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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Nokia-yhtiön loppu lähellä?  (Luettu 5522 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8258

« : 11.04.2012 09:45:59 »

Nokia Oyj:n kohtalon sanotaan olennaisesti riippuvan Lumiain menestymisestä/menehtymisestä.

Valtavista markkinointiponnisteluista huolimatta analyytikot arvioivat, että myynti Jenkkilässä
jää tänävuonna(?) alle miljoonaan kappaleeseen.

Jo pari vuotta sitten aloin kiinnittää huomiota siihen, kuinka 1865-kartan Viides Saturnuksen
Paluu korreloi Noksun pörssikurssin kanssa. Sen eka tarkka päivä oli muistaakseni 25.11.2011.
Toinen, retrogradien ohitus on tarkimmillaan kaiketi wapunaattona ja viimeinen "tällä rundilla"
joskus ensi elokuun lopulla.

Nyt näyttää siltä, että Nokia saattaa joutua heittämään pyyhkeen kehään jo tämän vuoden
aikana. En olisi ikinä uskonut, että astrologinen indikaattori voi näinkin tarkkaan ennustaa
yhtiön kohtalon. Edes vielä kai meneillään oleva  Jupiterin konjunktiotransiitti Noksun
1865-kartan neljän planeetan stelliumin suhteen ei näytä kykenevän "kontraamaan" tuota
Saturnuksen Paluun detrimenttaalista vaikutusta.

Noh, osarin eli osavuosikatsauksen (19. 4.) jälkeen lienemme noidenkin seikkain suhteen viisaampia...


Muoks: kannattanee pitää mielessä, että NOK1V on Suomen suosituin ns. "kansanosake".
Sillä on yli 200 tuhatta suomalaisomistajaa. Toki useimmat lienevät mukan suhteellisen
pienellä panoksella, mutta voitaneen todeta että yhtiön kohtalo vaikuttaa, enemmän tai vähemmän, jopa
reilusti yli puolen miljoonan suomalaisen taloudelliseen asemaan...
« Viimeksi muokattu: 11.04.2012 09:55:48 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8258

« Vastaus #1 : 11.04.2012 23:04:56 »

Onneksi suomalaiset Nokiaan sijoittaneet menettivät tämän päivän
rojahduksessa ainoastaan n. 500 Meuroa. Ja seuraavalla Mustan
Kuun puoliskolla he saanevat nuo takaisin reilun koron kera?


Muoks: joku ns. "Kuppalehden" keskustelussa laski, että suomalaisten kotitalouksien
yhteenlaskettu arvonalennus eilen oli yli 4 miljardia euroa. Ja sama tahti näyttää jatkuvan
tänäänkin, kun Saturnuksen Paluun retro-ohituksen tarkkaan hetkeen on vielä yli kaksi viikkoa aikaa...
« Viimeksi muokattu: 12.04.2012 09:47:50 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8258

« Vastaus #2 : 12.04.2012 10:16:59 »

Vilkaisin Noksun 1865-karttaa uudelleen. Heti Vapun jälkeisellä viikolla
taitaa olla  jupiter aspect_con aurinko* tarkimmillaan. Kun SP5:n
retrovaihe on samalla "hälvenemässä", tuo konjunktio aiheuttanee
sellaisen kurssinousun, että vastaavaa ei Nokia Oyj:n kohdalla
ole nähty vuosiin!


* Traditionally this is considered one of the most marvelous transits,
and indeed it is quite good. -- R. Hand, Planets in Transit

« Viimeksi muokattu: 12.04.2012 12:20:30 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8258

« Vastaus #3 : 17.04.2012 11:42:46 »

En ole juuri ollenkaan tutustunut proge-karttoihin, mutta sattumalta*
huomasin äskön, että proge-Mars lienee juuri näihin aikoihin (ja vielä kai
aimo pitkään?) konjunktiossa Oy Nokia Ab:n 1865-kartan rx. (ja tr.)
Saturnuksen kanssa.

Ei kai tuolle muuta yleisluontoista tulkintaa voi keksiä kuin se,
että 1865-kartan Viidennen Saturnuksen Paluun "aiheuttama"
yhtiön ahdinko on huomattavasti pahempi kuin pelkästään
SP:n "aiheuttamana"...

Progressed Mars conjunct Saturn Walk softly now, do not tempt fate! Extra care is needed with tools and machinery. Caution is your best ally now: safety and security should be your prime considerations. There is a driving ambition to achieve personal recognition and career advancements. Your attempts to initiate action along these lines appear hindered and blocked by responsibilities and restrictions. Instead of losing your temper and rebelling against authority, try using this energy in a more constructive manner. Be resourceful, organize and discipline your actions, then apply it toward work requiring hard and laborious efforts. You should be able to handle jobs demanding precision and methodical handling of tasks. A parent, boss, or older individual will either assist or hinder personal progress. -- From our Time Line Forecast Report.

