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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Vuosi 2012: Mitä tapahtuu?  (Luettu 760265 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 8 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
« Vastaus #765 : 18.04.2010 21:02:32 »

Mahtavaa Esmiralda! Isoa peukkua sinnepäin  Smiley.
Rakkauden enkeli
« Vastaus #766 : 18.04.2010 21:43:04 »

Täältä myös peukkuja Esmiraldalle. Teet erittäin hienoa työtä.  smitten
Viestejä: 1965

« Vastaus #767 : 19.04.2010 20:24:35 »


              Tarvitseeko edes odottaa noita paria vuotta, että voisimme tietää mitä tapahtuu!

                 Tuommoinen tuprahdus yhdestä vaatimattomasta tulivuoresta sai jo sen

                     aikaan, että suuri osa maanosamme ihmisistä olikin ilman kotia, tai

                        edes mahdollisuutta palata sinne ns. hädän tullen!



Hetkiä, joita olen kanssanne,
 haluan unohtaa hetkeksi.
Viestejä: 757

« Vastaus #768 : 20.04.2010 17:22:31 »

Millaista on olla viidennessä dimensiossa?

    * Luominen on suuremmassa osassa kuin 3D:ssä.
    * Tietoisuus on erilainen. Kaikki ovat yksi ja sama iso kollektiivinen tietoisuus, joka on samaan aikaan kaikkialla kokien kolmatta tasoa, neljättä tasoa, sekä viidettä tasoa.
    * Aikaa ei ole olemassa samalla tavalla kuin täällä. On olemassa vain nyky-hetki ja tulevaisuuden suunnitelmien teko on turhaa, koska on aina siinä ajassa milloin haluaa olla. Kun esim. alat luomaan taloa, niin voit päättää, että olet jo sen talon valmistumisvaiheessa.
    * Teleportaatio on mahdollista, mutta saa matkustaakkin jos haluaa.
    * Olemassa pelkkää nautintoa ja rakkautta.
    * Ei ole olemassa mitään sääntöjä, paitsi se, että ei saa tehdä mitään pahaa toisille.
    * Kehitys on loputonta, ei rajotteita, kaikki on mahdollista.
    * Kaiken mitä ajattelee voi kokea ja olla kokematta.


Aika romantisoitua tekstiä.. Kai nyt ihmiselle tunteet jää?
Pahuusko muka poistuu? Vaikea kuvitella.. Ja jos se ei poistu,
mutta ihmiset kykenisivät teleporttailemaan yms. niin voisi
tulla melkoista tuhoa aikaan..

Pystyykö itse teleporttaamaan milloin
tahansa, minne tahansa? Ilman vaikkapa paikallaolijan lupaa?

Muuttuuko elämä pelkäksi päänsisäiseksi maailmaksi, kaikki
tapahtuu ajatuksin? Koska, jos kaikki tapahtuu vain ajatuksin
niin pitäisi pystyä havaitsemaan muidenkin ajatukset
toimiakseen oikein.. Mitä jos joku toinenkin on halunnut
talolle paikan siihen, mihin minäkin ja kumpikin ajatuksissaan
yhtäaikaa rakentaa sitä? Asummeko sitten yhdessä?

Kaikki ovat sovussa keskenään ja täynnä rakkautta.. Näin
on aina puhuttu taivaasta..

Äh, en pysty ymmärtämään, miten
kaikkien ajatukset voivat olla sitten sovussa keskenään?
Ettei toinen ehdi ensin?
Vai onko tämä "täydellinen maailma" sitä, että kaikki jaetaan?

Shocked Cheesy

Olen muuten pienempänä sanonut, että ihmiset
palaa vielä "kaiken alkuun", eli juurikin mm. kaikki elektroniikka
häviää.. Niitä ei tarvita Smiley

Vain mielikuvituksesi on rajana
Viestejä: 5054


« Vastaus #769 : 20.04.2010 18:15:23 »

Aika moni toivoisi (jo) tässänyt osaavansa teleportata  coolsmiley


 aurinko jousimies , kuu leijona , askendentti vesimies

 aurinko skorpioni , kuu leijona , askendentti kauris

Maya: Sininen Kosminen Yö
^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #770 : 21.04.2010 08:20:58 »

teoria siitä miten luojajumalat päättivät luoda tämän universumin, kun aiempiakin oli jo ollut.

ajatelkaas, 2012 on vain yksi aika ajassa ja tilassa, jotka ovat vain erään luodun universumin kuvitelmaa, että sillä tavalla voi hieman irrottaa tuon luvun tuijotuksesta..

The 3 Earth Grand Experiments


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First Earth - Lyra (Vega Star System)

First earth in the Lyra constellation -- what is the story behind its formation and demise? The answer is in the book, We are the Nibiruans.Long ago, before time as we know it began, there were the Founders of the Universe, highly evolved souls that had already completed many universal games. Being creator gods, they decided to create a universe of their own.

As the twelve came together, they were faced with the question of which “game” to choose so that the souls created in, or coming to, their new universe could spiritually evolve. And spiritual evolution is what every soul desires.

Finally, after much consideration, they chose the game known as “Polarity Integration.” This game is one of many that involves the integration of the Light and the Dark developed by Divine Creator in order to experience all that He/She is.

