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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Vuosi 2012: Mitä tapahtuu?  (Luettu 742060 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 14 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #405 : 18.09.2008 19:47:50 »

It surprises and shocks the people of India to find out that the Meso-American Mayans predicted that this Kali-Yuga will end in 2012 AD. Today's Hindus insist that mankind has been in the Kali-Yuga for only 4,000 to 7,000 years. However, they must realize that the Mayans, the ones who really knew the secrets of the universe, were driven out of India and forced to live in Ceylon. There, they inhabited the province of Maya which was named after them. Afterwards, Kubera and his Yaksha subjects took them to Meso-America.

Since the Mayans were driven out of India, non-Mayan Hindus, not knowing the astronomical secrets of the Mayans, have interpreted the theory of the Maha-Yuga. So who really knows when this Kali-Yuga will end? Today's Hindus in India? Or the people who have always claimed to be "Masters of Time"-the Mayans of Meso-America?

When I first started writing this article about the Mayans and their prophecy based on scientific astronomical principles, I was going to make it as lengthy and explanatory as possible. However, I decided that if the Mayans are correct, it's too late for words and explanation. Nothing I can write can change things. Let's face it!


**allaolevassa hieman tuo aikataulu pettänyt..

The year 2006 is specified in both the Bible Code II and in the prophecies of the Mayan Elders as the year when it appears World War III fully breaks out. According to the Bible Code II, "World War", "Atomic Holocaust" and "End of Days" are all encoded "in 5766", the Hebrew year equivalent to 2006. According to the Mayan Elders, "a big war" in which "we can destroy ourselves" will start in March 2006 and continue until November 2006. It is important to note here that time is the most elusive of any factor for a psychic to predict. I appreciate the help with the prediction of time provided to me by Michael Drosnin's Bible Code II and by the Mayan Elders. These predictions serve as significant markers to help us know how much time we have to change our future, if we can, before it is too late; or otherwise to help us know how much time we have to prepare ourselves for a world war, if changing our future proves unachievable.

What I foresee is one possible future which will bring, in 2006, the deployment and use of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. I foresee that at least one nuclear weapon will be launched from Syria. The target of this missile will be somewhere within Israel. (Drosnin specifies in the Bible Code II that the target within Israel will be Jerusalem [Drosnin, pp. 200-1]. He does not mention that the missile will be launched from Syria. My vision "sees" Syria as the point of origin of a nuclear missile aimed at Israel--B.T.)

Armies from many Western and Middle Eastern nations will amass and confront each other, creating an unprecented international crisis.

At first, most of the fighting will be concentrated in the northern sections of Israel, near Israel's borders with Lebanon and Syria and soon thereafter on the Plain of Megiddo near Tel Aviv. Both sides ultimately will resort to using short-range nuclear weapons against each other's armed forces on the battlefield. Both sides also will launch long-range nuclear weapons aimed at the civilian populations inside the borders of many of the nations directly involved in this war. Nuclear fallout will drift outward from the Middle East. Fighting eventually will spread from the mountains to the deserts to the sea.

Tel Aviv will be hard-hit. I see what is either a tower-like structure in Tel Aviv and/or the superstructure of a naval vessel--such as an aircraft carrier or a battleship located in the Mediterranean Sea near Tel Aviv--going up in smoke.

I see a blockade (or a blockage of the waterway caused by a sabotaged, damaged vessel) which will close the Suez Canal to all commercial and military shipping. Fighting will ensue to re-open the Suez Canal.

I see that as these events progress, the boundaries of this war will extend from the east in a civil war within India, also sweeping through and involving Pakistan, and through the Islamic nations in the deserts of the Middle East; I see little fighting in most of Afghanistan and initially a cautious approach to doing any fighting near or within the borders of Iran, which will pose a menacing nuclear threat; also this war will be waged heavily within and around the borders of Israel and westward, breaking out in localized violence in some of the nations of North Africa, as well as in the Balkans and other European nations and also northward to the borders of Russia. Russia will be drawn into the fighting.

Iran seems to be the wild card. I see a darkness over the northern half of Iran, perhaps signifying political division in Iran's capital, Tehran, and/or social chaos. The prospects of what Iran can or might do with its real or perceived arsenal of weapons of mass destruction will become a major focal point of the world's fears and concerns during this time. Iran could hold the "hot button" that would trigger an escalation of the conflict, resulting in a nuclear holocaust in the Middle East. The fear will be whether Iran might be bluffing or not.

The developed countries of the world will at this point insist on a cease-fire. Because of the unimaginable and unique potential for a war of untold destruction, both sides will accept a cease-fire. For a period of time, this cease-fire will hold.


One of the most interesting calendar coincidences in relation to the Mayan 2012 information, is the similarity between the start dates of the last long count cycle of the Mayan system and the Hindu’s Kali Yuga. Yuga’s are vast periods of time, epoch’s that relate to the Earths journey around a cosmological central sun. The four Yuga (Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga) together make up an entire world age between creation and destruction events, held to be around 4,320,000 years in total duration.

Most 21-12-2012 researchers are aware of the 3114BCE start date of the current long count cycle, less people are aware however that the Kali Yuga, a predicted era of moral decent and spiritual bleakness, began in the year 3102BCE. A startling similarity, a mere 12 years difference for systems on different sides of the planet. The Brahma Vaivarta Purana Sutra from ancient India depicts a period which has many of the failings visible in our modern society, such is the backdrop of the spiritual decline in the Kali Yuga.

It is however a mistake  for people to seek a link between the Mayan 2012 end-date and the closing of the Kali Yuga. Though their starts may have links the ends do not. The Kali Yuga is set to continue on for a vast period of time, at least 432,000 years, well eclipsing the 5126 years of the Mayan Long Count. Scholars from philosophies such as Buddhism, and from religions such as Brahmanist Hinduism, often discuss ages as being many millions of years long, entire vast Kalpa of time are addressed.