*erreyksessä valitsin'issa natal, transit & progressed'in...
Viestejä: 476

« Vastaus #4 : 17.04.2012 13:58:32 »

Juu, ei se kovin hyvältä vaikuta Salossakaan Neptunus kuplan jälkeinen elämä
mutta toivoa sopii, että kestää kovat ajat kun Salon omakin kartta on aika
mielenkiintoinen Wink

Mobira Salo perustettu 15.3.1978 jos haluat sitäkin vilaista Wink

Viestejä: 8258

« Vastaus #5 : 19.04.2012 16:49:56 »

Elop'in eli tuttavallisesti mm. "Flop'in" transiitteja Robert Hand'in tulkitsemina:

This report is a short edition of the Forecast Horoscope. It is meant as a sample and advertisement for the full version of the Forecast Horoscope which can be ordered from Astrodienst as a bound report of about 15 - 20 pages.
The report was generated for 6 months starting from April 2012 with the following birth data: male, born on 31 December 1963 at 6:00 am in Ancaster, Ontario (CAN).
Your sun sign is Capricorn. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is in Sagittarius, and your Moon is in Cancer.

Pluto conjunction Sun: Facing the shadow
End of January 2012 until end of November 2013: This is a time of great change in your life, when you will strive as never before to accomplish your ambitions. You will work harder than ever and not allow obstacles to prevent you from achieving your objectives. If you handle the energies of this influence skillfully, you should be able to go far with it, but you should be aware of certain pitfalls.
During this time you can work to remove old outworn structures in your own life and in the lives of those around you, so that all of you can experience a new life. But you must observe two limitations. First, this influence gives tremendous drive and energy, but only for the elimination of the truly old and outworn, not for doing anything you want. And second, it is a transcendental influence. Therefore its energies are not easily harnessed to the purposes of unenlightened egotism. What you do with this influence should be for the eventual betterment of everyone around you, not just yourself. You are the steward of this energy, not the owner. If you use it for purely selfish ends, you will provoke such furious opposition that you will eventually be unable to do anything. Similarly, if you use this energy to remove structures that are not yet ready to pass away, you will be unable to make progress. This influence signifies the need to replace an old, inferior state of being with a new and truly superior state. It does not just arbitrarily replace one with another.
The last point to remember is that you must do something now. You cannot simply sit back and let this time go by without making some changes. If you do not make them consciously, circumstances will take over for you, probably with unpleasant results. You may have to face some aspects of yourself that you do not like, but this is part of the process, and you will find that those aspects are not really so bad. They only looked bad because you have never given them a place in your conscious personality.

Jupiter opposition Neptune: Wrapped up
14 April 2012 until 22 April 2012: During this time it is often difficult to keep the real and the ideal sorted out. This is an extremely spiritual influence, which may make the real world seem inadequate to you, causing you to seek an escape into a more ideal and perfect "reality." Normally this escape is not through drugs or alcohol, but if you have a predisposition toward them, it could work out that way. Usually, this influence indicates a mental state in which you become wrapped up in all manner of abstract speculations or high ideals that are difficult to actualize.
On another level, this influence may tempt you to become involved in unrealistic schemes that you could only believe if blinded by extreme optimism. You may want to gamble and take risks with your resources, and if you are not careful, wild speculations and gambling could leave you bankrupt. Oddly enough, some people are so geared that they can handle the gambling aspect of this influence very well and make seemingly wild investments pan out. Usually these people have a talent for calculating the risks, however. Remember that there is a difference between amateur and professional gamblers. The main point here is that if you are tempted to get into some investment scheme, make sure that it is within your area of personal expertise.
Under certain circumstances this influence can signify the beginning of a very idealistic kind of relationship, one in which you look to your partner as a kind of god or spiritual guide. This may or may not be an accurate picture. You must be careful here also, because you could idealize a person beyond all reason, even when she does not want you to do so.
And of course, you too could be the victim of an outright deception. Be careful to deal with people as they really are, by accepting them as they are and not demanding that they conform to an ideal in your mind.

