Sisupussi...tästäkö juontaa Suomalainen Sisu?
1866 on tällä hetkellä Sisupussi MC:llä, ja syntyessä hän on ollut yhtymässä
Erittäin mielenkiintoista..mitenhän tuota tulkitsis?"Suggested Keywords and Phrases for Sisyphus
Starting over, repetition, meaninglessness, try again, pushing through it, pointless work, an uphill climb, a thankless task, an eternal battle, “it’ll be the death of me!”, exasperation, frustration, trial, an uphill battle, nothing accomplished, the absurdity of life, futility, cheating death, getting nowhere. Finding faith in the mundane, maintaining faith when all else fails, believing without seeing, appreciating the journey rather than the destination, acceptance that all things change, adhering to the will of the Gods, accepting your fate."
"In your natal chart, Sisyphus indicates where you can be quite ruthless and conniving in achieving your aims. It tells of where you will not shy away from twisting the truth to suit yourself and where you can be outwardly aggressive in getting what you want. Here, you will care little about who you step over, or even destroy, perhaps even gain selfish pleasure from causing others to lose in the game of life. Alternatively, in opposition to one of the planets or luminaries, you can find yourself as prey for this type of individual.
In the realm of trust, Sisyphus can indicate an area in your chart where you are prone to exposing the ‘gossip’, or, are the target of this behavior by others. In transit, you would look towards this asteroid at times when trusted others take it upon themselves to expose your deeper secrets.
Ultimately however, you look towards Sisyphus in your chart as an area where you continually push a desire up an insurmountable hill. This could be an attachment to a relationship that is going nowhere, or a career option that fails to connect with your true talents. Either way, it is a source of personal frustration as you attack the situation with a vengeance, achieve, then watch your efforts dissolve once you reach the top and feel the pressure to start all over again."