En nyt jaksa selata ketjua läpi, että mitä 2012:sta on juteltu, eli menenkö asian sivuun tai onko juttu ollu jo esillä (todennäkösesti ei, täälä ei montaa sarjisfriikkiä tunnu olevan
), mutta tulipahan näistä parista edellisestä viestistä mieleen kaikkien nörttimaagien ikisuosikki Grant Morrison, joka puhuu haastattelussa mielestäni hienosti vuoden 2012 tapahtumista.
CXF: Last, but certainly not least. It's December 22, 2012. As humanity takes its last wistful look at the constraints of space-time and dives headlong into the Supercontext, where is Grant Morrison?
GM: Shagging like bloody Shiva, I hope. I think that if anything happens at all, it’s most likely to come in the form of a mass consciousness change – possibly triggered by planetary electromagnetic field alterations predicted to occur around that time – so that basically everyone will start peaking on the acid trip that never ends. ‘Individuality’ will dissolve and your minds will start to merge into one mass mind, which is likely to seem quite frightening and overwhelming, especially for the sheltered minds, and time will seem to disappear as we identify with the mitochondria in our cells, instead of identifying with the physical individual carrier ‘bodies’ we use to expedite the shuffling around of DNA.
The world’s current social structures should collapse quite rapidly when that happens and chances are, only people capable of handling the immense influx of new information will be those already familiar with heavily-altered states of consciousness. For everyone else, it will seem like the Second Coming, the arrival of the Space Brothers, the Rapture, Hell on Earth, the 32nd path of the Tree of Life or whatever they decide to see – everyone will get their own personal apocalyptic transfer into this new mode of being. Some poor souls will have to be guided out of hell, others will have to be coaxed down from sci-fi Ultraspheres but we’ll all be living in a state of permanent psychedelic ecstasy and will have to restructure our entire existence to cope with the new consciousness. I have a feeling that psychedelic drugs provide a flashforward glimpse of this kind of consciousness and help prepare the human mind for when that mode of consciousness is permanent.
If something like this occurs at the end of 2012, and it’s also possible that nothing of note will happen - we should see a lot of people freaking out when we re-enter what some Australian aboriginals call Aljira (a word English is not up to the task of translating, so it comes out as ‘Dreamtime’) and I call ‘the Supercontext’. When we see in a new way and become new to ourselves, we’ll also see lots of stuff that will probably scare people who didn’t know it was there all along. People in delirium and on the brink of death see these crawling, replicating ‘wilkie-swilkie men’ all over everything and soon, I think, everyone will start to see them. They are ‘the spaces between things, come to life…’
As for me, I hope I’ll be screaming ’Yes!’ like Molly Bloom as the universe rolls up into a silver paper ball for the quantum cats of Hell to play with…