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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Noususolmut Jan Spillerin mukaan  (Luettu 21977 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
« : 27.02.2006 22:59:33 »

Katja Q:n pyynnöstä aloitan ketjun näille Spillerin noususolmu-jutuille. Koitan laittaa kaikki merkit tänne mitä tulla noususolmu-ketjussa ei tullut laitettua.
« Vastaus #1 : 27.02.2006 23:13:35 »

North node in aries and north node in the 1st house

attributes to develop:

-Trusting one's impulses
-Constructive self-interest
-Moderation in giving

tendencies to leave behind:

-Seeing oneself through others' eyes
-Debilitating selflessness
-Being Mr. or Ms. Nice
-Obsessive attachment to fairness and justice
-Co-dependence:attachment to external harmony
-"Tit for tat" mentality (samalla mitalla takaisin, potut pottuina)

healing affirmations:

"when I trust myself and follow my impulses, everyone wins"
"Before I can support others, I have to learn how to nurture myself"
"I can help others best by truly being myself"
"It's okay NOT to be nice everytime"
"A sense of balance and strenght comes from being fair with myself"
« Viimeksi muokattu: 28.02.2006 02:19:40 kirjoittanut sign? » tallennettu
Viestejä: 119

« Vastaus #2 : 27.02.2006 23:20:23 »

Kertoisitko noususolmu leijonasta ?  Smiley

Kiitos etukäteen  smitten

Aurinko vaaka
Nouseva skorpioni
Kuu vaaka
« Vastaus #3 : 27.02.2006 23:32:15 »

north node in taurus and north node in the 2nd house

attributes to develop:

-Awareness of boundaries
-Taking one step at a time
-A sense of self-worth
-Awareness of personal values
-Honoring EXPRESSED needs of self and others
-Enjoying the five physical senses
-Awareness of nurturing from Mother Earth

Tendencies to leave behind

-Attraction to crisis situations
-Overconcern with other peoples business
-Inappropriate intensity
-Judgmental tendencies
-Preoccupation with the psychological motivations of others
-Resistance to cooperating with what others want
-Destroying something in order to eliminate one part
-Obsessive-compulsive tendencies

healing affirmations:

-"to win, I need to proceed slowly and persistently, step by step"
-"When I live by my own values, I feel good about myself"
-"Mother Nature supports me with the energy I need"
-"When I satisfy my own needs and the expressed needs of others, I build a stable base for relationships"
-"If I'm comfortable, I'm 'on path'"
-"what others think of me is none of my business"
« Viimeksi muokattu: 28.02.2006 02:20:02 kirjoittanut sign? » tallennettu
« Vastaus #4 : 27.02.2006 23:33:01 »

Joo, se on mullakin solmuna. Laitan nää tähän järjestyksessä Smiley
« Vastaus #5 : 27.02.2006 23:52:47 »

north node in gemini and north node in the 3rd house:

attributes to develop:

-Healthy curiosity
-Asking questions to learn how others think
-Seeing both sides of a situation
-Communication of internal dichotomies ( sisäinen kaksijakoisuus)
-A positive aproach to life and other people
-Purposely cheering up others
-Using a nonthreatening approach when expressing ideas
-Opennes to new ideas and experiences
-Seeking factual information before making decisions

tendencies to leave behind

-Assuming others know "where they're at"
-Thinking one knows what they are saying without really listening
-Needing to be right
-Espousing "Truth" without taking others views into account
-Careless spontaneity
-Taking shortcuts
-Taking oneself too seriously; having a ponderous approach to life
-Acting on intuition without checking the facts
-Resisting ideas that are foreign to one's belief system
-Prejudging present situations on the basis of past experience

healing affirmations:

"this is a people oriented lifetime"
"I can slow down and take the time to connect with others"
"When I tune in to how others think, I know what to say"
"When I am willing to listen and learn about the other person, I win"
"If I don't understand, it's okay to ask questions"
« Viimeksi muokattu: 28.02.2006 00:56:14 kirjoittanut sign? » tallennettu
« Vastaus #6 : 27.02.2006 23:56:39 »

north node in cancer and north node in the 4th house:

attributes to develop:

