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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Enkelinurkka  (Luettu 321648 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 7 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 528

« Vastaus #345 : 22.03.2009 20:33:01 »


Sinä, taivaallinen ystäväni, enkelini,

joka olet minut ohjannut Maan päälle,

ja kerran johdatat minut kuoleman portin kautta

ihmissielun hengenkotimaahan.

Sinä, joka tunnet vuosituhansien tiet,
jatka minun valaisemastani,
vahvistamistani, neuvomistani,

jotta voin kohtalontulen kutoilusta

astua esiin voimakkaana

ja oppia yhä enemmän täyttymään

jumalallisten maailmanpäämäärien tarkoituksella.


- Rudolf Steiner, suomennos Matti Kuusela
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Viestejä: 528

« Vastaus #346 : 01.08.2009 09:59:18 »

Nautinnon Enkeli nimeltä Naan

Pelkäsin ja en tuntenut vielä kunnolla henkistä nautintoa. Mietin, että mitä se on. Kärsimys ja masennus sai minut luomaan jotain kaunista. Päätin luoda tähän maailmaan uuden enkelin. Annoimme yhdessä enkelille nimen Naan.

Tämän enkelin tarkoituksena on jakaa rakkautta, iloa ja nautintoa maan päällä. Hän avaa haluaville uusi ovia kohti näitä kauniita asioita.

Tämä on viesti Naanilta:

Olen Naan, ilon, rakkauden ja nautinnon enkeli.
Nauran kanssasi, nautin kanssasi. Rakastan sinua.
Tiedän sinun jokaisen kauniin ja hyvän tekosi. Tiedän myös sinun jokaisen hyvän toiveesi ja halusi.

Minulla on juuri sinulle viesti. Haluatko nauttia? Koko elämä voi olla nautintoa. Voit nauttia kokoajan. Minä ja monta muuta nautinnon enkeliä olemme täällä juuri sinua varten. Ohjastan sinua vaikeiden aikojen läpi tarjoten lämpöä ja rakkautta. Hyvään oloon kuuluu nautinto, hyvä olo on nauttimista. Sinulla on kuitenkin mahdollisuus nauttia vielä enemmän. Enemmän, kuin olet koskaan toivonutkaan. Me olemme täällä avaamassa sinulle nautinnon ja rakkauden ovia. Sinulla on käsissäsi avaimet jokaiseen oveen.

Nauti lämpimästä kodistasi. Nauti siitä, että sinulla on pehmeä sänky, jossa voit nukkua. Nauti ruoasta, jota syöt. Nauti jokaisesta asiasta. Sinä pystyt siihen. Voit aina pyytää apua. Muista myös kuunnella sydäntäsi ja jakaa rakkautta, sekä iloa muille.

Minä annan sinulle nautintoa. Minä ohjaan sinua nautinnon luo. Sinäkin voit antaa nautintoa ja ohjata muita nautinnon luo. Teemme sen yhdessä.

- Rakkaudella Naan

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Viestejä: 528

« Vastaus #347 : 01.08.2009 10:49:56 »

Saatan (ei nyt tilaa) joskus tehdä myös tuollaisen rauhan nurkkauksen. Sehän on sellainen rituaalinen tapa, tai suoritus. Varsin viehättävä sellainen. Ja jokaisen oman näköinen.  Smiley

Oispa mukava nähdä teidän toisten rauhan nurkkaus? Vaikka linkitätte tähän topikiin. Ymmärrän toki jos ei pyhää nurkkausta halua kuvauttavan.

 Kiss smitten Tuuli Hiuksissa
... tulossa  smitten
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Viestejä: 1988

« Vastaus #348 : 01.08.2009 11:02:07 »

Abundantia! Onko toi ihanuus sun rauhannurkkaus? Välimerellinen ilmasto Smiley

Mun rauhannurkkaus...voi, voi... ei vielä missään... On kaaos asunnossani kun työt siellä täällä... Olis edes yks huone lisää!

Musta tuntuu että mun rauhannurkkaus on kyllä jossain ihan muualla kuin kotosalla. Se on siellä joen/solisevan puron äärellä mökissä jossain aarniometsän sykkeessä. Cry

OINAS - pässinpää

* Nousu Neitsyt
* NativeAmerican Haukka
Viestejä: 528

« Vastaus #349 : 01.08.2009 11:28:37 »

Ekaksi, tyyliin tiedoksi Cheesy mie vaihdoin Aaviisuisen Abundantiaksi  Kiss....
Abundantia oli roomalaisen mytologian vaurauden ja yltäkylläisyyden jumalatar. Hyvän onnen ja rikkauksien tuojana hänen tunnuksenaan oli runsaudensarvi, jota hän kantoi tuoden lahjoja ja maallista hyvää mukanaan. Runsaudensarvi oli peräisin Amaltheia-vuohelta, jolta Juppiter oli imeväisenä katkaissut sarven ja korvauksena muuttanut sen tuomaan kaiken tarvittavan; myöhemmin sarvi oli päätynyt Abundantian huolehdittavaksi.

