Eclipses in Aries bring war and controversies in religion. They threaten the lives and liberty of eminent people, and bring plague to 'lesser' cattle such as sheep and goats. (England, France, Germany and Denmark are traditionally linked to this sign.)ähänhän voisi kytkeä tipuflunssankin!?!
Tässä hätäinen ja summittainen suomennos 'in artikkelista;
"Auringonpimennyksen aikaan Auringon energia on "otettu meiltä pois" tai pidätetty hetkeksi aikaa ja koemme energian puutteen tai vähyyden. Miten se ilmenee elämässä riippuu pimennyksen huone- ja merkkisijainnista, sekä planetaarisista aspekteista, joita saattaa ilmetä."
Omalla radix-kartallani seuraava pimennys osuu 2. huoneeseen eli liittynee raha-asioihin tai Härän/ Venuksen alaisiin asioihin...?
Tässä Carol Willisin näkemys englanniksi:
Solar Eclipses
A solar eclipse occurs on a new moon, when the Moon is between the earth and the Sun, thus obscuring or eclipsing the Sun from our vantage point of standing on earth.
My interpretation for the solar eclipse generally is esoteric or involving deeper meaning for the soul as it stands in relation to its environment. The Sun is the center of our solar system, and is thus a stable orientation point in our solar system. The Sun symbolizes a principle of intelligibility, as all things revolve around and make sense in terms of the Sun in our solar system. The Sun is a symbol of normal rationality and order, Apollonian ideals from ancient Greece. Therefore when the Sun is obscured or eclipsed by the Moon, the normal order of things may be less available, to some degree superceded or eclipsed for a while by the instinctual, emotional, and more chaotic energies of the Moon. The lunar energies and emotional excitement run high for several days surrounding a solar eclipse, especially in the week previous to the exact eclipse. Anything goes, and probably will. It's no wonder then that the ancients considered solar eclipses to be "fateful," usually in a destructive way.
Transiting Solar Eclipses
I find a transiting solar eclipse to be generally destructive to some degree, sometimes severely. I largely note the HOUSE into which it falls in a natal chart, noting also other planetary factors closely conjunct it, and perhaps other hard aspects to
the natal chart. I do not use the sign of a transiting solar
eclipse placed into the natal chart.
The window of time for a transiting solar eclipse is 1 week before the eclipse, the day of the eclipse itself, and the week following, then dropping off in intensity for the next 6 months until the time of the next solar eclipse. Long term consequences may continue for years following that, again highlighting the "fateful" aspect of solar eclipses.