Now that the choice of games had been made, they knew they would need to have individuals experienced in this game to assist them in the development of the game in their new universe, individuals who would agree to become a part of it and see it through to its completion.

So the Founders put out a call to all souls in all universes that had completed at least one Polarity Integration Game. Their call was answered by ninety individuals, highly evolved souls that had just recently completed that game and were looking for another place to go in order to continue their spiritual evolution. This group of ninety was made up of forty-five Carians and forty-five Felines.

They arrived in this (our present) universe and began meeting with the Founders to set up the game. The group of ninety elected one of their own to sit on the Founder’s Council to act as a liaison between their group and the Founders. The one chosen is known to us as Devin. Devin (real name is Devaine) was the patriarch of the Feline group (family).

The Carians were given a planet in the Orion constellation as their new home while the Felines were given a planet in the Lyra constellation for theirs.

So the group of ninety divided and went to their respective planets to begin the game. The Carians would represent the Dark and the Felines would represent the Light.

In time both had evolved physical forms in which to incarnate so that they could walk upon the surface of their planetary homes. Both established pure (royal) lines within their ever-growing race. In time, both crossbred into other life forms on their planetary homes to create a new race of beings. And then, when that new race had become an established part of their respective societies, the Carian/Reptilians arrived in the Lyra constellation and colonized a neighboring planet of the Feline/Humans. In doing so, they were now ready for the first grand experiment of integration. We call it the “First Earth, Grand Experiment.”

This first grand experiment occurred on a 3D planet just like earth and it was the home of the Felines/Humans. As their technology advanced the Feline/Humans learned how to create worm holes and achieve space travel. Soon both races were traveling back and forth, visiting each other’s planet.

The two groups were now reunited again, but with many new people, their offspring, involved. Over time they began to mix with the two royal lines intermarrying to form alliances. All went well for some time.

Through the mixing of the races, new races were created and soon a caste system developed. There was the royalty, the priestly caste, the scientists, and the military. The remainder of the population made up the worker caste.

I am still not completely clear as to all that transpired to create the rift between the two royal families that brought about the First Great Galactic War, but I do know this: it was due to a lack of communication involving some details. Someone communicated with someone else regarding something but neglected to include all the details. I am told it was regarding an alliance. They were not completely clear on the details of the agreement. So feelings were hurt, leading to feelings of mistrust and then it began to steamroll with the Feline/Humans launching the first attack against their Reptilian neighbors.

Backing up a bit, before the Great Galactic War, there were some minor wars of a much smaller scale between the two Houses. This I am told, is when my father, Shimabala and Jehowahs’ father, Cobazar were killed. We were all teenagers, still wet behind the ears when our fathers died.  Up until this time we were all very close to each other.

I have recalled memories of visiting Jehowah in his favorite cave and playing for hours together. These memories are filled with warm, loving feelings. Now, as we take on the mantles of leadership we are instantly pitted against each other to some degree even though the war which killed our fathers is over and my marriage to Jehowah is the part that seals the alliance that brings peace to our families. And even though another war breaks out, we do not war with each other, trying to keep our personal connections to each other out of the chaos that continues around us.
Second Earth - Pleiades

Second earth in the Pleiades --- what happened to this planet and is there evidence of its destruction? The answer is in the book, We are the Nibiruans.Toward the end of the First Galactic War, with the destruction of our planet, my brother Devin, myself and Jehowah fled along with a large group of people on one of our last remaining star ships, Pelegai.

We eventually settled in a new cluster of stars later to be known as the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades.  We lived on this ship and spent much of our time establishing a colony on the planet’s surface. We called our new home Avyon after our original home. It was a beautiful blue planet, much like our previous one, with two suns.

Life progressed and so did we. Cities were built, civilizations came and went. Eventually we left the planet to those who came with us. We became the Ancient Ones to them, the original founders of our civilization on that planet. But as usual, with time the facts became distorted so that the written history no longer reflected the actual events.

In time this planet became known throughout the cosmos and other civilizations came calling, some just curious and others with an agenda to conquer. The inhabitants of the planet had evolved to the level of space travel, a little beyond where we are today. They had evolved beyond disease and social disparity and created a unified government, but also an almost hive mentality. Everyone thought and acted as one but in their actions did not express the dark side of their natures. They only expressed their lighter side as this was the social norm.

The people had become spiritually stagnant, unable to progress due to their choice to suppress their dark side, masculine side and use their three lower chakras. As a result they, on an unconscious spiritual level called forth a race who were their polar opposite to move them out of this stuck position.

At first this race came speaking of peace but soon realized there was more to gain from taking over the planet than trying to cooperate with a race of people they could not for the life of them understand.

It took many years but in time their true agenda was revealed through the efforts of a resistance movement. Once the word was out and all attempts at negotiations failed, the humans launched the first attack to try and drive this race away from their planet. In their ongoing efforts to fight off their enemy they managed to destroy their planet. The survivors fled to many places in the galaxy and eventually established colonies on other planets.
Third Earth - Pleiades (Our current earth)

Current earth on which we live -- what does the future hold in store for us? What's the bigger picture and plan for our future? The answers are in the book, We are the Nibiruans.So here we are today, in another ascension process. The first two earths never made it through an ascension. I believe that many of us here on earth today were on the one or both of the previous earth experiments. And due to the wisdom we have accumulated from our experiences will successfully ascend ourselves, earth’s people and the planet.