Abundantia oli jossain määrin saanut alkunsa kreikkalaisen mytologian Demeteristä, ja hän oli käytännössä sama jumaluus Copian ja Annonan kanssa. Vaikka Abundantialle omistetuista temppeleistä tai alttareista on ollut nähtävissä vain harvoja merkkejä, hänen kuvansa koristi roomalaisia kolikoita kautta aikain.

Vuosittaiset juhlat, joissa Abundantiaa kunnioitettiin, sijoittuivat elo- ja joulukuuhun.

...  ei ole mun rauhannurkkaus, konkreettisesti .. mutta kyllä tuossa ikkunanurkkauksessa istuisin ja sielu lepäisi merellisissä maisemissa  smitten Laitan tähän parit kuvalinkit, mun "puutarhasta" siis on muutaman minuutin kävelymatkan päässä kodistani

Asun kerrostalossa, meren rannalla lähes, mutta parveketta minulla ei ole. Siksipä olen rakentemassa, omaa pienois puutarhaa sisälle, kivineen, suihkulähteineen, kasveineen, valotkin aion laittaa ...  Cheesy ... mutta toistaiseksi nautin näistä valmiista "nurkkauksista"

« Viimeksi muokattu: 01.08.2009 11:30:33 kirjoittanut * Abundantia * » tallennettu hätä
tää on nyt tätä ...
Viestejä: 1988

« Vastaus #350 : 01.08.2009 11:34:03 »

Tiedätkö mitä Abundantia; Sä olet jotenkin ihastuttava persoona. Pidän tavattoman paljon sun persoonasta vaikken tunne sua, mutta sun kiinnostus egyptin mytologiaan luo ja tuo sinuun syvyyttä Smiley

Pidän käsittämättömän paljon noista sun unelmien rauhannurkkauksista smitten Saanko mää ottaa talteen noi kuvat ittelleni?  Smiley

OINAS - pässinpää

* Nousu Neitsyt
* NativeAmerican Haukka
Viestejä: 528

« Vastaus #351 : 02.08.2009 11:20:33 »

Tiedätkö mitä Abundantia; Sä olet jotenkin ihastuttava persoona. Pidän tavattoman paljon sun persoonasta vaikken tunne sua, mutta sun kiinnostus egyptin mytologiaan luo ja tuo sinuun syvyyttä Smiley

Pidän käsittämättömän paljon noista sun unelmien rauhannurkkauksista smitten Saanko mää ottaa talteen noi kuvat ittelleni?  Smiley

Kiitän sinua  Kiss Tuuli Hiuksissa~

Tokikin, nyt vain havahdub, etten ihan kohdalleen laittanut kuvien lähdesivuja   police  - mutta henk.kohtaisen käyttöön.

Tässä sinulle nautinnollisia hetkiä - omaan nurkkaukseesi  Kiss  :
ja tokokin jokaiselle ketä kutsuuu  smiley6600  Wink

Ja tutulta olet sinäkin kuulostanut "aina" - muistaakseni olemme aiemminkin vaihtaneet "ajatuksia, anergioita, kokemuksia" whatever - mutta sonussa - energioissasi on jotain hyvin kotoista  smitten terveisin Aaviisuinen~Abundantia
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tää on nyt tätä ...
Viestejä: 1988

« Vastaus #352 : 02.08.2009 12:05:22 »

Kiitän sua, Abundantia! Kiss Kiitti myös noista videoklipeista angel

Joo, kyllä mei jotain ollaan tän aihealueen topikeissa juteltu...

Ootko sä itte piirtänyt tuon linkitetyn kuvan?

Laitan tähän yhden ihanan Gregorian-biisin:

OINAS - pässinpää

* Nousu Neitsyt
* NativeAmerican Haukka
Viestejä: 528

« Vastaus #353 : 06.08.2009 08:20:49 »

Kiitän sua, Abundantia! Kiss Kiitti myös noista videoklipeista angel

Joo, kyllä mei jotain ollaan tän aihealueen topikeissa juteltu...

 smitten sori kun vähän kesti  Cool olen reissussa, enkä omista matkaläppäriä ... ja kiitos Gregorian biisistä - mulla on "kaikki värit" eli albumit - tarkoittaa että tykkään kuunnella.

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Viestejä: 848

« Vastaus #354 : 06.08.2009 23:49:57 »


Tieto on opittua, mutta viisaus on
taivaallinen kuiskaus sisälläsi.
Enkeliohjaus on hiljentyä
kuuntelemaan sielusi viisautta.
Kävele elämäsi tie yhtenä viisaista,
ja kaikki kunnioittavat ja arvostavat sinua.
Kuuntele omaa viisauttasi.

