Sveitsiläinen rumpuvirtuoosi Jojo Mayer "reverse engineering" a drum machine: meitsin ihan ehdottomia suosikkirumpaleita, mutta tuo esitys on mielestäni
(Muoks: itävaltalainen -> sveitsiläinen!)
(Lisäys) Wiki:
Jojo Mayer is known for bringing together jazz, drum and bass, jungle, and other influences. He is also famous for his ability to play the rhythms of programmed jungle drum 'n' bass music on acoustic drums, terming this technique "reverse engineering", a phrase borrowed from computing.[2] He executes this approach using various methods such as the heel-toe bass drum technique, the Moeller stroke, the Valving technique, and the "pull-out" or "push-pull" accent which takes the beat on the rebound. Using these techniques, he can play beats at astonishing speeds. A few of his main influences are Tony Williams, Jack DeJohnette and Buddy Rich.