What we lacked before was compassion and acceptance of others different from ourselves. We have learned that polarizing to the light or the dark does not allow us to feel compassion and maintain peace. Only by integrating the light and Dark within us and their corresponding manifestations in our realities we will be able to complete the Third Grand Experiment successfully with the planet in tact and all the races involved that much further along their spiritual paths.

^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #771 : 21.04.2010 08:35:38 »

sama kirjoittaja;

3d ulottuvuutemme arvo.

The Value of Being 3D
By Jelaila Starr
Written August 15, 2001
Click here for reader’s comments

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For the past few weeks, as I recuperate from abdominal surgery, I have been reevaluating all that I have come to know as “my work, my mission” over the last 5 years.  Being on the Spiritual Path has brought about many changes in my consciousness and my life.  As a result of those changes, I have removed myself more and more from traditional 3D (3rd dimensional, earth) life, becoming reclusive in order to spend most of my time living in 4D state of being.  This choice has helped me to continue to receive higher dimensional information and the support I needed to be able to hold on to it while learning to apply it in my life.  Choosing a lifestyle and a husband who supported my choice made it possible for me to continue in this mode and it has worked and been worth it, but as with all good things, there was a price to be paid.

This article is about what that price entailed, where it leaves me now and where it will take me from here. What I am about to share may shock you or it may provide confirmation about what you have secretly felt about your path.

Not only am I taking stock of my own spiritual journey and mission, I find that other lightworkers and starseeds are doing the same.  It appears from our decline in workshop participation, dwindling finances and just an overall feeling of limbo that we have entered a period of reflection, known to many as the Void and there is a reason.  We have had great success in shifting this planet so far but our success has taken its toll not just on us, but on everyone incarnated here at this time. What I share in this article through the example of my own experience is meant to help us put our journey up to this point in perspective—to take an honest and objective look at what we have experienced, what we can do differently to make the rest of our individual journeys and our collective mission a bit easier, as well as where to go from here.

The journey to date:

The first 3 years of my spiritual path were spent hungrily absorbing as much information as I could about metaphysics and our history.  I felt I had unconsciously enrolled myself in some crash course in a desperate attempt to remember as much as I could as fast as I could in preparation for something much greater…my mission.   I felt such an intense sense of urgency that if I took even a moment to relax or have fun, I would somehow fall behind.  It made no sense from a 3D perspective, but nevertheless, it is how I felt.  I was so driven by this desire that I moved light years in just a few years—my consciousness expanding with every new tool, every new technique or bit of history I learned.

Once I completed this crash course, my guides turned me on to something called Accelerated DNA Recoding.  The word accelerated really got my interest as it fit perfectly with that intense desire I spoke of earlier.  I excitedly jumped into it without a second thought.  I wanted not only to heal the wounds of my dysfunctional past but also to ascend, which I was informed DNA Recoding would help me to do.  I took to this process, and the emotional clearing it entailed, like a duck to water, thinking it would cure all my ills and pain.

DNA Recoding/Emotional Clearing/Ascension challenges

During the first year of emotional clearing, I began to experience chronic physical symptoms that I had not had before.  There were headaches of varying intensity, intense fatigue, muscle and joint pain, weight gain, heart palpitations and edema for days at a time.  Some of the symptoms would come and go but others, like the fatigue remained near constant companions.  There were emotional symptoms such as depression, periods of anxiety beyond what I had experienced in the past, feelings of emptiness and longing for something I could not find.  I attributed all these to DNA Recoding/emotional clearing/ascension work.  I was willing to endure them as the price to be paid for the success I had had in healing myself physically and emotionally of such things as Fibromyalgia and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Other ailments diminished in frequency as I became more proficient in using the Keys of Compassion (multidimensional tools given to me by my guides) to clear them.

Going faster didn’t help either. As we increase our ability to clear our emotional stuff through the use of spiritual modalities, we tend to go a little faster and not give ourselves time to fully complete one release before starting the next.. I didn’t understand that each time I cleared a block my body had to have time to release the physical part of that block and regain its balance. Each release can takes days, weeks or even months depending on the complexity of the block and how deeply and enmeshed it is in the body.

Along with proficiency comes the risk that we will begin believing that we are infallible and thereby start taking on several issues at once in order to expedite our emotional clearing process. Sometimes this is an semi-unconscious choice because we do it by saying such things as, “I want to hurry up and get to….”  What we don’t realize is that our verbal or mental intention is the same thing as saying to the universe, “Hey send those lessons in multiples cause, baby, I can handle it.”  And so the universe, ever vigilant in its ability to send us what we desire, rains those lessons upon us.  We become like jugglers adding more and more balls to our act.  As we struggle to keep up our loving guides just sit and shake their heads in dismay and patiently wait for us to yell “HELP!” *chuckle*

Doing this juggling act sent my body into emotional overload many a time pushing me “over the edge” and into meltdowns.  Not only did it take its toll physically and emotionally, it affected my relationships with everyone in my life as well.  What I didn’t get was that I could have cleared my emotional baggage and healed my dis-eases while moving along the Spiritual/Ascension Path without some of the accompanying discomforts by going at a pace that my body could handle.