There is an excellent Buddhist parable that depicts visually an era of time described as an Aeon, far more effectively than a string of numbers. A teacher  monk explains that an eon can be likened to the great stone mountain Meru. Once every year a man passes the mountain and lightly brushed against it a strip of the finest silk. The mountain will be completely worn away by his action well before the aeon closes.

Its worth noting that the Buddhist philosophy does not tend to hold with the idea that a time of any great Universal significance will happen in our near future, every moment carries the same inherent problems and their solutions. The only significant events predicted or prophesised are the ending the vast epochs, or the extremely intermittent arising of new Buddha’s. There have been suggestions in relation to 2012, that the next Buddha will arise at this time in a rather Judeo-Christian end of days scenario. Unfortunately anyone educated in Buddhist lore will know that it is made clear that Buddha’s only arise millions of years apart. Buddhism is prophesised to completely disappear during the Kali Yuga, and that during that time it will be virtually impossible for seekers to find any opportunity for spiritual realisation at all by any system we might be able to consider now. Only when such utter darkness has shrouded the world will another being become fully realised wholly by their own efforts, without any guidance, and become the next Buddha, named Maitreya.

The most notable discussion on the Kali Yuga by Buddhist teachers actually refers to how lucky a being is to be born as a human in such a time. To quote the master wisdom teacher Pabongka Rimpoche, “Most important of all through this physical rebirth you are able to achieve the state of Vajradhara [unification of the illusory body and great bliss] within one short lifetime in this degenerate age; otherwise it would take thee countless great aeons to achieve. Thus this rebirth is worth more than one thousand billion precious jewels.”

21-12-2012 may close a cycle of time related to consciousness change within our species, after all the Mayans were highly focussed on biological and environmental cycles, it would make sense that they had tried to do the same with psychological and spiritual forces. This would be in accordance with the great Asiatic measures of Yuga and Kulpa, as they too relate to the evolution of human consciousness. This considerably shorter cycle of the Long Count would only relate to a significant change in thought process’s however, not to a sudden total self enlightenment of the human species in totality. Even if we take into account the entire Great Year of the Galactic Alignment (26,000 years max.) it is vastly less that the periods Asiatic teachers consider necessary for super-massive consciousness upgrades.

The talk of 2012 consciousness change is by needs somewhat vague, nobody knows for sure just what might happen. That said it is wise to perhaps disregard the position which suggests suddenly every person on Earth will automatically become fully enlightened spiritual beings, ready to embrace a world of spiritual concerns, peace and compassion. It is self evident that the last time a Great Year period ended we did not have this happen, nor in prior cycles. The fact is that we are still here and not fully self realised, so we know it does not tend to happen that way. Whether perhaps some certain persons were especially effected or did somehow ascend to a higher dimension remains possible, but as stated that’s not everyone on Earth. If this cycle is important in regards to the evolution of consciousness then its more likely that the effect is far more subtle, either an evolutionary change in our neurological system, or perhaps a general refinement of the functioning of mental energies. The advantage given would perhaps make self realisation somewhat easier only because the tools, the technology of self development, gets upgraded. If you were a psychopath on 20-12-2012 it strikes me unlikely that even this cosmic-consciousness change will cause you to become a saint in under 24hrs.

** hmmm..

Quran, the holy book of Islamic dharma predicts complete annihilation of the Muslim (Islamic) community after the year 2000. In the cosmic system established by God there is no place for fundamentalists. Bible also predicts the end of the Vatican after year 2000.

Both communities are primarily fundamentalists by nature... the practitioners of Islamic dharma do not hide this fact. On the contrary the Christians do not advertise their principles of life but the atrocities being committed by USA and its allies worldwide is a known fact. Both the communities are predicted by Nostradamus to get annihilated in the World War 3.

World war 3 shall be a fight between Dharma (moral values) and Adharma (wicked tendencies). None world-wide shall be able to escape the effects of World War 3. The catastrophe shall be of such a magnitude that 1200 million people will vanish in World War 3.

After World War 3 the population of the world shall be limited to 4800 million. Primarily, India and China would not be aggressively involved in World War 3. With a combined population of about 2000 million... it shall mean that apart from India and China... the whole world would be badly affected by World War 3.

As envisaged by the famous physicist Einstein... the fourth World War would be fought with stones and uprooted trees. He was correct for the World War 3 would signal the end of science as it is today. Life will have a new beginning... a new meaning after World War 3!

World War 3 would signify that life would have come full circle... it was about 3600 years before that Lord Krishna came and gave life a new meaning. Presently everyone is awaiting the advent of Bhagwan Kalki... one who delivers the mankind from the presently existing ills and announce the end of the Kali Yuga the metal age.

Kali Yuga (the present metal age) has been termed as a period in the history of mankind when human being stoops so low in morality that it becomes difficult to differentiate animals from human beings! The humanity is presently passing through the last phase of Kali Yuga... and this is the time when a Yuga Avatar (Incarnation of God Almighty) of the level of Lord Krishna descends on Mother Earth and saves the mankind!

World War 3 and the aftermath shall be period of reckoning for the mankind... all the efforts... all the discoveries and inventions of the past few hundred years would get washed down the drain. The end of Kali Yuga shall announce the start of Sat Yuga (the golden period).

Nostradamus in his prophecies had rightly predicted the start of the World War 3 around the end of 1998. The World War 3 did not happen. Why? As the prayers world-wide increased... the happening got delayed... who is interested in a Holocaust of the magnitude of almost thousands times that of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Based on the predictions of Nostradamus as of now... World War 3 is most likely to happen around 2011~2012. Until then both the communities... the Christians and followers of the Islamic Dharma are silently in preparation.