-noticing and validating feelings
-nurturing and supporting others
-building one´s own foundation and security
-honest disclosure of feelings and insecurities
-accepting others foibles and fluctuating moods without judgment
-staying centered in one´s own feelings

tendencies to leave behind:

-needing to control everything and everyone
-compulsion to take charge without fully understanding the situation
-ignoring the process, being too focused on the goal
-feeling completely responsible for everything
-hiding feelings and fears in intimate relationships
-doing things to gain respect and admiration from others
-taking care of others feelings and neglecting ones own
-doing what is "socially acceptable" rather than what is totally honest
-thinking that things have to be difficult in order to be important

healing affirmations for cancer north node:

-when I try to control, I lose
-when I share my feelings, I win
-I win when I acknowledge the capacity of others to take charge of their own lives
-it's okay to let my feelings show
-it's okay NOT to manage everything everytime
-no one can invalidate my feelings
« Vastaus #7 : 28.02.2006 00:23:00 »

north node in leo and north node in the 5th house

attributes to develop:

-Willingness to take center stage
-Following one's heart desires
-Strenghtening one's willpower
-Taking risks
-Relating to a childlike quality in others smitten
-Enjoying life -having fun
-Looking at life as a game
-Developing an "It's up to me" attitude

tendencies to leave behind:
-Yielding to peer pressure in order to "belong"
-Detaching from emotional situations
-"Overlooking" what's really going on
-Waiting for "more" knowledge before taking action
-Excessive daydreaming
-Running away from confrontations

Healing affirmations:

"the only person who can create my happiness is me"
"If I'm having fun, I'm on track"
"When I follow the impulses of the child within, I win"
"I win when I actively create the results I want"
"when I relate to the child in others, everybody wins"
"When I bring joy to others, I feel included"
« Viimeksi muokattu: 28.02.2006 01:42:57 kirjoittanut sign? » tallennettu
« Vastaus #8 : 28.02.2006 00:24:14 »

North node in virgo and north node in the 6th house

attributes to develop:

-bringing order to chaos
-creating routines
-focusing on the here and now
-acting on feelings on compassion
-being service of others
-analyzing and categorizing
-gaining self confidence through experience
-taking risks in spite of fears
-noticing and valuing details

tendencies to leave behind:

-being a victim (or having victim consciousness)
-confusion and disorientation
-avoidance of planning
-escapism/addictive tendencies (drugs, alcohol,excessive sleep,daydreaming etc)
-feelings of inadequacy
-vagueness (not wanting to commit/inaction)
-giving up

healing affirmations:

-"Im the only person who can put this situation in order, so I might as well do it"
-"This is NOT a victim lifetime"
-"when I withdraw, I lose; When I participate in creating positive results, I win"
-"when I focus and have a plan, the whole universe opens the pathway to succes"
« Vastaus #9 : 28.02.2006 00:36:26 »

north node in libra and north node in 7th house

attributes to develop:

-Diplomacy and tact
-Increasing awareness of others' needs
-Selflessness: Giving support without expecting reciprocity
-Creating win/win situations
-Seeing things through another's eyes
-Communicating self-identity

tendencies to leave behind:

-Thoughtless self-assertion
-Lack of awareness of others' needs for support
-Lack of good judgment regarding money
-Expecting others to be like oneself
-Indifference to how one is seen by others
-Resistance to compromise
-Outbursts of anger
-Overconcern with survival

healing affirmations:

"when I focus on supporting others, I feel confident"
"When I succesfully stimulate self-confidence in others, we both win"
"When the team is succesful, I win"
"When I share with others, I have more"
« Vastaus #10 : 28.02.2006 00:54:20 »

North node in scorpio and north node in 8th house

attributes to develop:

-Choosing constructive change
-Releasing whatever causes stagnation and low energy
-Eliminating non-useful posessions
-Enjoying things without having to own them
-Accepting support from others (ideas, money, opportunities)
-Enjoying high-risk situations taht make one feel alive
-Awareness of others' psychology (their desires, wants, needs and motives)
-Opennes to partnering, supporting, and merging power with others

tendencies to leave behind:

-Attachment to comfort and status quo
-Overconcern with accumulation and ownership
-Questioning past decisions
-Getting bogged down in sensual appetites
-Repeatedly doing things one way (the hard way) even though another way is easier
-Resistance to change and others' input

healing affirmations:

"embracing chance will lead to vitality"
"When I choose energizing change, I win; when I choose the status quo I lose"
"The alternative to chance is stagnation"
"As I empower others,, they recognize my worth"
"when I look deeply into others' values and motives, I know whom to trust"
« Vastaus #11 : 28.02.2006 01:09:49 »

north node in sagittarius and north node in the 9th house

attributes to develop:

-Reliance to intuition,prophetic abilities, and invisible guidance
-Speaking from Higher Consciousness
-Spontaneity-developing a sense of freedom and adventure
-Direct communication free from cencorship
-Trusting oneself
-Spending time alone and in nature
-Intuitive listening-hearing the meaning behind the words

Tendencies to leave behind

-Second-guessing what others are thinking
-Perpetually seeking more information
-Saying what others want to hear
-Impatience-wanting immediate answers
-Trusting others' perceptions instead of ones own- including others' perceptions about oneself

healing affirmations:

"when I follow my own sense of truth, I win"
"My intuition will show me the right road, spontaneously, as events occur"
"When I let others be themselves, I am free"
"When I trust my intuition and verbally communicate what occurs to me in the moment, I win"
« Viimeksi muokattu: 28.02.2006 13:09:44 kirjoittanut sign? » tallennettu
« Vastaus #12 : 28.02.2006 01:23:28 »

north node in capricorn and north node in the 10th house

-Approaching life from an adult position
-Self respect
-Staying goal oriented
-Sensible approaches to problem solving
-Keeping commitments and promises
-letting go of the past
-Accepting responsibility for succes

tendencies to leave behind

-Insecurity leading to inaction
-Limiting self through fear
-Using the past to avoid the present
-Isolation-spending too much time at home
-Lack of self-respect
-Avoidance of taking personal risk
-Controlling others through emotional overreactions

healing affirmations:

"I cannot control others , but I CAN control myself"
"In releasing the past, I deal more effectively with the present"
"When I take charge, I win"
"When I feel self-respect, Im on the right path"
"I don't need to depend on anyone else to take care of me"
"I am in charge of my inner state of being"
« Vastaus #13 : 28.02.2006 01:40:11 »

north node in aquarius and north node in the 11th house:

attributes to develop:

-Objectivity ( seing the "total picture")
-Desire for friendship
-Making decisions for the group's best interest
-Willingness to share unconventional ideas
-Willingness to champion humanitarian causes
-Active participation in groups
-Awareness of equality
-Relating to others as individuals, apart from their specific roles (gardener, doctor, lover, etc)
-Creating win/win situations
-Recognizing how others are special

attributes to leave behind:

-Insistence on getting ones way
-Making changes just to exercise authority
-Attachment to taking risks (romance or gambling)
-Willfullness and stubborness
-attachment to the need for approval
-Melodramatic tendencies
-Doing what's expected instead of following one's heart
-Unbridled passion-going to extremes
-Unawareness of others' importance
-Prideful responses based on fear

healing affirmations:

"when I release willfullness, I win"
"I don't know what 'ought' to be"
"When I do what's best for everyone involved, I win"
"Once I decide what I want , the universe will bring it to me"
"I don't have to dominate others to feel okay about myself"
« Vastaus #14 : 28.02.2006 01:41:26 »

North node in pisces and north node in the 12th house

attributes to develop:

-being nonjudgmental
-surrendering anxiety to a Higher Power
-freeing the mind through meditation and self reflection
-focusing on the spiritual pathway
-trusting in positive outcomes
-acknowledging connection with the universe
-welcoming chance

tendencies to leave behind:

-hyperanxiety reactions
-obsessive worry
-exaggerating the importance of details
-critical first reactions
-fault finding-making others wrong
-excessive anxiety over making mistakes
-being Mr. or Ms. Perfect
-staying in unpleasant situations

healing affirmations:
-"all is well and everything is unfolding as it should"
-"God's spiritual government can never fall out of place"
-"when I 'Let Go and Let God'-I win"
-"my survival is not threatened by disorder"
-"this isn't my job, -it's Gods job"
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