I remember my guides continually advising me to slow down.  They’d say, “Dear One, walk instead of run.”  I would get angry and demand to know why each time they said this to me. I thought they wanted me to learn as much as I could and clear as fast as I could in order to complete my work, work they said was important for the planet.  I just didn’t understand and if they had tried to spell it out back then, it would only have created more reasons for us to argue.  How they must have shook their heads and said to each other, “No sense in trying to explain, she’ll just have to learn it the hard way.” Well, hindsight is 20/20 and yes, I did learn.

Financial Challenges

Along with the physical symptoms, came the financial symptoms.  I had always been pretty good at providing for myself.  When I wanted something badly enough, I could always come up with the money to get it.  Over the years as an entrepreneur I had my ups and downs with money but overall I did pretty well financially.  I was able to afford nice cars, clothes and living quarters. When I began the Spiritual/Ascension Path, this began to change.  I found myself going through several long periods where the money dried up. Before, I would have these dry periods very rarely but now they were coming once or twice a year.  I began to doubt my ability to manifest like I used to do.  I began to wonder if I had gone astray somewhere. Once again, as I look back I see that what I was suffering from was what I call “chronic ungroundedness.”

The more I spent time living in the 4D consciousness and out of the regular 3D consciousness the harder it became to manifest abundance.  It was like the universe could not find my mailbox to deliver the abundance, because it kept shifting between the two dimensions.  I liken it to having two residences and moving back and forth between them.  You send forwarding addresses to the post office but soon they loose track of where you are and you stop getting your mail.  The universe is like the post office.  It will deliver in rain, snow, hail or sleet but if it doesn’t have a current address, it sends it back or holds on to the mail until it does.  On earth the Universe delivers to a physical address…a 3D address not a 4D address.  So each time I would choose to stay in the higher realms consciousness-wise, I would find my money drying up because the universe couldn’t deliver my desires to 4D.

Another factor contributing to my financial challenges is the limited amount of people who were ready to hear my message.  I had gone so far “out there” that only a relatively few people on the spiritual path could embrace what I had to say.

The final factor was my fear of becoming more public.  I am well aware of the fact that my mission includes becoming much more of a public figure.  I have had many nightmares about this and the possible consequences.  I would be quite content to life my life and do my work in relative obscurity and safety but that was not role I signed up for. 

Manifesting Challenges

Another problem I encountered was that of distorted manifestation.  The more I negatively judged certain aspects of 3D life, the harder it was to manifest things that matched my vision of them.  For example, I wanted to live in a particular part of town.  When we moved back to Kansas City after 3 years in Los Angeles, I was able to manifest that desire.  Unfortunately, I did so with a bit of distortion.  I ended up in a house in the right part of town but it was on the edge of that area and also on a busy street.  Now we have the pleasure of being awakened in the middle of night by the sound of police and fire engine sirens speeding past our house.

I believe my negative judgment of having to be in 3D instead of being able to spend all my time moving out of it, created this distortion.  Yes, one could say that it was due to not being specific enough in providing details for my desire, but that is all part of the distortion.  When we don’t want to be somewhere in the first place we tend not to dwell on the details.  So we somewhat halfheartedly contribute to our creative visualizations and then put forth to the universe, incomplete requests.

Relationship Challenges

Feeling the pain of lost relationships and unhealed wounds has taken its toll as well.  I have finally reached the point where I am tired of not being able to be around my family, always feeling like an outcast.  I have spent years feeling uncomfortable with them because our beliefs are different…actually very different.  I long to be able to just embrace them for all that they are and for what they believe, realizing that it is the heart that matters, not the belief system.

 I am tired of having to frantically figure out how to explain what I do when someone who is not spiritual asks me what kind of work I do. Now I just tell them that I write both spiritual self-help and Star Trek type books.  I don’t get into explaining more than that.  If they try to pursue the subject of my work, I move cautiously and only share what I feel is comfortable, finally turning the subject back to them.  People love to talk about themselves so this isn’t hard to do.  I have come to enjoy hanging out with people who are not spiritual, listening to them as they talk about their kids, their work, their hopes and challenges.  I’ve been “out on the edge” for so long that I have almost forgotten what it is like to be normal…and over the last five years, I see that I have left this part of me behind.

Where I am today and what’s been learned:

I feel I have come to that place on the ascension path, because of my healing crisis, where I am emotionally ready to bridge back, to reintegrate into 3D and find the balance between being 3D and 4D at the same time. I am ready to learn how to walk in two worlds with grace and ease.  This, I have learned, means being able to feel the value of each world, not just intellectually understand it.

I have learned that if I want to have a body that can endure until the end, I must pace emotional clearing work so that my body can keep step with my consciousness. I know how to do this and now I have the willingness to do it—something that was lacking in the past due to my intense desire.  That desire is now tempered with the wisdom born of experience.   It means more rest periods between lessons which I can get with just a quick mental or verbal call to my guides to slow it down.  They have no desire to have me move faster than my body can go.

If I want to manifest my 3D desires (money is only one of them) keeping my mailbox firmly grounded in 3D so the universe will know where to find me will make it happen.