A rise in the level of waters around 10~12 feet in the seas and the oceans is predicted in World War 3. The radio active vapors would result in melting of the Arctic ice on an unprecedented scale. World War 3 would result in countries like Australia almost getting wiped out from the face of the Earth. World War 3 would result in waves raising to a height of upto 1000 feet... something unheard of!

The infliction by World War 3 would we phenomenal, unthinkable for the human being has indulged destroying the balance of nature. Now it is the fury of the nature everyone shall face! World War 3 would be remembered for the times to come for it shall mean the end of the dark era and the start of Sat Yuga (the golden period).

It has always been a cat and dog fight between the Christianity and the Islamic dharma. Unable to contain self both the communities would try to annihilate the other in World War 3. The results would be catastrophic for the entire mankind.

One may or may not indulge in World War 3 but every living being shall face the music of the World War 3. The doctrine of mass Karma confirms this. A citizen may or may not have acted indifferently but for the acts of the executive president... the total country shall suffer or gain for we have elected him of our own free will.

The people of Australia may not have faulted to the extent that the World War 3 spells complete doom for the entire country. Their support to USA as an ally shall be the cause of their suffering. Even though not directly involved in World War 3 but surrounded from all sides by the sea... this country shall suffer the most.

In World War 3 and the aftermath who shall survive is a tricky question? The doctrine of mass Karma shall see to it that those with Punya Karma (good Karma) in their balance shall survive and human beings having a negative balance of Karma shall perish. Justice delayed but not denied!

World War 3: When shall it be?

The end of World War 3 shall see India becoming superpower number-one. China shall follow as superpower number two. It is inevitable... none can change the consequences for it is Karma of the people of that country that shall decide the fate in their favor.

Glory be to World War 3 predictions by Nostradamus that shall hold well in the end!


^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #406 : 20.09.2008 19:31:25 »

Tässä koetetaan kuvata sitä miten Aurinkomme (tai keskusaurinko Alcyone, joka siis syöttää meidän aurinkoamme) jollain tavalla menee
"linjaan" Galaktisen keskuksen  GC kanssa

Hunab Ku was, to the Mayas, the supreme God and ultimate Creator. It represented the gateway to other Galaxies beyond our Sun as well as all of the Consciousness that has ever existed in this Galaxy. Hunab Ku, according to the Mayas, is also the Consciousness which organized all matter, from a "whirling disk", into stars, planets and solar systems. Hunab Ku is the "Mother Womb" which is constantly giving birth to new stars and it gave birth to our own Sun and Planet Earth. They also believed that the "Creator" directs everything that happens in our Galaxy from its center through the emanation of periodic "Consciousness Energy" bursts. Today, modern astronomers have verified that at the center of our Galaxy is a "whirling disk" with a "Black Hole" at its center that is both swallowing and giving birth to stars. Could the strange rumblings observed by Dr. Scott Hyman and his associates earlier this year at the center of our Galaxy be connected with what the Mayas believed?

There appears to be a convergence between what the Mayas believed and understood and what modern scientists are discovering about our Galaxy today. One big difference is how modern physicists view and how the ancient Mayas viewed "Time". Today, physicists view Time as being linear. Time according to modern precepts flows in a straight line. Time can slow down, as per Albert Einstein, but it always flows in one direction. In contrast, the Mayas believed essentially that Time flows in a circle. There is a beginning and an end to things but there is a renewal at the end of the Time cycle. There is a "periodicity" to all manifested phenomena. The Mayan highly accurate Long Count Calendar is based on this precept. The Mayas also believed that Time originates out of the Hunab Ku and is controlled by it.

It is very difficult to dismiss the Mayan Cosmology because they left extraordinary evidence that their "Time" keeping methodologies give extremely accurate results. Their pyramids like the one at Chichen-Itza in Mexico are precisely aligned to the the yearly Solstices and the Equinoxes that are caused by the precession of the Earth's axis as it orbits the Sun. The Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chichen-Itza is essentially a superb and highly accurate Time keeping devise that never fails to mark the yearly "Precession of the Equinoxes".

The ancient Mayan astronomers accurately predicted, over 1500 years ago, the exact alignment of the Earth, the Sun, the star cluster Pleiades and of the center of our Galaxy that will take place at the end of the present long cycle on the Gregorian year 2012. On the Mayan Long Calendar the day designated as 4 Ahau 3 Kankin ( falls on December 21, 2012 and this day will mark "El Fin de los Tiempos" or the end of the long cycle at which time humanity will experience a new beginning. On this day, according to the Mayas and subsequent Meso-American civilizations, the return of Kukulcan (Quetzalcoatl) will take place.

HUNAB KU - Mayan glyph representing a "black hole" at center of our galaxy
On December 21, 2012 which coincides with the Winter Solstice and as the Sun sets west of Chichen-Itza, a pattern of shadow and light will project the Plumed Serpent (Quetzalcoatl) descending on the stairs of the pyramid that has a large head of a serpent sculpted in rock at the base. This occurs twice in Chichen Itza every year but on the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2012 something very special will happen. As the Sun sets in the early afternoon, the shadow of the pyramid's northwest edge will project a moving pattern of light that joins and illuminates the sculpted serpent head at the base of the stairway. Within a thirty-four minute period, the serpent, formed by this play of light and shadow will appear to descend to the earth, as the sun leaves each stair, going from the top to the bottom. This combined effect creates the visual appearance of the body of the serpent descending the pyramid. In addition, on December 21, 2012, the tail of the serpent projected up from the top of the pyramid will be pointing precisely to the star cluster Pleiades. The pyramids at Teotihuacán which means "City of the Gods", constructed by a Meso-American civilization just north of Mexico City that preceded the Mayas, are also aligned to the Pleiades as are the Egyptian pyramids at Giza. This is not all, on December 21, 2012 at around 11:11 universal time, there will be a precise alignment of our Sun with the Galactic center (Hunab Ku).