Elämän tärkeimmät asiat näkee vain sydämellään.
Viestejä: 528

« Vastaus #355 : 08.08.2009 05:32:18 »


Maailma on kaunis ja hyvä elää sille
Jolla on aikaa ja tilaa unelmille
Ja mielen vapaus ja mielen vapaus

On vapautta kuunnella metsän huminoita
Kun aamuinen aurinko kuultaa kallioita
Ja elää elämäänsä ja elää elämäänsä

On vapautta valvoa kesäisiä öitä
Ja katsella hiljaisen haavan värinöitä
Ja elää elämäänsä ja elää elämäänsä

On vapautta istua iltaa yksinänsä
Ja tuntea, tutkia omaa sisintänsä
Ja elää elämäänsä ja elää elämäänsä

On vapautta vaistota viesti suudelmasta
Ja olla kuin kaikua aina jatkumasta
Ja elää elämäänsä ja elää elämäänsä

Laulun nimi on Maailma on kaunis, ja sanat kokonaisuudessaan löytyvät mm. teoksista:
Sanojen takana Vexi Salmi : 80 laulua Veikko Salmen sanoihin (1997) ISBN 951-757-390-1
Sydämeni laulut, 2000 ISBN 951-1-16114-8

Laulun on säveltänyt Kassu Halonen, ja ainakin Irwin Goodman , Vesa-Matti Loiri  ja pian Olli Lindholm ovat sen levyttäneet




Maailma on kaunis ja hyvä elää sille, jolla on aikaa ja tilaa unelmille;
tallennettu hätä
tää on nyt tätä ...
Viestejä: 1988

« Vastaus #356 : 08.08.2009 17:21:51 »

Kiitän sua, Abundantia! Kiss Kiitti myös noista videoklipeista angel

Joo, kyllä mei jotain ollaan tän aihealueen topikeissa juteltu...

 smitten sori kun vähän kesti  Cool olen reissussa, enkä omista matkaläppäriä ... ja kiitos Gregorian biisistä - mulla on "kaikki värit" eli albumit - tarkoittaa että tykkään kuunnella.

Sä siis olet kanssa Gregorian-fani Wink Smiley Mulla on kanssa muutama cd-levy noilta; biisit on aivan ihania smitten


OINAS - pässinpää

* Nousu Neitsyt
* NativeAmerican Haukka
^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #357 : 20.09.2009 21:20:39 »

Archaeon/Archangel CHAMUEL

Archaeon Chamuel is the Chief of the Choir of the Dominions and Prince Regent of the Powers who works with the pink Ray of Divine Love, Mercy and Understanding. His name means "He who seeks God", or "God is my Destination". He, together with Gabriel, comforted Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night before his arrest and subsequent trial and crucifixion. He is also known as the Angel of War and is regent of the planet Mars and the astrological sign of Aries.

Chamuel speaks:
"Strength can be directed to any ends. In the best hands it will be wielded with fairness and with the Highest of intentions. Strength also brings courage and endurance, and many of you will need that inner strength to carry you through the times to come, so that you may succeed in those tasks you have set yourselves – and succeed you will! Reinforce your deeds with the energy of love, which is not weak, but in truth the greatest power that exists in the Universe."

His twin-flame is the Lady Charity and their etheric temple is over St. Louis, Missouri USA. Chamuel acts to channel God's love, whilst Charity's role is best described as "compassion in action". Together they act to help us develop our heart chakra and bring through the attributes of compassion, balanced love of Self and the unconditional extension of that Love for oneself to others. Their temple is linked by the Arc of Divine Love to the retreat of the Elohim of the 3rd ray over Lake Winnipeg in Canada.

Chamuel has been called the God of War, and he may be portrayed as a warrior, with helmet and armour. It is in this role that he shows himself - not in full battle dress, but ready and prepared to ride out into battle if necessary. He is found in the Kabbalah governing sphere 5, Gevurah - that of Judgement, Justice and Severity. This sphere is do to with impartial, wise and balanced judgement and the use of the Power of Judgement to make an impact in the world.

Chamuel said this about justice:
"Do not underestimate the power that groups of people have and how but a small number of people may change rules and laws, and thence make a difference in the lives of many. Many rules that mankind has made come from the head and not from the heart. And it is often those rules that contain injustices and therefore are not a part of the Divine system of Mercy and Justice. For the two should be tempered and walk hand-in-hand. Without an understanding of mercy and a concept of what that is at heart, there can be no true justice."

Justice is also connected with having wise and balanced judgement of ourselves and others, in order to see and understand the natural consequences of all our actions, and to help reconcile and balance karmic deeds in this lifetime and others.

Chamuel has complete understanding of the Laws of Karma and works with the Lady Masters Quan Yin, Pallas Athena and Portia, who all have seats on the Karmic Board. He facilitates the understanding and release of karma and karmic attachments, bringing us the gifts of understanding and empathy and allowing us to see and recognise the Divine in others. Then he gives us the courage to reconcile our differences. If you are prepared to be totally honest with him (and yourself) he will act as an impartial and fair judge and ensure that justice is served on your behalf. Chamuel can also show us how to atone for bad karma and purify ourselves in this lifetime.

Chamuel wants us to discover how to lead pleasurable, cheerful lives in harmony with others, despite tribulations and hardships and so accordingly he may help us to heal losses or schisms in relationships with family or friends. We experience such problems in life in order to learn how to resolve them, thus allowing us to better understand other's difficulties and then help show them by example how they can be conquered. To help us do this, Chamuel makes us conscious of any negative attitudes, expectations or behaviours that hold us down and reveals inconsistencies in our thinking. Once we are able to recognise old patterns, he clarifies them for us and helps us integrate new energies and grow new "positives" out of the old "negatives" in order to bring us back to a state of harmony. He encourages us to love ourselves and have tolerance for our weaknesses and mistakes. He also helps us to see how the faults we may find in others are often reflections of those we have ourselves, and then he helps us accept or resolve them in order to reconcile us with our shadow side.