If I want my work to produce greater financial abundance, being willing to become more public will help me make it. Bridging back and toning down my message to fit the comfort level of those in 3D will make it easier for them to embrace the message I bring.  I must also work through this fear I have of being more public.

If I want to manifest my desires as I envision them instead of some distortion, letting go of my negative judgments of 3D will enable me to do so.

If I want to have a relationship with my birth family, letting go of my judgment and discomfort of their beliefs will go a long way towards creating a loving foundation on which to begin.

Where to go from here:

Where I am now is what I feel to be the point on the Spiritual Path, and in particular the Ascension Path, where we circle back around and return to 3D.  Perhaps what I am experiencing, this desire to bridge, is part of the ascension path for more than just myself.  Perhaps it is something that many of you are feeling too.  I have spent enough time “out there” in pursuit of spiritual wisdom.  But it is not the end of the path for me.  I will continue to learn and grow, ascending my consciousness to greater and greater levels.   But I feel this intense desire to integrate my 4D consciousness and training with the 3D world so that I can apply this hard earned wisdom and enjoy my life more.

Like many of you, I came to this planet to help the people, and I came to help more than those who are in the more advanced stages of spirituality.  I came for those who are just awakening, just beginning to test the waters and step out of fundamentalism.  It wasn’t until just recently that I understood my mission involved this level of work as well.  I’m ready to begin that work now.  This does not mean that I will stop writing for those who are more advanced; instead it means that I will expand my work to include the new initiates on the path. I’ll write and share the same message but with different words to reach two different levels of spiritual students.

How to take action:

Now that I see why I need to bridge back to 3D, how do I do it? What actions will I initiate?  Here’s a short list of the things I have already begun or have on the drawing board, so to speak.  I offer them as examples only.

Health:  I have begun an exercise program using a stationary bike. I do it 30-40 minutes a day, 6 days a week.  I am doing this to lose weight, to feel better and to have more energy.  I lost 60 lbs of pregnancy weight (a whole other story!) doing this before.

Manifesting: I have taken conscious steps to release any judgment I have around the 3D things that used to make me uncomfortable.  One of those was 3D medicine.  Not only do I no longer judge it as valueless, I really appreciate it.  I am working on others too.

Finances: I am tweaking the Keys of Compassion so that they can used by a larger audience.  I also have on the drawing board, plans to rewrite Bridge of Reunion so that it compliments the Keys of Compassion. This will provide a greater source of revenue. 

I have also worked through my issues around being more public and am preparing my promotional material so that I can begin touring and holding more workshops, thus increasing revenue.

Relationships:  I am considering going to Thanksgiving at my parents with the intention of working through whatever issues come up with my family members.

I have decided to begin holding a weekly support group at my house.  It will be very casual and for no charge.  I won’t be the teacher, just another person in the group.  With this step I am opening my heart to new relationships and camaraderie.

A couple of questions come to mind as I bring this article to a close.  They are questions I asked myself.

Will bridging back keep me from going home?

I used to feel that if I did reintegrate into 3D that I would get stuck and thus, not be able to go “home” when the time came.  Now I know this fear is unfounded.  With the knowledge I have gained, there is no threat of getting stuck. It’s like being a college student who decides to return to 3rd grade.  Though she will find the curriculum easy, she will also realize that staying there forever doesn’t appeal to her because she is bored. After a short time she will again yearn for more advanced studies. So it is with bridging.  The fear of getting stuck in 3D and not being able to go home is unfounded because your heart will always yearn for more than what a 3D experience can provide.

Isn’t bridging back the same as regressing?

I don’t feel that bridging back is regressing.  In fact, I feel it is progressing.  Why? Because when we have reached that level of training and enlightenment where we can go back into a denser reality and still hold our own, we have definitely progressed!

What if I don’t want to bridge back?

Some of you may find that this message triggers anger in you and a resistance to the very thought of bridging to 3D.  If so, don’t be concerned about your reaction.  I felt the same way for many years each time my guides would tell me that I must bridge back in order to fulfill my work.  It just means that it is not yet time for you to bridge.  I feel that when you have reached that point on your path, you will know because you will feel that strong desire to reconnect as I did.

In closing, I am grateful for my 4D consciousness and all that I went through in order to develop it.   I think that all of the things that went out of balance, my health, my finances, my manifestations and my relationships were perfect in their own way.  I also feel that they can be healed when I find that balance again.  But the most important lesson that I have learned is the value of being 3D.  I believe that only by loving this dimension and being in it can I have all these things I want and complete my mission, enduring to the end.

In loving service to all,
Jelaila Starr
The Nibiruan Council

Author Info:
Jelaila Starr, author of We are the Nibiruans, The Mission Remembered and the highly acclaimed Keys of Compassion series, is an internationally known channel, teacher, and counselor. Through her lectures, workshops, and articles, Jelaila's message of compassion has touched the hearts of people around. Jelaila’s work inspires hope and understanding while providing solutions to some of today’s most pressing challenges.

As a psychic/intuitive counselor, Jelaila works with individuals to assist them with emotional clearing, healing relationships, and DNA Recoding. Jelaila's unique approach enables her clients to clearly discover who they are, what they came to do, and how to achieve it. Jelaila can be reached by e-mail at:

^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #772 : 23.04.2010 10:13:27 »

What is Nibiru’s purpose?