Exactly what will happen on December 21, 2012 still remains a mystery but it seems that we are receiving stronger and stronger clues. The Mayas certainly placed great significance to this date. It is still 7 years away but our World is already experiencing unprecedented, extreme and rapid changes. The number and magnitude of "natural" catastrophes appear to be increasing exponentially. Scientists have detected extreme and erratic behavior in our Sun that in turn is having strong effects on our Earth's atmosphere and measurable effects on the other planets in our solar system as well. Could the strange rumblings detected by Dr. Scott Hyman at the center of our Galaxy be a cause of the weather and other changes we are experiencing here on Earth today? Will these energetic bursts from Hunab Ku increase in number and intensity as we approach the year 2012? The Mayas would answer "Yes". On December 12, 2012 the Mayas said that mankind will enter and begin a new Era of heightened Consciousness. Perhaps, a colossal emission of a yet unknown form of energy will burst out of our Galactic Center on December 21, 2012 that will change the very physics of our World, a new physics that will last until the next cycle.

The Mayan people say that the center of our galaxy is the source from which the energy of our life and experience emanates. Mayan mythology suggests that the alignment of the winter solstice with the heart of our galaxy indicates a time of rebirth for our world. Perhaps "the key" to understanding our situation and responding appropriately within it involves remembering the resources of our nature. Human nature is part of the greatness of all nature together. In the same way, our intellectual and analytical capacities are only part of the greater intelligence and consciousness of our cosmos.

The Future in Your Hands

Ultimately this means that where (and when) we end up depends on where we need to end up, on the culmination of our spiritual choices in life, and on what resonates most with our soul natures, because it is these that determine what realities we access after entering hyperspace.

That’s why it’s incredibly unrealistic to say that come 2012 everyone on earth is guaranteed to ascend to a higher level. That scenario would violate the freewill of those not ready and encourage passivity since, with ascension being guaranteed, all one needs to do is sit around and wait until 2012 comes, which is no different from the Christian Rapture or other doomsday lifestyles that promote passively waiting for the end. As far as the common criticism goes that even the kind of Shift mentioned in this article is no different from Rapture theories since it deals with a “grand event” that leads to a “judging of people” — keep in mind that the criteria for the sorting process discussed here is based entirely on freewill and spiritual necessity rather than some backwards moralistic dogma, and that the only ones doing the judging are the individuals themselves (or rather their own higher selves).

Realm Dynamics explains why the principles underlying the Shift are the same ones active at a lower degree in our lives everyday. If you want to know what your quantum phase resonance is, look at the kind of experiences you are attracting right now. What is the “theme” of your life experiences? Are you madly clambering for material satisfactions, stepping over others to attain your ambitions? Do you constantly suffer misfortune after misfortune, hostility, and persecution? Or do you strive for greater awareness and balance, with your life having its regular share of miracles? There are a thousand further questions, but these should get you thinking.

To vector onto the optimal reality trajectory, it takes a combination of optimal attitude, awareness, and action. More on these in another future article, but see my research note on attitude vs awareness. The greater your awareness, the more harmonious your attitude, and the more responsible your actions, the more you resonate with positive probable futures. Leave one of these out and the triad is broken, imbalance arises, and problems inevitably creep in.

I believe that if we do our part to empower ourselves, assist others in need, and continually reinforce the connection with our inner voice of intuition and spiritual conscience, we will ever come closer to remembering who we are and why we are here. With this “blueprint” of higher awareness fully activated in our souls, what precipitates from the hyperdimensional state is a new reality in full harmony with that blueprint.

The solar meridian will cross the galactic equator at the galactic center on December 21st, 2012. This celestial cycle occurs once every 26,000 years. What will happen on this date, and what will happen as this crossing reaches its center point?

Through out human history this grand event has been recorded by all ancient cultures. The year 2012 is not a doomsday end point. 2012 is the beginning of a new spiritual transformation for all humankind. In ancient Hindu-Vedic teachings the galactic center is called "Brahma," the creative force, or "Vishnunabhi", the navel of Vishnu. From the galactic sun emanates the light which determines the life and intelligence on earth. The poise of the Buddha emmanates directly from this center, and the unfolding of huamnkind's ultimate potential for enlightenment and full realization is now unfolding. The crown chakra of humankind is now being infused with an intelligence and wisdom that will guide humanity into a new world age of spiritual awareness.

Related links:

    * The Sacred Time of 2012: - Vedic Astronomy in a comparative perspective.

    * Kuruksetra Remembered: - The return of the cosmic center.

    * 2012 Odyssey

    * History of the Djed - by MoiRa Timms

    * Database2012

    * MayaCosmogenesis2012

    * Galactic Alignment - Review of book by John Major Jenkins

    * Messages to and from the Galaxy

    * Prayers and Thoughts for the New Millennium

    * Stones in the Sky - Introduction

    * Part I- Stones in the Sky - Prelude to Pilgrimage

    * Part II - Stones in the Sky - Journey to Angkor Wat - July 2002.

    * Part III - Stones in the Sky - Section I - Journey to Angkor Wat - March 2003.

    * Part III - Stones in the Sky - Section II - Journey to Angkor Wat - March 2003.

    * Apsaras and Devatas - Photo documentation of female divinities at Angkor Wat.

    * Part V - Stones in the Sky - Journey to Beng Mealea - October 2004.

    * Part VI - Stones in the Sky - Pilgrimages to Vat Phu - April 1-4, 2005, October 21-25, 2005

    * Part VI - Stones in the Sky - Pilgrimage to Lingaparvata (Linga Mountain, Champassak, Laos) - February 8-12, 2006

    * Part VI - Stones in the Sky - Directions to Lingaparvata (Linga Mountain, Champassak, Laos)

    * Part VII - Stones in the Sky - "Hayagriva" The Deity with the Equine Head.

