Vau Artemis, kiitoksia erittäin hyvästä osoitteesta!
Löysin sieltä tällaiset kuvaukset sijainneistani:
The Sun in the Fourth House: gives a need to rule the roost. The tendency is to have a home that is as showy as one can afford. Luck and prosperity should steadily improve during the middle and declining years, although this one makes for a slow start in life. Unless something else interferes, Daddy was definitely NOT the shy type.
Ääh, isäni taitaa kyllä olla suht ujo.
Mercury in the Fourth House: Home is a place of communications. When you are home, the TV and computer are going while, at the same time, you’re on the phone and reading. The older you get, the more you are likely to talk and/or write. Daddy either talked a lot or moved around a lot.
Täällä on kyllä aina kaikki elektroniset laitteet päällä!
Isäni kyllä matkustelee aika paljon.
Moon in the Fifth House: gives an emotional need to be on stage, but, since the Moon rules moods, this alternates with a desire to withdraw into a shell and be alone. The romantic interests will tend to be on the moody side and will either want to "mother" you (even the men) or be mothered by you. Be careful as this placement tends to attract "whiny" types. If you have children, you will have to watch the mood swings of the first born.
Vetäydyn kyllä jonkinlaiseen kuoreen ja tykkään olla yksin.
Venus in the Sixth House: The work environment is pleasant. It HAS to be otherwise you just can’t stand it. In a man’s chart, romantic interests are often met at or through work. This placement often makes it easier to find a job when you need one.
Mars in the Sixth House: Another workaholic placement. Mars needs action. If you have this placement, don’t take a routine desk job. Be up and around, moving, even arguing. Good for work requiring use of tools, machinery, or sharp instruments. Co-workers and subordinates will also be aggressive and energetic. Be careful of arguments on the job. Ah what the heck. You would probably love it.
Pluto in the First House: gives you the traits of the sign of Scorpio, intense and secretive. You can give orders to a stranger and they will frequently do as you say. Your intuition about the people you meet for the first time is uncanny. Be careful about what you want because you will get it, for better or worse. If you are ever injured, this gives the ability to make an amazing recovery, back from the dead, so to speak.
Saturn in the Second House: can work out in three different ways. First, there are those for whom enough is never enough. They tend to become rich in money, but they have to watch out not to miss out on life’s other pleasures. Second are those who value security and protection above all else. They frequently gravitate towards "secure" jobs in the civil service or with large corporations (although the downswing movement has changed this). The third group gets depressed and gives up. This last alternative is to be avoided.Stephen Arroyo points out in his book "Relationships and the Life Cycle" (I highly recommend it) that Saturn shows what we regard as "important", so important that we try to control it. So important that we get nervous and fearful and frequently blow it. In the second house, the important thing for Saturn is money. If you can work through your fears (Saturn) you will find that your sense of self worth is ultimately more important.
Uranus in the Second House: Now how do you suppose the planet of crazy and unexpected events will act here? The same way it acts anywhere. People with this placement are frequently self employed or get paid on commission. Those in show business tend to have this one. The money comes in lumps, and then nothing for a while. If you have a "normal" 9-5 job and Uranus in the second house, something always seems to happen to interrupt the income, frequently something crazy. I don’t just mean things like quitting or getting fired (although that tends to occur with greater than normal frequency with this one). I mean things like the company burns down, or the chief financial officer embezzles all the money and runs off to Brazil. The only way to have both a steady income and Uranus in the second house is to work in some high tech or electronic field that Uranus rules.
Oi voi...ei vakkari työpaikkaa? :
Jupiter in the Third House: One drawback here is that, if you are ever depressed, no one will believe you because your communications SOUND so cheerful. Speech flows freely, sometimes too freely. Learn not to tell people too much. If the rest of the horoscope doesn’t back up this placement, then there will be a tendency to talk big and not deliver. Jupiter does have its perils. Still, communications tend to be optimistic (take care not to gloss over or ignore difficulties) and relations with siblings good.
Hyvä että suhteet säilyy.
Neptune in the Third House: Well the imagination is good, but, if you have this one, don’t be an accountant. The books may not balance. Neptune here is excellent for anything artistic, though, especially poetry or fiction writing. Check out your career house (house ten) before making any career decisions based on this placement. You have the ability to paint pictures with words, but not to communicate the details of the real world. If there are siblings, at least one will be a spacey, dreamy type, or (if afflicted) will tend to have a substance abuse problem.
Täytyypi vilkaista sitä kymppiä...must hurry now...