Nibiru has many purposes. I will outline a few of them:

1. Peace keeper - Nibiru’s main overall purpose is that of a galactic peace keeper. As a peace keeper Nibiru’s duties are many. One of the most important duties is to move around the galaxy and negotiate treaties and alliances among the many evolving and advanced races.  This includes negotiating peace between warring races.

2. Genetic Upgrading - Negotiating peace sometimes involves using the laboratories aboard Nibiru to create new hybrid races. These new races and the genetic upgrades involved, in some cases provided the means to end wars since many wars were started over genetics. Just like children need to learn to share so do evolving races.

In races that are ready to be introduced into the galactic community, genetic upgrading is facilitated through processes being sent to the planet. That is why there are many people who are writing books on DNA Recoding, providing various process and also facilitating workshops to provide training and support. The Beings who send the information will in most cases be GF members and also have starseed children on earth that they are attempting to assist.

This also explains why there are many different techniques being given for DNA Recoding. Each race has a particular genetic make up and recoding their DNA may require certain processes that are not needed by other races. But in all cases some things are the same. Emotional clearing is the key to DNA Recoding and that holds true for every race represented on earth.

3. The Galactic Federation’s Mission Control Planetary Ascension Programs. - Though the main operations of any planetary ascension plan are located at the GF headquarters in the Sirius star system, having an orbiting satellite office makes carrying out the many tasks involved much easier and efficient. Since Nibiru’s orbit traverses our galaxy and is a the GF’s key flag ship, it is the perfect location for organizing and carrying out ascension programs for planets and civilizations connected to the GF. Since most of the planets in our galaxy are seeded by Federation member races that may or may not be in close proximity to the planet, having a starship available to carry out critical tasks such as genetic upgrading is vital to success.

Earth’s ascension program is being coordinated through Nibiru with each starseed race having representation on and in the many councils of Nibiru. With the council’s working together to complete our ascension plan, we are in good hands and can rest assured that every measure is being taken to protect and ensure our success and eventual entry in the galactic neighborhood.

4. The Mission Control center for Starseeds and Walk-ins. - Among the many responsibilities of Nibiru is that of training, support and guidance for Walk-ins and Starseeds. For Walk-ins, Nibiru provides mission plans, and assigns support staff to watch over and protect the soul being sent to earth. For starseeds, they are given guidance on which templates are to be created to assist their home worlds in their spiritual evolution to the next step.

There is much more to this but suffice it to say that the beautiful settings with moving sidewalks, the slender Grecian-like columns and the singing, telepathic dolphins (some of which walk upright) is the setting on Nibiru where the walk-ins and starseeds are trained. Many report being in classrooms during the dream state. Though this is common among Grey and Zeta abductees and the ships are different, Nibiru also has classrooms. The difference I have come to understand is most often the setting. This is a very serene setting with music, and other worldly colors. Very peaceful. When I go there in the dream state, I don’t want to come back.
Who is in control of Nibiru?

Nibiru receives its orders from the central command of the Galactic Federation’s Greater Nibiruan Council. The Greater Nibiruan Council, as we have discussed before, was established to handle the management duties and responsibilities of the GF. This includes giving assignments to various Federation starships of which Nibiru, though the GF’s Flagship, is only one. This means that whenever Nibiru is sent on assignment to a planet or star system, it was sent there by order of the GF.

Nibiru is in essence a field office just like Deep Space Nine was a field office of the Galactic Federation in the TV show. Don’t remember exactly what they called that GF.
What role does Nibiru play in our ascension?

Nibiru remains our trigger for awakening. Once it gets close enough to us, uncloaks and shows itself, it will bring about a universal shift in consciousness. Mankind will then wake up to the fact that they are not alone in the universe and will begin to search for the reason and purpose behind this great planet/ship. It is then that the ancient knowledge suppressed by the religions and governments of earth in order to control the people, will come to light. Mankind’s true identity will be made known to them and they will have the opportunity to embrace it on a global scale.

Nibiru’s effects are already being felt. Due to its massive size, Nibiru is already affecting our weather, our planetary frequency and our sun.  Once again, I am not a scientist so I cannot give you this information in those terms. I will give you what they show me.

Nibiru is affecting our sun. Because of the pressure being exerted by its mass moving closer to us, it is creating pressure on the sun. This pressure is like squeezing a tomato until it begins to rupture. These ruptures are the solar flares and emissions from the sun. The sun is changing and emitting more light. Much like going from a 75 watt bulb to a 150 watt bulb. This changes our DNA and activates the dormant codes within it to begin the transmutation of our bodies from carbon-based to crystalline-based. (see Let’s Get Real about Ascension Part I. and Part II)

Though uncomfortable, this transmutation is necessary to move into a higher dimension i.e., 5D.
Where is Nibiru now and when will it return?

Nibiru is in our solar system and headed towards earth on its routine run through our galaxy. That is why we are feeling its effects. NASA and other governmental groups know this very well. Nibiru was first spotted by our scientists back in 1987. We have been feeling its effects since 1996.