The GC sits at 26 degrees 56minutes Sagittarius.  It takes 225 million years for the Milky Way galaxy to make one complete revolution around its core the GC and conversely it takes us 26,000 years for one complete revolution around Alcyone. 

In 2012 our GC and our Central Sun Alcyone will be completely aligned (at 26-56) with our Solar System sun meaning the end of a 225 million and 26,000 year cycle in 2012 (we will talk about this alignment in future Updates).  This is the aligning of the three spiritual hearts (suns), all coming together as ONE.

In the celestial skies when the 3 suns align, humanity will move through a spiritual birthing into a new way of living.  A doorway opens for humanity to transcend our limited beliefs, our outdated paradigm of survival…. but for this to occur, we must take action now.

Many indigenous cultures, saints, sages and shamans from around the world have spoken about this time in history - a time where we are faced with the decision to responsibility address our future and that of future generations.  The time is now, and we must act before the opportunity is lost.

 Long Description
A guide to the expansion of consciousness possible during the Galactic Alignment of 2012

• Reveals the new era that will be ushered in as the current perception of time collapses and spiritual perception expands

• Explains the psycho-spiritual preparations necessary to transition into this new era

• Shows how the alignment of the sun with the Galactic Center will allow humans to experience awareness normally reserved for shamans, pharaohs, and sages

This is an extraordinary time in the planet’s history. In 2012, for the first time in almost 26,000 years, our sun will be most closely aligned to the Galactic Center. This Galactic Alignment, which began with the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and will conclude in 2023, presents a thirty-six-year window of opportunity for humanity to participate in the creation of a new era of expanded consciousness.

Christine Page explains that, as the source of all creation, our galaxy is the Great Mother and its center, her heart. Auspiciously aligning Earth with the heart of the Great Mother, the Galactic Alignment heralds a rebirth of the divine feminine qualities of the Triple Goddess--intuition, emotional creativity, and renewal. Drawing on alchemy and mythology, Page details how to connect with and use the sacred spiritual tools unlocked during the alignment to merge with the Great Mother, a spiritual transformation that allows us to expand our awareness and experience ourselves as eternal beings.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 20.09.2008 19:50:36 kirjoittanut **Xbalanque** » tallennettu

^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #407 : 20.09.2008 19:46:00 »

Seulaset on, paljain silmin nähtävä, seitsemän tähden muodostama tähtikuvio. Tähtikuvion muodostavat tähdet Alcyone, Atlas, Celaeno, Elektra, Maia, Merope ja Taygeta. Seulasten keskusaurinkona toimii Alcyone. Seulasia kutsutaan myös nimellä Pleiades ja M45 (Messier 45).
Alcyone on galaktinen keskus, joka ohjaa ihmiskunnan henkistä kehitystä sydämen alueella aktivoiden ihmisen oikeanpuoleista aivopuoliskoa. Tämän tarkoituksena on aktivoida feminiinistä, intuitiivista puolta, jolloin ihmiskunta saa mahdollisuuden kohota korkeammalle värähtelytasolle.
Mayojen planeettojen ja tähtien tarkasteluun rakennetut pyramidit on suunnattu pääosin Seulasten tähtikuvion aseman mukaan. Keskusaurinko Alcyone toimii galaktisena keskuksena, johon jälleen yhdymme talvipäivän seisauksena vuonna 2012 eli gregoriaanisen kalenterin päivänä 21.12.2012. Tuona hetkenä saavumme linnunradalla paikkaan, josta kaikki elämä on saanut alkunsa. Tuo "musta tie", johon liittyy Auringon, aurinkokuntamme planeettojen ja Maan kiertoratojen risteäminen 21.12.2012, on hetki jolloin alkaa uusi mayojen odottama aika.

The 26,000 year Cycle

Our Sun & hence our entire Solar System are part of a greater rotational cosmic cycle.  Our Sun rotates through space around a Central Sun Alcyone. Alcyone is the brightest star in the sky and is part of the Pleiades constellation.  Our Sun is one of 8 stars rotating around Alcyone.

One complete rotation takes 26,000 Earth years to complete, spending around 2200 years in each of the twelve constellations of the zodiac.

In 2012, the Earth and our Solar system completes a 26,000 year cycle whilst we are in the Age of Aquarius (moving from the Age of Pisces).  When we are in the Age of Aquarius it represents the return of the feminine, the Goddess/Priestess, and a return to BEing pure Love in the Golden Age.

The 225 million Galactic Year Cycle

The Pleiades has its own rotational spiral/spin within the Galaxy, as the Milky Way Galaxy itself spins on its axis, the Galactic Centre (which is the centre bulge in the middle of the Milky Way).

A full axis spin of The Milky Way takes 225 Million Earth years to complete.  In 2012 our Central Sun Alcyone will have effectively completed a full 225 million year rotation of the Galactic Centre, birthing us into a higher consciousness and state of being.

The following are a list of recommendations to maximise your soul experience during the Activation period and to help minimise any discomforts.  Of course how you approach this list is entirely up to you.  For some this list maybe just too hard to manage….that is fine, just love yourself and do your best, that is all spirit asks.

    * Try to get as much rest as possible, to allow integration of energies
    * Drink plenty of water to assist with detox on every level
    * Eat wholesome food, in season and organic where possible
    * Avoid drugs, and minimise consumption of alcohol & cigarette smoke
    * Minimise stimulants such as coffee, tea, and all other caffeine products
    * Schedule time for relaxation, and heaps of self-love (eg massages, hot baths etc..)
    * Connect with nature & the elements as much as possible eg feel your feet on the Earth on a daily basis, experience the Sun’s rays on your body, on rising deeply breathe in the air of new day and swim in the ocean (or take a salt bath) on regular occasions.

The Diagrams referred to in this article can be download in the following pdf document:


Our Earth rotates around our Sun, taking approximately 365 days for one complete revolution.