Chamuel brings a sense of deep peace and trust, teaching us to trust in life and in the reality of the Divine. He empowers us to love ourselves and to connect with others with compassion and understanding, opening our eyes to see the Divine within everything and everyone. He brings a remembrance of our true Being, perfection and Divinity and reminds us how to connect with the love and abundance of existence. He asks us to be selfless. This is the act of extending unconditional love outwards, even to those who we feel "do not deserve" it. In this way we understand the principle of Divine Love. Divine Love shows that we are all one and mends the illusion of separation from God. What we give out, we receive back ten-fold and so being selfless is actually self-love, because by helping others so we help ourselves. God is Love, and love is the most potent creative and healing force in the Universe. Love melts disharmony, fear and imperfection. It is joyful, beautiful and buoyant, uplifting and inspiring us to spread its wonder and our joy of life to others.


The Arms of Chamuel and his Love enfolds me.
His belief in me restores my Faith.
The energies of the Angels and the Stars inspire me.
Justness, tolerance and compassion is my path.


I am your firm foundation. I am your slayer of dragons. They come in the night, creep up on you unawares and sow the seeds of self doubt and self loathing. They tell you all the things that you are not.
Well, let me tell you what you are not:
You are not alone.
You are not here on Earth by accident.
You are not out of the heart and mind of the Creator for one single second of every hour of every day.
Feel yourself surrounded by a cocoon of love that flows from God himself. See yourself bathed in a gentle cloud of iridescent pink rainbows. Feel them soak into every pore, every cell and every layer of your Being. Let them remind you of your Light and your home and remind you of the greater path that you chose before your birth, in this lifetime and every lifetime that has been and will be. For you are a Being of the most wonderful potential, who has chosen to learn and grow and to experience this world of duality – of good and evil, of love and hate, of greed and generosity. And you have been given to use in that world the greatest gift of all – the gift of free will and of choice.
So you can choose now to live your life with love and with joy, or with hate and unhappiness. Let your heart expand and let those rainbows of love spill out from your heart centre, taking and clearing from your physical and non-physical bodies all hurts and pain, guilt and shame, anger and fears that have been stored there. They no longer serve you. It is time for you to acknowledge your own Divinity and to love yourself as God loves you. Be gentle with your Self and have compassion and tolerance for what you see as your faults and failings, for these are but lessons shown from which you may learn. Remember that it is easier to fill another's cup when your own is full.
Remember also what I tell you now:
You are a beloved and loving child of God.
You are worthy of being loved.
You are loved by many.
And so be it.


Archaeon Azrael is first and foremost the Angel of Transition and is sometimes known as the Angel of Death. Death is of course just one state of transition and we have many transitions, both into physical life and into non-physical life, plus of course transitions or changes when we are within those states as well. Because he is connected with all transitions and thus all occasions of change he is also an Angel of the Akasha, a Master of the Akashic Records and the Angel of Spirit, who monitors the state and location of our Spirit bodies regardless of our form or Dimension. Azrael also embodies the Golden Planet and sponsors all lost souls who go or are taken there for healing and self-realisation. This appears to be a place of what we call "rehabilitation", where souls can be held safely in a place of isolation whilst reviewing and coming to terms with their lives.

He has this to say about this realm:
"The planet is made up of the core of my being. My purpose is transition – change from one state to another. All those who enter the planet are able to see all things from all aspects. To some it is the worst punishment they may perceive, to others blessed relief. As they understand and come to terms with the things that they have done, they change and transform themselves back to a state of Grace, from which they may once more return."

Azrael may also be known as Azrail, Izrail, Ishmael, Azreil or Ashrail. As Ishmael he is the Angel of Ascension and the Keeper of the Door. He tells me that he has many names and identities and his energies have been and are connected as a guiding conscience to many Avatars and Founders of the world’s Faiths. He was a guiding influence behind Ishmael, who was behind the foundation of the Islamic faith and was also the guiding influence behind Jesus, who was behind the foundation of the Christian faith. This is reflected through Azrael's twin flame who was guiding influence to Mary of Bethany (Magdalene) and Jesus' twin flame.

He said:
"You know me now as many forms, gentle and commanding; strong and weak. When transformation is needed, call upon me in the form that you need me, and do not be surprised by what you receive."

His name “Azrael” means “whom God helps”. The colours we associate with him are black and silver. He and his twin flame, Magdalenen, the Lady Mercy have an etheric retreat over the Black Mountains on the borders of England and Wales and an etheric focus that constantly revolves around the Earth on the cusp of night and day / darkness and Light.