As for when it will return, I will state again that it is up to us. Nibiru is waiting on us to get our heads out of the sand, so to speak, and accept that we are not alone in the universe. When enough people have reached this level of understanding, Nibiru will uncloak and reveal itself.  This could be next year, or in 2003, 2005, 2010, or 2012. We hope at the very latest that it will be by 2012. So, once again, we are in charge of when it will occur. Nibiru is there to serve us and assist in our ascension. That is why the GF is sending it to this remote little corner of the galaxy.  It is time for us to move up to galactic citizenship. Nibiru is here to help us like it helps all other planets going through the same process, and will continue to do so for many millions of years to come. And who knows, perhaps one day you will be on that ship en route to the next planet ready to ascend.

Related Pages:
What’s Up with Nibiru?
December, 2001 Council Update
July, 2000 Council Update

« Viimeksi muokattu: 23.04.2010 10:25:21 kirjoittanut ^Célestine^ » tallennettu

^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #773 : 24.04.2010 09:54:01 »

NDWalsch pysyy enempi maan pinnalla, tässä yksi kysyy miksei hän paljon puhu näistä muutoksista.

     Dear Neale...I have been reading a lot about the "Ascension" process lately and I am a bit confused. First of all, I don't believe that you've written anything about this process in any of your books. Does this mean that it really isn't going to happen to us humans? The thing that bothers me most about what I've read is that it is often mentioned how we are going to ascend to the 5th dimension and it talks a lot about the "higher realms." Yet, it also says that we are moving out of the time and space continuum and duality. How could this be if we're moving to a "higher" realm? I'd sure appreciate it if you could address this process. I'm sure that it will help others beside me. Thank you, and many blessings for the wonderful work you are doing.

     Dear Michael...The place that exists outside of the space/time continuum is what we would call, in human language, a "higher realm." There is a difficulty with communication through words. Words are the least reliable form of communication. Thoughts are the next least reliable, because most people's thoughts are based on their past experience, not on what is happening right here, right now. Feelings are the language of the soul. If you want to know your truth about something, look to how you are feeling about it.
     The so-called "higher realm" that exists outside of the space/time continuum can only be fully described by exploring your feelings about it -- and this is a singular experience. It cannot be done in plural. It is like joy. Try to describe "joy" to someone. It is almost impossible. How big is it? How wide is it? How long or short is it? How warm or cold is it? Sometimes joy feels warm all over. Sometimes it feels like cold tingles up and down your body. So how "warm" is joy? How cold is it? What size is it, what temperature?
     You see, one cannot describe it in human physical terms. You have to feel it. And the feeling cannot be described. It is, quite literally, "indescribable joy." All this talk of you ascending to a higher realm is nothing more than a collection of words to clumsily describe a raising, or ascending, of consciousness. It is consciousness raising. It is when you move in consciousness to a new place, a place outside the physical limitations and experiences of your bodily reality.
     This can be done at any time, and many masters have done it without moving their bodies at all. Most people think that "ascension" means that the body literally lifts off the earth and "ascends into heaven." That is one way you can do it, but it is far from the only way -- and it is the most difficult way, because it requires that you drag your physical body along with you.
     Your body is yours, it is not You. The "you" that ascends is not your body, unless you choose to take your physical body with you -- but why would you do that? You have no need for your body at all. It is merely a tool through which you can create and achieve a greater and grander experience of Who You Really Are. Once you have achieved that experience, your body becomes unnecessary, pointless. Like any tool with which you are finished, you can put it down. You are not this tool. You have a body, but you are not the body that you have.
     True masters are those who can leave their body at will. The part of them that is Who They Really Are simply exits the body, leaving it lying there, or sitting there, doing its own thing, taking care of itself through the ongoing operation of the perfect mechanism that is its biological system. The heart beats, the lungs expand and contract, blood circulates...the mechanism functions perfectly, working like a clock, or like a well-tuned automobile. You do not have to be in your car for it to keep running. You can step outside of your car and just let the motor run. The car does not need you to run. It runs by itself. But it does need you to steer it, to tell it where to go.
     Your body is a vehicle, moving you through the world at the level of gross physicality in order to provide you with experiences that are only available to you at that level. These experiences create a context within which your mind can begin to hold the larger reality of your True Identity. Once you experience your True Identity, your body becomes virtually useless in terms of your own journey. You can get out of the car. You're there. You're arrived. Then you will begin to use your body as a vehicle through which you may carry others to a direct experience of who they really are. Suddenly your body has a use again! And it is the greatest use of all. It is the purpose for which it was invented.
     In other words, once you achieve a certain level of awareness, you will use your life here on this earth to lead others to that place of awareness -- to carry others back home, back to a full knowing of their True Identity. You will wake other people up.
     Soon, you will seek to do this for the Whole Humanity. Nothing else will matter. Nothing else will seem the least bit important, least of all the concerns of your own body, or its once-selfish, now-forgotten needs or satisfy-me-now indulgences. You will experience yourself needing nothing. You will find yourself yearning for nothing. Certainly nothing that only the physical realm can provide you.
     At this point you will be "in this world, but not of it." And, while you will continue to remain with your body, and to enjoy it, you will enjoy it and use it in an entirely different way. You will use it to bring others pleasure. To bring others joy. To bring others peace and love and safety and security and wisdom and clarity and awareness and the experience of Oneness. You will use it to bring others Home.
     Imagine having sex like this. Just imagine it.
     I bring this up because sexual expression is one of the great joys of being physical. But you have not known true joy, I promise you, until you have had a sexual experience in which you use your body as I have described above. Then you will take what you have experienced and thread it through the fabric of your entire life. Sex will no longer be an experience limited to intercourse. It will become Synergistic Energy eXchange -- true SEX -- which is the exchange of the essence of Who We Are with each other in a way that brings all of us back to ourselves and to the knowing of our Oneness with all others and with all of Life.
     During your stay here on earth you will "ascend into heaven" many times, your consciousness leaving your body frequently, during meditation, during dreams, even, eventually, in a fully waking state, as I have described here. Your daily life will contain many moments in which you move in and out of a state of higher consciousness, from which you will perform many wonders. I am in such a state right now as I perform the wonder of giving you this answer. This reply to you could not have emerged from me had I not "ascended" to the level of consciousness wherein this answer resides.
     Do you understand?
     When you expand your awareness of your True Identify you will exit your small self, your localized self, and move in consciousness to your Universal Self at will. Often will you do this. You will exit and return, leave and come back, ascend and descend, sometimes for extended periods, sometimes for the instant moment, moving between realms effortlessly. And when you do this, my wonderful friend, the kinds of questions you've asked me here will disappear.
     Now you may say, that sounds wonderful! How can I get there? How can I get to that place of awareness? And the answer is astonishingly simple.
     Take someone else there.
     When you understand this, that will be all that your life will be about.
     I send you love and hugs....neale.


