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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Esoteerinen astrologia (menneiden elämien tarkastelu)  (Luettu 34860 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 4 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 757

« Vastaus #45 : 14.05.2011 15:55:42 »

Tämmösen tekstin löysin löysin

Chiron square Venus sets up the maximum stress between finding a value system which will enhance spirituality, or just giving oneself over to one emotional high after another. Also, Chiron square Venus usually signals heavy duty past life karmic pressure having to do with gender identity. In the esoteric teaching, we are taught that we choose a particular gender identity to balance male/female polarity, anima/animus polarity. Life is no more than an opportunity for experience so that we can become more evolved. And part of being able to become developed involves experiencing both sexes. Often when we are moving into a gender we are unused to there is a lot of stress, and Chiron square Venus indicates this type of stress. Thus, a person with many male past lives may be bom a female this time or vice versa, and this is often shown in the chart with Chiron square Venus. We also see this frequently when Mars is conjunct Venus in the natal chart. This client may be essentially male trying to cope with being female or vice versa, and astrologers can help the client with in depth Mars/Venus counseling. Often this native will cop out of sexual balancing by becoming gay or lesbian, although he or she might accomplish more by switching genders completely. Or, this native may appear to be gay or lesbian while actually being asexual and adjusting to the situation. In all cases, counseling on Mars/Venus energies in the chart will be most enlightening. The astrologer of Chart 22 has experienced deep emotional conflicts and a great struggle with her powerful animus within. The conflict will tend to resolve at the Uranus opposition. It is very likely she has powerful male past lives and that she is learning to use power with female or Venusian means this time.


Vain mielikuvituksesi on rajana
Viestejä: 1372

« Vastaus #46 : 31.03.2016 11:04:27 »

Planeetat vissiin pysyvät samassa paikassa, mutta se jäi hieman epäselväksi että kuinkas tätä sitten luetaan.

No eikai nyt esim. aurinko
välttämättä samassa pysy? Shocked

Planeetat säilyttävät samat etäisyydet toisiinsa, koko kartta siis määräytyy tuon  kuuoinas mukaan.

Vapaus - mikä ihana sana!
Sivuja: 1 2 3 [4]