Niin no, kaiketi se MC toimii sellaisena elämänpäämärän kuvaajana. Kaikillahan se ei suoranaisesti liity työhön, vaan siihen mitä muuten elämässä haluaa saavuttaa. Tuostahan Ebeniakin jo mainitsi. Ja kaiketi se uran ja velvollisuuksien 10. huonekin jotain kertoo? Itselläni on MC
ja koen sen jollain tapaa olevan se elämän johtolanka, tasapainoon pyrkimistä joka asiassa, ei vain työn näkökulmasta ja jollain tapaa vastakohtaisuuksien yhteensulattamista. Sitten löytyy 10.huoneesta
, josta Emelia muistaakseni sanoi, että voi lisätä sitä levottomuutta ja vaihtelunhalua elämässä. Saattaa radikaalistikin muuttua elämä ja ulkonäkö. Itseltä löytyy MCn aspekteista ainostaan
. Mitä sanotte siitä?
Voisiko tuo MC:n
kertoa jollain tapaa oman sisäisen maailman ja työnluonteen välisistä eroista. Tai, että työnkautta olisi vaikea ilmaista itseään? Hmm, vai menisikö tuo enemmän
maiseksi tulkinnaksi?
Löytyi kyllä tälläinen tulkinta. "Moon square MC
You might neglect your home and family or your career (or both) in favor of a busy social life. Your primary focus is relationships, working with other people, and making a good appearance."
Siitä löytyi tälläinen kuvaus.
"You will most definitely want the freedom to express your own unique ideas in your public life, as you make your contribution to society. You are likely to enjoy change and variety, and may make sudden career changes or possibly experience such changes thrown at you. You may prefer an unusual type of career or occupation, one that offers adventure and excitement, danger even, but certainly one that does not rely upon too much routine and regularity. For women, this can often be found in the charts of those who choose careers and professions that are not normally associated with females, such as working on a mine site, driving a truck, or diving on sunken wrecks: perhaps something that has a touch of the unusual about it. For men, this can be found in the charts of those who often face danger in their given occupation, explosives expert, racing driver, jockey or life saver.
Your chosen profession would need to incorporate an element of the unusual, the original, and allow for a degree of freedom of expression. You may be seen by others as highly independent, original and even somewhat out of line with conventional thinking. You will probably seek a career that encompasses the potential to be able to make your own decisions, rather than following strict guidelines laid down by others. You are more likely to want to follow your own rules, and will not take too kindly to having to toe the conventional line in terms of your career."