As a Master of the Akashic records Azrael oversees our recording of our lives and the detailing of our karmic debts incurred and settled. He points out that he does not make the records himself, but that each of us writes our own Akashic record. It is not for any other Being to record our deeds for us. Each of us will always record events truthfully and accurately – for it is our God-Self that makes the record, and as such we naturally act from an incorruptible place of Truth and non-judgemental Love. (There would be no point in being untruthful, for the records are for our own benefit, helping us to plan subsequent lifetimes and learning experiences). The records are automatically adjusted as and when karmic debts are repaid or balanced as if that were the original event – in reality time does not of course exist, and so the concept of past / future cannot apply, for there is only ever the "now". The Akashic "librarians" and overseers are there to ensure that we are writing the truth in our own book. They also act to bring all records into harmony so that if our actions affect others’ records theirs may be adjusted or updated accordingly. They also ensure that the "right" people access the "right" records, and that access is only permitted to the levels of knowledge or understanding that are appropriate or necessary for each one to know at that particular point in their time line – on a "need to know" basis!

In the Kabbalah Azrael represents all the pathways that are hidden. Within the Tree of Life we find pathways that are identified and which link one sphere to another, representing the transitory energies that take us between one state and another. I feel that there are also pathways that are hidden from view – the invisible ways that we find only through our own personal search for our own truth and reality. The realm in which the sphere of Da’at exists is that most closely associated with the human condition, and is an abyss that separates Spirit from non-Spirit; the real from the illusionary; the potential from the manifest. Below it is only duality: above it all dualities are reconciled. All matters within our lives that are unresolved or unfounded exist within this realm, and we cannot cross this realm (from non-Spirit to Spirit – i.e. Ascend) without all these things being fully resolved. Da’at is the sphere of knowledge – but of knowledge before true understanding. It exists outside of space, time and dimension. It is also the sphere of generation and regeneration, and as such has within it all the potentials that we have to transform and become pure Spirit. To cross the abyss - the realm in which Da’at exists - we must use the hidden pathways of Azrael and be prepared to leave everything behind and give up all that we think we are.

Azrael speaks:
"I offer my presence at the edge of the abyss. I will not take your hand but would ask you, when the time is right, to have the courage and the strength to simply step out and follow me across the great Divide between physicality and Spirit. And when we reach the other side and you are in your transformed and perfect state, you will see me as I am and I will welcome you through the doorway with love and with gratitude." In a way this has to be the ultimate transition!


The Power of Azrael and his Possibilities enthuse me
His integrity and conviction give me hope
The energies of the Angels and the Stars empower me
Resolve, inner-fire and triumph is my path


Many doorways are open to you now. It is for you to choose which ones you wish to step through. You have had guidance. Your have had confirmation in many shapes and forms as these weeks and months have progressed. You have more faith, more confidence in yourself and more trust in your ability to make those decisions that are wise and appropriate for you now. So it is for you to make your choice about which door or doors you choose to step through. The future is open to you in whatever direction you choose. There is a wide vista of opportunities spreading out before you, and only you will know the right direction to take. But you WILL know, for you will feel it within your heart; you will feel it within your soul; you will feel it within every fibre of your Being when the steps that you take are leading you in the direction that is right for you at that time.
You have had also a raising of your frequency and vibrations, allowing your Light to shine more brightly and illuminating the darkest recesses of all that surrounds you, whether this be on the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual plane. You have the Light within that will enable you to see more clearly; to enable you to make more positive decisions and judgements, both for yourself and for others; to love and to forgive. And as your Light grows and spreads, so too the knowledge, joy, love and forgiveness that is within your heart may spill over into the hearts of others, and this will create an effect that will reverberate around and through your world.
Take courage and have heart, Lightworkers All, as you step forwards with confidence into the future that awaits you. You know that transformation is not easy. You know that at times it may be hard or painful, and that some of the choices that you need to make may be difficult. But as you conquer them, as you move forwards with certainty and joy in your heart, you know that you have passed them by. You know that you are capable of making many decisions and changes within your life, which perhaps you once thought were impossible. Go with strength. Go with confidence. And go with joy and our Love.
We are Azrael and Magdalenen.

^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #358 : 20.09.2009 21:22:46 »


Archaeon Gabriel is a Regent Prince of the cherubim, a Regent Prince of the Virtues, a Regent Prince of the Powers and a Regent Prince of the Angels and a tireless worker on behalf of humanity. His name means "God's strength" or "God has shown Himself". He is probably best known in the Christian world as the messenger Angel who brought the news to Mary and her cousin Elizabeth concerning the births of their respective sons, Jesus and John the Baptist. To the followers of Islam he is the Spirit of Truth who dictated the Koran to Mohammed, and in Jewish legend it was Gabriel who parted the waters of the Red Sea for the fleeing Hebrews. It is also reported that he appeared to and inspired Joan of Arc. Gabriel works with the white Ray of purity, perfection, hope and wholeness and with the white Flame of Purity. This flame may also be referred to as the Flame of Discipline, Flame of Harmony or as the Flame of Resurrection (the Ascension Flame), which is directed by the Ascended Master Serapis Bey in the etheric temple of the Ascension at Giza in Egypt. Gabriel is very closely associated with the Ascension process and is there to witness our Ascension and re-birth as we pass through the veil of illusion to the next Dimensions. He also works closely with the Ascended Master Paul who is Keeper of the White Flame of Purity and is Chohan of the 4th Ray of Harmony through Conflict, Ascended Lady Master Nada, who is one of the Lords of Karma and Chohan of the 9th Ray of Joy and Potential and the Ascended Lady Master Pallas Athena who is Goddess of Truth and Chohan of the 12th Ray - the Golden Ray of the New Age that is to ground the Christ-Consciousness on Earth. He and his twin flame, Lady Hope, have their etheric Temple on Earth in the area over and between Mount Shasta and Sacramento in California in the USA.