Uranus square Sun: Some obstacle
Beginning of June 2012 until mid February 2014: During this time sudden, unexpected events will test your ability to withstand change and to stay on the path you have chosen. Each of us sets forth certain objectives that we must accomplish in order to successfully maintain our sense of being a unique and strong individual. This influence seems to ask the question, "Do you really believe in what you are doing? Can you perform your tasks in the face of upsets and challenges from the outside world and even from psychological forces within yourself?" How well you withstand this challenge will determine how well your life will go during the next several years.
On one hand you may suddenly realize that because of circumstances that have developed over the last several years you can no longer do what you want without making a lot of changes. It may be necessary to struggle and break free from circumstances that you encounter in your work or with authorities, such as employers or government agencies. There may even be limiting circumstances in your personal life, such as a bad love relationship or parental domination. At any rate some obstacle is preventing you from doing what you have to do, and you want to rebel against it.
On the other hand, you may be doing perfectly well in all of these matters. Your job may be perfectly satisfactory, and your personal life may be fulfilling, a real expression of who you are. But something comes along, some unexpected incident that forces you to reevaluate what you are doing. For example, at work someone may throw you a "curve ball," such as an employer suddenly questioning your effectiveness in work or a similar disruption. You may have to reevaluate your relationships to the various groups you belong to.
If you are doing what you should in terms of your life and experience, these disruptive events will only be a test that you will withstand successfully. But if you find the energies of this period destructive beyond your control, you should consider what changes must be made either to minimize these effects or to turn them into positive ones.

Jupiter trine Venus: Pleasantly lazy
End of July 2012 until end of March 2013: You feel very light-hearted and sociable now and want to spend as much time as possible with others. This is a good time for taking a vacation, attending social gatherings, or participating in other forms of amusement and fun. It is not conducive to any kind of serious effort, because you are inclined to feel pleasantly lazy and unenterprising. There is also a very strong self-indulgent streak to this influence. Be very careful not to eat or drink too much.
Fortunately you have the ability to make others feel good if they are unhappy or depressed, and as a result, people enjoy being around you at this time. You may have the chance to do favors for others that will eventually be returned. And since you feel generous and giving, you will not mind doing them.
In some instances this influence has a way of drawing money or other material resources to you. But don't sit around planning how to spend a sudden windfall from heaven, as many people do with this influence. It is a possibility, but only one among many and not the most likely.
Actually it is more likely that you will spend money on objects that you consider beautiful. Others may not appreciate your taste at this time, however, because it tends toward the flashy or gaudy. Be careful that you don't get stuck with something that will offend your own taste in a soberer moment.
You have a great desire for beauty, however, and if your taste is sound you will surround yourself with objects that you can enjoy for years and that will also gain in value.

Jupiter sextile Jupiter: In good working order
End of July 2012 until end of March 2013: This is a time of balance and equilibrium in your life, when all your affairs seem to run smoothly and without much effort on your part. It is a time when you can relax and take it easy for a while, knowing that your life is in good working order. This is also a time when growth seems to occur without much effort - growth in consciousness, in your profession, in your social life or wherever you feel that personal growth is important.
But this is not really a time when you should just enjoy yourself. You should do that, to be sure, but you should also be examining your life to see what needs to be done. It is important to think this way now because the equilibrium that is characteristic of this period enables you to look about yourself with reasonable calm and detachment. It is much harder to achieve a perspective when you are in the middle of some major and possibly chaotic change.
This is a good time to achieve perspective in all possible senses of the word. It is a good time for education, either formal or informal, for getting in touch with yourself through self-awareness studies, or for seeing the larger world through travel.
Business transactions or negotiations are also favored now, and this is a good time to expand your business, as long as it is within reason. Legal affairs also usually run quite smoothly.

Viestejä: 8258

« Vastaus #6 : 24.04.2012 12:22:10 »

Tuossa 1865-kartassa voi tietysti olla vaikka mitä, mikä edesauttaa kurssinousua,
senjälkeen kun Viidennen Saturnuksen Paluu retrogradinen vaihe ryyditettynä proge-Marsin
konjunktiolla on "onnellisesti" ohi ensi  kuun (toukokuun) alussa.

 Toki vielä on jäljellä
yksi tarkka SP-ohitus ensi elokuun lopulla, ennenkuin tuo Oy Nokia Ab:n kurssin lähelle
pohjamutia vetänyt astrohäppeninki on lopullisesti eilisen teeren poikia.

Pitäisimme kuitenkin merkittävimpänä potenttiaalisena kurssinousun stimuloijana
heti Wapun jälkeen kaiketi aktivoituvaa tr.  jupiter rx.  aurinko konjunktiota.
Viestejä: 8258

« Vastaus #7 : 07.05.2012 15:55:28 »

Jorkka totesi kuulemma yhtiökokouksessa Nokian täyttävän "tänään" (3. 5. 2012) 147 vuotta.
Mikäli tuo pitää paikkansa, silloin tuo 12. 5. synttäriin perustuva tr. jupiter - rx.  aurinko
 aspect_con lienee mennyt ohi jo aikapäiviä...
« Viimeksi muokattu: 07.05.2012 16:00:08 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Sivuja: [1]