaningless conversations, have a penetrating gaze, and can be hard to get to know deeply. They have very strong physical bodies.

Pluto vaa'assa:

PLUTO IN LIBRA 1971-1984 (Generation X)

Pluto in Libra may be a bit compulsive. They want to understand the world around them, but they may act before thinking. They really want to appear as if they

are in control. They work very diligently at making all of their relationships work. This is their way of transforming themselves and others. Some may be unconventional, while others are very traditional in how they view these relationships.

Libra Pluto loves art and they respond best to the art that makes a strong impression on the viewer. Fairness and justice is very important to them, and they may help reform laws to make things more equitable. They are fairly diplomatic, but may get very angry when they see injustice. Ultimately they wish to create harmony. Fighting and discord cause them pain. They are able to dive right in to a situation, however and wade through all the unpleasantness to create that peace.

Pluto in Libra has the gift of compromise. They can find a middle ground in almost any issue. That issue where there is no middle ground and one side will definitely lose is the hardest situation for Libra Pluto to deal with. They may become immobilized and do nothing.

Kiitos Rakkauden valo hyvin avartavasta tietopaketista! Täällä myös yksi kohtalotoveri eli vaaka pluto 1. huoneessa.
Syntymäkartallani tekee pluto sekstiiliä neptunukselle sekä merkuriukselle. En tiedä sitten, että millainen vaikutus noilla on?
Tämä aihe on kyllä erittäin mielenkiintoinen...  coolsmiley
Sivuja: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13