The main colour Ray on which Gabriel comes to serve is white, connected with all themes to do with purity, renewals, new starts, resurrections (which are new beginnings in other dimensions) and in all matters to do with balance. He accompanies every new beginning, whether personal, business, national or global, in order to oversee that it materialises in accordance with the Divine plan. Purity is also one of the symbolic meanings of the Calla Lily that he is sometimes portrayed as carrying. The Lily is also of course trumpet-like in its appearance, and he may sound it very near us, thus awakening us and enabling him to bring us the "Good News", which is that of our Divinity and life purpose (which is of course progressing back to merging with God.) When Gabriel sounds his trumpet in your ear to awaken you, there will be no ignoring it!

He had this to say about pathways:
"All, no matter what they do, may live their lives and perform their life tasks in the full knowledge and joy of their own Spirituality. For every task can be imbued with Divinity – with love; with compassion; with purity of thought, through the directives that may fill every action, every thought and every word in daily life with the Light and Love of the Divine Source. So the call is to your path, but your path is not necessarily a specific route. Your path is merely your way to remembrance of your own purity at heart – of the God-self, the Christ-self (or Buddha-self) within - and to the acknowledgment and recognisance that you are a spark of Light, a Divine Being and aspect of God himself. "

Firstly as Gabriel awakens us he brings us a "message" that will make us take a closer look at our deepest, innermost wishes and longings, and then see them for what they really are. Often if we haven't been paying attention to the first quiet messages, they may increase in "volume" until they have to come in the form of what we know as "wake-up calls". These may be what we perceive to be unpleasant or unwelcome events, such as near-death experiences; loss of close friends or loved ones through death or separation or other life-changing happenings.

Secondly he ignites the flame that dwells in each of us, which is our Divine spark or our Inner Light, and then as we respond to our own spirituality he helps us to move forward using our past experiences, and supports our Inner Knowing on the path we have chosen to take in this lifetime. On our way he also gives us the strength to accept and live with the changes we may have to go through, which may not always be pleasant or very comfortable. He always tries to encourage us by giving us a sight of the good things to come at any times of change. He may do this by helping us to understand visions and glimpses of the future (which may come to us in the form of dreams, synchronicities or symbols) that may aid us and reassure us in our tasks.

Above all Gabriel's energy is joyful and brings with it a message of hope and optimism. He shows us that we are truly Divine, and reminds us of our innate desire to return to merge with God. Gabriel's natural state of Being sparks with joy and energy and reminds us that joy is our natural state. It is his task to helps us see, understand and deal with the irritations, anger and fears that stop us from being in our own natural state of Joy, and to appreciate what a blissful thing it is to be happy and content.


The Fanfare of Gabriel and his Joy enriches me.
His laughter enlightens me.
The energies of the Angels and the Stars gladden me.
Faith, blessedness and contentment is my path.


Let not all your life be hard, or allow a day to pass without a smile on your lips. For life is here for the living. It is not meant to be impossible, a constant uphill struggle. For without knowing the joy of fun and laughter, the companionship of friends and loved ones old and new, how are you to survive? Lessons – yes, there are many: but how much easier they will pass if faced with hope and optimism. Laughter and joy are great lighteners - of hearts and the vibrations that you seek so earnestly to raise. And it is within those higher vibrations that the pure Light of Truth may be found. Look to your heart and look to your soul, and see them illuminated before you under my white light of purity. Know yourself as you truly are in your whole, complete and perfect form.Call on me for my Light and for my companionship. Let me be your hope and your friend when you have none. I am but a call away. You and I will stand together a while and talk of how things were and how they are meant to be. And I hope and pray that you will be there at my side when my golden trumpet sounds the great clarion call to awaken those not yet on their pathway. For there, in finding and following that path is truly the most Divine joy and ecstasy to be found!
Do whatever in your life truly gives you joy, and may many blessings expand your heart and bring you true contentment.
I am Gabriel.


^^Queen Nefertiti^^
Viestejä: 10595

au, kuu jousimies / asc vaaka नमस्ते ‏الله‎ ॐ

« Vastaus #359 : 20.09.2009 21:34:09 »


Metatron is one of the Regent Princes of the Seraphim; Chancellor of Heaven; the Scribe who takes down God's words and sometimes known as the "King of the Angels". In the celestial hierarchy, he stands at the head of the Archaeons, and has the highest vibration of them all. His name ends in "ON", meaning "great". His name has been given no translation, but may mean "Great Assessor of Light" (metator = "measurer"). It has to be said that he has an immense sense of humour, and can at times be very mischievous. He is the Cosmic joker! He and his Lady, Sofia - the Lady Constance, have an etheric Temple of Light over Luxor, Egypt, which was the Capital of Ancient Egypt. He works closely with Serapis Bey and the Ascension Flame in the Ascension Temples at Giza.
We may associate him with the colours iridescent white, gold and bronze, but his colour is also the velvety blackness of the Void. This is his realm, for he is the Alpha and the Omega - the Beginning and the End, and the Guardian of the Threshold. He guards the threshold between form and non-form, standing at the opposite bridgehead to Archaeon Uriel on the Bridge of Light between the Divine and the Earthly. Beyond him is the Void (the birth place of all things and the space within which all possibilities are contained) of which he is a Master.