Then our Sun (actually our entire Solar System) rotates around Alycone, the brightest star of the Pleiades constellation. One complete revolution of our Solar System around Alcyone takes approximately 26,000 years (Diagrams 6 & 7).

In addition, Alcyone (and our Solar System) are revolving around the Galactic Core (central region) or our Milky Way Galaxy. One complete revolution takes approximately 225 million years. (Diagram 4).

Now that we have had a quick glimpse of our cycles, lets now look at some of the energetic fields within our galaxy.


The Milky Way is made up of spiral arms (Fibonacci spiral arms), extending out from its central Galactic Core.

Our Solar System rests approximately two thirds out from the Core along Orions Belt. (Diagram 4).

The entire Milky Way Galaxy is held within an energetic field, which is a Torus (or Toric field). (Diagram 5)

A toric structure is easy to picture if you think of a slinky and join the two ends together to form a donut. Energy moves up from the centre of the donut, along the energetic meridian lines of the Torus, over the top of the donut and moving back into the donut hole underneath, then moving out from the centre again… repeating the cycle over and over. (Refer to Diagrams 1, 2 & 3)

Thus energy waves are continually being released from the Galactic Core of the Milky Way (called Waves of Love), and are moving out through the Galaxy (via the energy meridians of the Toric field), and returning once again to the Galactic Core.


A similar toric field is also found emanating out from Alcyone in the Pleiades. The Toric field sits at right angles to our Solar System, and creates a huge donut field that extends out past our Earths Sun. (Diagram 6)

Energy moves around the Alcyone Toric field in the exact same manner as the Milky Way Toric field – via energetic leylines.

This Pleiades toric field is composed of Photons – the smallest possible particles of light in quantum physics. Hence the Pleiades Toric Field is commonly referred to as the ‘Photon Band’ of Light.

What are Photons ? Photons are emitted during the transmission of one energy state to another. Photons have zero mass, and no electrical charge. Photon energy is the energy of the future. Photons are what the ancients harnessed as energy for communication, stellar travel, energy production etc…. but more about that another time !


The Toric field of the Milky Way and the Pleiades are implicitly connected. As energy waves move out of the Galactic Core of the Milky Way, extending out across its toric fields energy meridians, these toric leylines also extend out to the toric field of the Pleiades photon belt.

Thus electro-magnetic energy is moving from the Galactic Core and ‘electrifying’ the Pleiades photon belt… bathing its field in ‘The Waves of Love’.


As the Pleiades toric field is positioned at right angles to our Earth, there are times during our 26,000 year revolution around Alcyone, that our Solar System sits either partly or fully within the Photon Belt (referred to as periods of Light) and greater periods of time where our Solar System is not within this Photon Belt (referred to as periods of Darkness).

Thus due to the width of the Photon Belts toric field, we spend 2,000 years in the ‘Light’, then 11,000 years in ‘Darkness’ then 2,000 years in ‘Light’ and then 11,000 years in ‘Darkness’ – making up our full 26,000 year cycle. And so the process repeats itself over and over. (Diagrams 6 & 7).

The last time our Solar System was fully in the Photon Belt was in the Age of Leo, and with such a ‘surge’ in Galactic Core energy available to us at this time it also heralded the downfall of Atlantis…. again that is for another time !

Our Solar System is now moving into Pleiades Photon Belt once again, into another 2,000 years of ‘Light’, and by 2012 our Solar System will be entirely within this Photon Belt Toric field.


On the solstice of 21 December 2012 (Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere), our entire solar system will be in the Photon Band of Light, receiving direct energetic transmissions from Alcyone and from our Galactic Core of the Milky Way – The Waves of Love.

In addition, we are also coming to the end of the Grand Cycle of time, the end of another 225 million year cycle, 26,000 year cycle and 365 day cycle. Thus on this December solstice there is a grand alignment in our stellar skies of the Galactic Core of the Milky Way, with Alcyone, with our Sun and with Earth – marking the end of some significant cycles of time (or frequency’s of consciousness).

The Greater Central Sun (Galactic Core) is directly pulsing electo-magnetic Wave of Love vibrations though our Central Sun (Alycone), through our Sun and into Earth…..bringing through very high pulsations or frequencies of light energy to Earth.

What this electo-magnetic energy is facilitating is a shift in consciousness, a divine shift of the level of awareness of humanity from an egoic 3D state of fear, to a consciousness level of Wisdom… an 5D state of being.

See next Months Article : ‘How the Photon Belt is experienced on Earth’, where we will discuss the changes happening to our Earth/Solar System since we began moving into the Photon Belt of Light.

To find out more about how we can consciously work with ‘The Wave of Love’ as we move toward and beyond 2012 : Click Here >>>

If you would like to find out more about the Photon Belt, I recommend listening to our April Wave of Love Tele-Seminar where we discussed the Belt and the implications for our Solar System in detail:

« Viimeksi muokattu: 21.09.2008 11:00:47 kirjoittanut **Xbalanque** » tallennettu

Corvus Leonis
Viestejä: 1652

Kaikkien sisällä on jokainen meistä.

« Vastaus #408 : 23.09.2008 04:20:58 »

[quote author]
Näin etukäteen: Vältelkää lainojen ottamista ja sijoitusten tekemistä 2008 alkaen jos investoinnin kohteena on jo olemassa oleviin suunnitelmiin perustuva tai jo rakenteille oleva infrastruktuuri tai mikään siihen liittyvä, koska sellaisen arvo tulee romahtamaan. [/quote]

Ennustus siis vuodelta 2005. Eli tässä sitä nyt koko maailma on seuraamassa laman etenemistä ja rautaesiripun laskeutumista. Totaalinen crunch nähdään 2009, kun Pluto on siirtynyt takaisin Kauriiseen, mikä jatkaa maailmantalouden romuttamista.