Viestejä: 5772

Minne tie vie...

Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #774 : 24.04.2010 12:19:38 »

Kiitos Celestine,

tuollaiseen ajattelutapaan minäkin yhdyn.  smitten

Ehkä nämä ns. muutokset onkin juuri niitä, mitä tapahtuu vain tietyssä auran 'kehossa' ja ihminen hakemalla hakee yhä sitä näkyvää fyysistä muutosta.

Luulen, että ne jotka todella 'muuttuvat' tai kasvavat, eivät puhu siitä, koska tietävät etteivät sanoilla voi kertoa. Se ehkä tapahtuu enemmän jopa toimimalla.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 25.04.2010 11:51:42 kirjoittanut Esmiralda » tallennettu

Nousu Skorpioni (Jousimies)
Chiron Skorpioni
Aurinko, Venus ja Merkurius Rapu
Kuu Kalat       
Pluto ja Saturnus Leijona
Jupiter Jousimies
Mars Neitsyt
Neptunus Vaaka
Uranus ja Ceres Kaksonen

Maya, Punainen Itsevallitseva Kuu
Kiinalainen Rotta
Kelttiläinen Omenapuu

^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #775 : 25.04.2010 10:05:31 »

suurin osa ei yhdy mihinkään näistä ajatteluista, silti Walsch MYÖS amerikkalainen bestseller.

Viestejä: 5054


« Vastaus #776 : 25.04.2010 10:27:07 »

suurin osa ei yhdy mihinkään näistä ajatteluista, silti Walsch MYÖS amerikkalainen bestseller.

Minä yhdyn kaikkeuteen kun en millään jaksa lukea nuin pitkiä kirjoituksia - vaikka olisi kuinka tärkeitä  Cheesy eli päivä kerrallaan  Kiss


 aurinko jousimies , kuu leijona , askendentti vesimies

 aurinko skorpioni , kuu leijona , askendentti kauris

Maya: Sininen Kosminen Yö
^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #777 : 25.04.2010 10:47:32 »

on myös mielenkiintoista verrata MUIDEN kokemuksia ja mahd. menestystarinoita. harvalle se Jumala nyt sanoilla puhuu, tai jos niin.  Shocked Cheesy

miksi kanavoidaan niin paljon esim 2012 aiheesta? Jumala on alkanut puhua??

Viestejä: 5772

Minne tie vie...

Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #778 : 25.04.2010 11:53:33 »

Celestine, vähän haastan sinut juttusille? coolsmiley

Mitä on 'menestystarina'? Mitä se sinun mielestäsi sisältää?

Nousu Skorpioni (Jousimies)
Chiron Skorpioni
Aurinko, Venus ja Merkurius Rapu
Kuu Kalat       
Pluto ja Saturnus Leijona
Jupiter Jousimies
Mars Neitsyt
Neptunus Vaaka
Uranus ja Ceres Kaksonen

Maya, Punainen Itsevallitseva Kuu
Kiinalainen Rotta
Kelttiläinen Omenapuu

^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #779 : 25.04.2010 11:55:15 »

kaikille miten he sen määrittelevät. itselle luultavasti toiveiden toteutumista. no, sittenhän on tarjolla myös kaikki selitykset siitä, mikä on vielä parempi toive, jos yksi ei toteudu. ja oletetaan nyt että toiveesta ei ole harmia kellekään.  Wink

>> MUOKS kirkkaassa auringossa; tuli mieleen vielä, että jos kiinnostaisi jokin homma, firma, pesti, kannattaa samantien ajatella, että kutsutaan siihen pomoksi; olenhan johtanut projekteja ennenkin ja mikäli en ole pomo, olen hyvää pataa näiden kanssa ja 1-numerologisesti. joku muu voi tietty toivoa muuta!  Cool
« Viimeksi muokattu: 25.04.2010 18:09:19 kirjoittanut ^Célestine^ » tallennettu

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