Metatron said this about the void:
"The gateway and the void are not external to yourselves - instead they exist within each one of you. Accessing this point, this still point, the "Eye of God" may be achieved through meditation and going within."

It is only when we are co-creating our reality in total harmony with our life's purpose that we can truly feel complete, at peace and at one with God. To aid us with this, Metatron gives us the gift of clear and perceptive thought, which helps open our minds to new dimensions of consciousness. This insight helps us see, recognise and resolve any obstacles on our path or within our Being and also helps us understand the consequences of all our thoughts, words and deeds.
It has been said by some that Metatron has had lifetimes in human carnation, and he is said to have been incarnate as Enoch, the great teacher, philosopher and visionary who saw the great "Chariots of Fire", and was the source of the material known as "The Keys of Enoch".

Metatron speaks:
"Was I incarnate as Enoch? No. That was not my role. Although it would be true to say in your descriptive terms that I overshadowed him indeed. I was with him as a guiding Light and influence. You also ask if I had lifetimes in forms other than my own. Again, I reply no. I have always been the energy being that you describe as Metatron. I have and always will be one and the same. There is no change, no alteration from this. But my influence and my energies are spread far and wide. And so it may be that there are places or times where you feel a sense of my energy, which feels familiar to you. It is as if I have left a mark of myself in those places. I AM beloved of God. I simply stand close to the Creator and do His bidding and carry out His Will, to direct mankind to the path that they require to take in order to complete their journeys home."

Metatron is associated with the symbol of a blacksmith's hammer, which represents the shattering of our realities, and then the forging of new ones. As a consequence he participates in the creation of all things, including the Universe, Galactic and planetary systems and social structures within the spiritual world (including the birth of soul groups and all souls). Once created, all things must evolve in order to grow, and so he also works as the Archaeon of Transition in harmony with Azrael. His power is immense, and his presence will increase our consciousness and vibration, so when working with him we need to be fully grounded in order to assimilate any changes, whilst acknowledging to ourselves the necessity of remaining on the Earth! He is a Master at creating, working with and bringing down Light. His energy is refined, strong, clarifying and pure. Behind his strength, however, you will find a blissful all encompassing love: his power also being that of Love, the Power of God. One of his tasks is to connect us with God's love and to open our hearts, because it is through love that all possibilities are given form. To see ourselves as loving beings, we need to remove all illusion and doubt and find the True Self at the very core of our Being.

Metatron works closely in partnership with Archaeon Michael and Lord Melchizedek, overseeing Earth's spiritual evolution and our ascension programme. He is head of the Sirian Central Sun Council and oversees the "zone of overlap" together with Melchisadek and Michael. Metatron is "gatekeeper" and responsible for sealing the gateway of the 11:11 at the end of 2012, at which time our ascension programme will be complete. He will be the last to leave this plane of Earth, our "temple of duality".

Metatron teaches us to fly with him and not be afraid to let our consciousness expand and take us to places we know nothing about. He brings great rewards for those who have the courage to step with him into the abyss - for the void is full of potential for those who have the courage to seek it. With his help all things are possible for those prepared to let go and surrender totally to Divine Will.


The Hammer of Metatron and his Strength empowers me.
His myriad wings bear me higher.
The energies of the Angels and the Stars expand me.
Courage, perception and unity is my path.


On the wings of prayer and with joy in our hearts we will take you up; up into the Higher Realms, where all is sound and colour. Into a realm where your imagination may take flight and you soar with us on wings of bronze and gold.
Let your consciousness expand and your hearts unfold to allow admittance to the true wonder and glory that is God – our Source, our Creator, and our Home. The place from whence came all life, and to which we all will return. Allow yourselves to merge with Source, in bliss and radiance. Let every second seem like eternity as you bathe in that heavenly glow and experience once again what it is to be complete, to be whole.
For in the flight and in the journey you will come to realise that there is no "You" and "I"; there simply IS. We all exist as sparks from the one flame and in that flame of togetherness we are reunited.
Let truth be your guide, let joy be your companion and let love be the force that joins all Beings together.
And so it is!


Archaeon Michael is a Prince of the Angels, Prince of Light, Regent Prince of the Seraphim, Regent Prince of the Virtues, an Angel of Deliverance and a Prince of the Divine Presence. His name is in the form of a rhetorical question, meaning "Who is like God?" He is one of the 3 guardians of the sacred triangle of the Zone of Overlap, which is the gateway of our Planetary Ascension, holding the position of Power, which is related to the physical plane. Lord Melchizedek holds the position of Wisdom, which is related to the mental plane, whilst Metatron holds the position of Love, which is related to the emotional plane. He also leads the Angels of Light and the Legions of Sword Bearers (the Bearers of the Blue Flame) in the constant battle against the angels of darkness and all negativity. He sits on the Sirian Council of the Galactic federation with Gabriel and Metatron and works closely with the Lords of Time. He may be described as a Master of Time - we know through experience that Time Lords really do exist, and are not simply fantasy characters from Doctor Who! The etheric temple of himself and his Divine complement, the Lady Faith is over Lake Louise near Banff in Canada. They have another retreat over Central Europe.

