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The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light
by Barbara Hand Clow
Publisher Comments:
astrologer and spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow
channels the voice of Satya, a Pleiadian goddess. Satya describes the huge cosmic drama taking place simultaneously in nine dimensions, with Earth as the chosen theater. The Pleiadians are a group of enlightened beings who believe that the
end of the Mayan Calendar will signal a critical leap in human evolution; the Pleiadians will be there to guide us for that leap. This
shift is the coming Age of Light, and the entry of our solar system into the Photon Band and the Age of Aquarius.
This will open us to other dimensions, which is a necessity
if we are to first heal ourselves and then our planet. (Rhea A. White, Exceptional Human Experience Network)
Prepare for the "Cosmic Party". Astrologer and spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow reveals the timing of the coming critical leap in evolution at the end of the Mayan Calendar. She describes this transition into the Age of Light as a huge cosmic drama functioning simultaneously in nine dimensions, with Earth as the chosen theater. The startling information revealed here has propelled this book into an instant bestseller. The Pleiadian phenomenon continues!
Astrologer and spiritual teacher Barbara Hand Clow reveals the timing of the critical leap in evolution at the end of the Mayan Calendar.
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