Vuotta 2012 voidaan pitää tilan kulminoitumisena - tragedia on jo takanapäin, status quo staattinen, ihmiset tottuneet olemaan leipäjonoissa jonottamassa kupongeilla. Jos vastaavat olosuhteet, joissa tyytymättömyys, ahdistus, pelko ja vallankumouksellisuus ovat tarpeeksi laajat, eli globaalit, seurauksena on kontrolloimaton katastrofi jota hallitukset yrittävät estää takertumalla toinen toistaan epätoivoisempiin keinoihin. Ja edelleen miljoonat ihmiset pakenevat etsimään elintasoparatiisia, jotka on todellisuudessa rajattu enää rikkaimmalle eliitille.

Ja sitten se rautaesirippu... Sad

Ihmiskunnan suurimmat muutokset on tehty katastrofien ollessa käsillä. Uuden aikakauden mukana mahdollisesti tuleva valaistuminen ei siis tule ilmaiseksi - se tulee vaatimaan tolkuttomasti ruumiita, kärsimystä ja täydellistä valtiotason perusremonttia, ellei suorastaan purkamista ja uudelleenrakennusta. Mittakaavan on oltava maksimaalinen havahduttaakseen mahdollisiman paljon ihmisiä, jotta voitaisiin edes puhua uudesta aikakaudesta.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 23.09.2008 04:35:52 kirjoittanut Kato Vega » tallennettu
^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #409 : 23.09.2008 09:08:50 »

no haloo.

tuo oli varmaan huumorinäkymä?

miksi Pluto nimenomaan romuttaisi, se voi muuttaa mutta entäs jos se yllättää?
« Viimeksi muokattu: 23.09.2008 09:33:21 kirjoittanut **Xbalanque** » tallennettu

Corvus Leonis
Viestejä: 1652

Kaikkien sisällä on jokainen meistä.

« Vastaus #410 : 24.09.2008 05:05:54 »

Pidän itsekin näkymää oikein viihdyttävänä. Taustalla kun kerran on ratkiriemukas Saturnus-Uranus-Pluto-T-risti, sietää tulla hyvät juhlat ja eiköhän niitä yllätyksiäkin riitä.
Viestejä: 121

« Vastaus #411 : 13.10.2008 09:45:32 »

Fakta:Planet X tai myös nimellä Nibiru on tulossa takaisin, viimeksi ohitti meidät kun jäätiköt suli. Itse asiassa planet X on yksi meidän planeetoista, joka kiertää aurinkoa, joskin sen kiertorata on elliptinen, ja menee kauas pois meistä. Itse asiassa planet X on myös jo mainittu Nasan sivuilla, joskin tottakai tietoa pimitetään, ja kerrotaan vain murto-osa totuudesta, niinkuin on aina tehty. Nibiru näkyy jo taivaalla kaukoputkilla katsottaessa, mutta jo vuonna 2009 se näkyy pohjoiseen pallonpuoliskolla paljaalla silmällä. Kysessä on tuliplaneetta, ja sen kiertorata menee marsin ja jupiterin välistä, ja on spekuloitu että viimeksi kun se ohitti meidät siitä lensi tulisia meteoriitteja meidän planeetallemme, jolloin jäätiköt hyvinkin epämääräisen nopeasti sulivat. Ja on myös arvioitu että Nibiru tulee 2012 21.12..

Milky way on myös osana, 21.12.2012 milky wayn keskusta, musta aukko on suorassa linjassa meihin silloin samaisena vuonna, jolloin voimme nähdä sen!

Niin, ja esimerkiksi sellaista, kun puhutaan mayojen raakuudesta, kannattaa muistaa kuka on kirjoittanut historian, ja se on kuitenkin ne, jotka ovat sodat voittaneet. Olisikohan kuitenkin niin, että ihmiskunnalle syötetään aikas paljon pajunköyttä monissa asioissa, ja ihmiset eivät mieti omilla aivoillansa, miten asiat voisi kuitenkin oikeasti olla, ja mennyt.

On myös sellainen teoria, että silloin 2012 aurinko säteilee niin kuumasti että kaikki! satelliitit maan ympärillä palaa, ja tippuu joko tänne tai räjähtää ilmassa,noo, ehkä se olisi se lievin tapahtuma näin oletetusti, mutta muistakaamme, että jokainen satelliitti sisältää jotakin ydinainetta toimiakseen esim uraania etc ja mitenköhän käy, kun kaikki palaa taivaalla, ja myöskin jos ne tippuu maahan.

Lainaus David Ickelta: About global warming, there is no global warming, it is the Sun! Kuka keksikään asian global warming, se taisi kuienkin olla poliitikot, ja sitä kautta sitten se jaettiin ihmisille, joten olemme juuri niin kiireisiä pelastamaan maailmaa, vaikka, kaikki kunnia luonnolle, eiköhän luonto pelasta itse itsensä, ja luulen rankasti, että ihmisillä ei ole enää mitään tekemistä koko luonnon kanssa, niin metsään on menty asioissa tässä maailmassa. The only thing that matters! today is matter. Hassu juttu että sanallisestikin nuo sanat ovat lähellä toisiaan.

Tapahtuu 21.12.2012 mitä tahansa, niin luulenpa, että juuri niin kuin ihmiskunta on ansainnut itsellensä käyvän. Mehän tuhoamme joka päivä jotain pyhää!!

"We can acccept god becoming man to save man, but not man becoming god to save himself"
Viestejä: 3615

« Vastaus #412 : 13.10.2008 10:12:21 »

Mehän tuhoamme joka päivä jotain pyhää!!