Michael works with the first Ray of Divine Will, Power and Protection, whose colour is blue and whose Lord or Chohan is the Ascended Master El Morya Khan. This Ray was the first to be made manifest by the Creator, and manifests in our etheric bodies through our throat chakra, which is our centre for communication, and where thought becomes word and deed. Michael’s energy is clear, powerful, clarifying, protective, enveloping and strengthening. It brings us increased clarity in what we think, do and say, and helps us to be more assertive and have more self-belief and self-assurance. He helps us work with the theme of personal Will, showing and encouraging us to bring our own Will into harmony with Divine Will (“Thy Will, not mine”). As we become more aware of our personal Power and Will, our capacity to be gentle and loving members of humanity increases.

When we are fearful, he comes to dissolve doubt and fear, and gently teaches us how to understand and work with the basic theme of this world – that of duality and the battle between darkness and Light. He is one of the guardians of karma, and can also help us to work with and clear any karma or karmic entanglements we have with each other. In his work with us on the first Ray he wants us to develop our own strength and willpower and to both recognise, accept and integrate our shadow aspects. In our daily and Spiritual lives he gives us the strength to stand up and fight for what is Right and Light, and to also recognise our own Truths and stand up for them.

Michael speaks about truth:
"Truth is something that you know in your heart. Truth is rather like faith in that the truths that you have or believe in are a foundation of your existence as an everlasting spark of Light. Somewhere in the core of your Self, at the very centre of your being, you are aware of a set of values or beliefs that underlie your whole existence whether in this dimensional plane or another Universal reality. Truth is not of the core beliefs founded in your childhood and learnt through others words and interactions with you, which you have come to believe as you have grown. Your true beliefs are those you were born with and have always had within you throughout existence after existence, regardless of your upbringing or choice of family and their situation. Truth is not learnt or acquired or taught to you by others. Real truth can only be discovered for yourself and by looking within."

In Greek myths, Michael is represented by Hercules, and the constellation named for his deeds depicts a victorious warrior with his foot upon the head of a defeated dragon – the constellation of Draco. Michael pictured as a saint is often depicted slaying the dragon, and this is reflected in the story of St. George and the dragon. The dragon symbolises our material desires and attachments to the world of physicality, and slaying it sets us free to open up in order to return to the world of Light and Spirit.

Michael is Power, Desire and Action, tempered by Faith and Love. He is often pictured carrying a sword which symbolises the power of love and which may cut us free of all that binds us or holds us prisoner. His sword is surrounded by a silvery-blue flame, which we interpret as the Magdalenen flame containing the innocent and pure energy of the love of Divine Source – the flame from the Great Central Sun at the heart of our Universe. Michael tells us that “All battles will be won through love.” Blue is also the colour of his protective cloaking energy, which we may invoke at any time we need protection.

Michael tells us this:
“Show me with armoured hand and glove,
sword aflame held to the Sun;
yet soft and gentle be my garb,
for with the Unicorn do I run.
My wings of blue are like a cloak –
protect me from all evil spoke.”

Michael’s primary task is to cleanse Earth’s atmosphere and the auras of all humankind of all lower thought-forms, dissolving all that is not perfect or of the Highest vibrations. He wants to show all sentient beings the path back to God when they have strayed, and will not rest until all souls are purified. Michael also has taken on the role of Protector and Guardian of mankind, and is relentless in his protection and defence of those who wish to live in the Light. He is committed to help all souls who call on him and will always assist in whatever action is necessary to bring about justice and resolution. Another symbol representative of his energies is a scale balance, representing Justice. He also carries a gold Ray of Source, which may sometimes be seen blazing from his solar plexus, or surrounding him like a nimbus.


The Sword of Michael and his Truth protects me.
His cloak of blue covers me.
The energies of the Angels and the Stars strengthen me.
Righteousness, Truth and Love is my path.


You have your swords and you have our presence ever near, to support, guide and protect. Call on us when times are hard and you yearn for soft words of reassurance in your ear; the solidity of Michael’s armour at your side, or the comfort of his blue cloak of protection around your shoulders; or the strength of Faith within your heart. We are always here for you. Our swords of flaming blue fire are ready and able to cut through the dross and hurts of every day existence that bind you and hold you back from fulfilling your full potential. We fully understand your fears, we recognise your pain and we stand with you in your battles, for that is our role - to be the Light-bearers that cut through the darkness so that you may see and recognise your Truth, and to be the foundations of faith on which you may build your hopes and your dreams.
Know with the certainty of unquestionable faith in your hearts that it is your right and your desire to stand for the Truth and the Light: to live every day as if it were your last, secure always in the knowledge that you fight in Love for the Truth as Divine Sons and Daughters of Light. And know that you will stand proud by our sides at the final battle and be counted, and then be able to say with honour and pride in your hearts: “I was there”.
We acknowledge you.
We salute your courage.
And you may know this to be true…we will never desert you. Keep strong dear ones, and to your own Selves be true.


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