Tai sitten vaalimme ja luomme joka päivä jotain pyhää..
Jokaisesta ihmisestä Itsestä kiinni, ei kannata ajatella massoittain hyvää eikä pahaa,
koska meri muodostuu kuitenkin pisaroista...
Viestejä: 121

« Vastaus #413 : 13.10.2008 11:56:51 »

Nooo, tein lyhyen yhteenvedon ajatuksistani, jossa en lähtenyt pintaa syvemmälle. Ja jos koko tekstistä jää mieleen vain yksi lause, viimeinen lause, that was not my ultimate point, se oli vain ajatus ajatusten sisällä. En ajattele esim massoittain hyvää enkä pahaa, koska tosiasiassa ei ole olemassa hyvää eikä pahaa. En vihaa, olen vain vihainen= siinä on suuri ero!!

"We can acccept god becoming man to save man, but not man becoming god to save himself"
Viestejä: 3615

« Vastaus #414 : 13.10.2008 13:03:33 »

En suinkaan tarkoittanut että vain viimeinen lause jäi mieleeni.  Huh
Corvus Leonis
Viestejä: 1652

Kaikkien sisällä on jokainen meistä.

« Vastaus #415 : 13.10.2008 13:40:56 »

Ja on myös arvioitu että Nibiru tulee 2012 21.12..

Milky way on myös osana, 21.12.2012 milky wayn keskusta, musta aukko on suorassa linjassa meihin silloin samaisena vuonna, jolloin voimme nähdä sen!

Tapahtuu 21.12.2012 mitä tahansa, niin luulenpa, että juuri niin kuin ihmiskunta on ansainnut itsellensä käyvän. Mehän tuhoamme joka päivä jotain pyhää!!

Nibiru! Viimeinkin joku otti sen esille. smitten
Mutta liian kyseenalaista lähteä oikeasti ennustelemaan äkillisiä maailmanloppuja - joukkosukupuutot eivät ole ikinä olleet nopeita, vaan prosessiin on mennyt tuhansista vuosista muutamaan miljoonaan. Ihminen hieman kylläkin nopeuttaa luonnollista prosessia, joka johtaa jäätiköiden sulamiseen ja lopulta maapallon aavikoitumiseen...
Corvus Leonis
Viestejä: 1652

Kaikkien sisällä on jokainen meistä.

« Vastaus #416 : 13.10.2008 13:43:33 »

Estimated time: +5 000 000 years

Human destruction does not require an asteroid impact. The similarities between P/T and the self-inflicted climate change is evident, only the method of mayhem is different.

You are here because you do not have to compete with T-Rex. Mammals in fact descent from a group of specialized reptiles of which some were ferocious as giant raptors, however, due to unfortunate circumstances they lost the competition to dinosaurs for hundreds of millions of years until another impact finally killed off the dinosaurs, allowing the tiny, inferior descendants of therapsids to reign again.


-Gradual reduction of terrestrial species
-Heavy, immediate impact on marine life
-High temperatures
-Oceanic anoxia
-Warm, moist climate
-Increase of greenhouse gases
-destruction of the ozone layer, causing an increase of deadly radiation inflicting deformations in living species
-evaporation of methane
-the role of hydrogen sulphide

-Today, there is a lack of volcanic activity but INSTEAD human industrialism has the same impact, even worse, because chemicals humans produce into the atmosphere that would normally not even exist, not evaporate into the atmosphere

-Desert planet, with most marine and terrestrial life extinct

Ironically, according to climatologists, Earth's future desertification is in fact the natural process even without human interference. This is due to natural change of winds, such as the event that desertidicated Sahara some 7000 years ago (they still find fossil logs there), frequent glacialization and plate tectonics, which will ie. cause Mediterranean to dry up.

Basically what we are seeing now is what life, and Earth, is going towards regardless of our existence. If that does not prove our insignificance in world history, nothing will.


Corvus Leonis
Viestejä: 1652

Kaikkien sisällä on jokainen meistä.

« Vastaus #417 : 13.10.2008 13:58:21 »

En jaksa suomentaa tuota mutta ydinjuttuna on, että nykyilmasto on menossa siihen suuntaan, joka muistuttaa 250 miljoonan vuoden takaisiin oloihin johtanutta tilaa. Kemiallisten ilmiöiden seurauksena on tällöin vähähappinen, enimmäkseen kuollut aavikkoplaneetta. Se ei tarkoita että prosessi olisi äkillinen, eivätkä ihmiset ja jotkin muut eliöt voisi selvitä, mutta mitään ydintuhoja ei tosiaan tarvita saamaan aikaiseksi jotain minkä luonto tekee muutenkin ihan itse.

Ihmisen rooli on prosessin nopeuttaminen, se aloitettiin jo kymmeniä tuhansia vuosia sitten ja lopputuloksena saa sitten selviytyä parhaansa mukaan ehkäpä juuri ihmiselle parhaiten sopivassa ympäristössä, jonka se ansaitsee "luomakunnan kruununa." Wink
Viestejä: 5772

Minne tie vie...

Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #418 : 13.10.2008 15:13:53 »

No, onpas täällä juttuja! Ihan selkäpiitä karmi! Mutta paljon näkökulmia, joita olisi syytä miettiä.
Ja elää iloisena tätä hetkeä ainaski!  Cheesy

Nousu Skorpioni (Jousimies)
Chiron Skorpioni
Aurinko, Venus ja Merkurius Rapu
Kuu Kalat       
Pluto ja Saturnus Leijona
Jupiter Jousimies
Mars Neitsyt
Neptunus Vaaka
Uranus ja Ceres Kaksonen

Maya, Punainen Itsevallitseva Kuu
Kiinalainen Rotta
Kelttiläinen Omenapuu

Viestejä: 5054


« Vastaus #419 : 13.10.2008 17:31:04 »

Juuri niin Esmiralda, tää hetki ON  smitten


 aurinko jousimies , kuu leijona , askendentti vesimies

 aurinko skorpioni , kuu leijona , askendentti kauris

Maya: Sininen Kosminen Yö
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