« Vastaus #15 : 23.04.2006 16:24:18 » |
Onnenpiste rapulaisessa. The characteristic style of Cancer is warm, nurturing, and maternal. The person with the Part of Fortune in Cancer seeks security in the domestic circle. For him, security is essential for happiness and success. - totta, totta... Huoneessa seitsemän. The person with his Part of Fortune in the seventh house was born soon after a Full Moon. He is a person who is so idealistic that he wants to see only the best in everything, in every person, in every situation, even in every problem. He is looking for quality in all his relationships because he is really seeking personal illumination. He would like to know his purpose in life. His personality shines through his relationships and partnerships. The Part of Fortune in the seventh house might lead to partnerships with wealthy people. - täähän kuulosti hyvältä
« Vastaus #16 : 23.04.2006 18:00:33 » |
Syntymäkartalla Onnenpiste Vaa'assa, aivan 8.huoneen lopussa yhtymässä Jupiteriin 9. huoneen puolella Skorpionissa (orbi 6 astetta) Part of Fortune in LIBRA: The characteristic style of Libra is one of beauty, balance, fairness, and justice. The person with the Part of Fortune in Libra seeks his happiness and success in relationships such as marriage and partnership. Jupiter and the Part of Fortune: If Jupiter is conjunct the Part of Fortune, the potency of Jupiter will be enhanced in all of its positive forms. The person with this conjunction will be naturally optimistic, certain that all situations will turn out fine, and in general happy with every day as they take him closer to success and wealth and joy. PART OF FORTUNE IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE: The person with his Part of Fortune in the eighth house is like a walking testimonial to eighth house matters if he uses this placement correctly. He is interested in the occult, has good powers of regeneration and rejuvenation, and can be an expert at investigation, research, detective work. He can keep a secret so well that he is like an international diplomat, and he can indeed earn a living this way. This person can also make a living based on the talents and abilities of others, as a theatrical agent or manage other people's money. This person is usually very attractive, due to personal magnetism.
« Vastaus #17 : 23.04.2006 19:58:32 » |
Onnenpiste Jousimiehessä 6. huoneessa, yhtymässä puolison Aurinkoon ja Askendenttiin Part of Fortune in SAGITTARIUS: The characteristic style of Sagittarius is adventurous and expansive. The person with the Part of Fortune in Sagittarius will achieve happiness and success by reaching out to vaster mental and philosophical horizons.
The person with his Part of Fortune in the sixth house was born just prior to a Full Moon. He is interested in self-improvement and self-discipline so that he can function with such efficiency that he does not have to pay attention to the daily details of life. His mind is on bigger things. Here is a person who seeks the injustices in life so that he may serve to improve others' lives. He can serve people who are confined to hospitals or prisons, or fight for animals' rights, or lead a group of workers in a labor union. This is Virgo's house. Think of doctor, nurse, veterinarian, soldier, sailor. Onnenpiste tavalla laskettuna ("yösyntyisyys" huomioon otettuna): Vesimiehessä 9. huoneessa yhtymässä MC:lle ja noususolmuun 10. huoneessa. Part of Fortune in AQUARIUS: The characteristic style of Aquarius is idealistic, innovative, and unique. The person with the Part of Fortune in Aquarius will find his happiness and success by making a contribution or invention that is of benefit to all.
The person with his Part of Fortune in the ninth house usually finds expression through travel, philosophy, higher education, philosophical thought, spirituality, or publishing. He may find his fortunes far from home. This person can profit through and from people at a distance. His studies bring insights to him which he uses to help other people. This is a person who can be a natural clairvoyant as well. Most of this person's labors are mental. This is a person who is always broadening his vistas and expanding his educationTjaa-a, kummankohan laskentatavan näistä valitsisin? Toisellakin tavalla laskettuna se tulee Jousimiehen huoneeseen, ja saan kyllä suurta tyydytystä opiskelusta ja "viisaustieteiden pohdiskelusta" eli filosofiasta harrastuksena
Viestejä: 558
« Vastaus #18 : 23.04.2006 20:22:43 » |
Olen vaikeroinut aiheesta ennenkin, mutta koitetaan vielä, jos joku osaisi sanoa jotain lohdullista... Mulla on Onnenpiste 9.huoneessa kaksosissa laskusolmu . Vastapäätä kököttävät luonnollisesti IC, sekä lisäksi Tällaista sanottiin Nepparista: Neptune and the Part of Fortune: If Neptune is conjunct the Part of Fortune, happiness and success will come easily to the person who uses Neptune in positive ways. Positive outlets are those of metaphysics, spiritual work, the arts, music, marine life, underwater exploration, and space exploration. Mulla siis oppositio Neppariin, ei yhtymä... Onko siis niin, että onnellisimmillani olen työtä tehdessäni, mutta se on kuitenkin jotain vanhaa karmaa, josta pitäisi päästä eroon? (Ei pelkoa, en ole erityisen onnellinen ainakaan nykyistä työtäni tehdessä.) Polariteettina sitten tuo "karmallinen koti" ja neppari kolmoshuoneessa (itse olen sen tulkinnut jonain luovana työskentelynä kotioloissa), mutta tämäkö ei sitten tee minua onnelliseksi??? (opposito PF) Kaipa olen sitten halunnut kokea tässä elämässä repivän ristiriidan työn ja kodin välillä. Työuupumusta ja toisaalta taas työttömyydestä johtuvia rahaongelmia on jo takana, että siinä mielessä sitten kai oikealla tiellä ollaan. Tämä meni nyt tietysti vähän ohi aiheen näiden kuun solmujen vuoksi, mutta meikäläisen tapauksessa kun ne ovat kytköksissä toisiinsa...
« Vastaus #19 : 23.04.2006 21:12:24 » |
Tämä meni nyt tietysti vähän ohi aiheen näiden kuun solmujen vuoksi, mutta meikäläisen tapauksessa kun ne ovat kytköksissä toisiinsa... ...Hei pluto, minäkö sitten olisin onneni kukkuloilla työssä ja puhdistaisin vieläpä karmaani ? (Onnenpiste ) Täytynee hankkia työ
« Vastaus #20 : 23.04.2006 21:31:07 » |
Minulla Kaksosissa 11, huoneessa ja tällaista luki: Part of Fortune in Gemini: The characteristic style of Gemini is to reach out and communicate.The person wit Part of Fortune in Gemini uses his communication skills and his ability to learn as he pursues happiness and success. Part of Fortune in the eleventh house: The person with his Part of Fortune in the eleventh house is usually way ahead of the time in which he lives when it comes to his mentality, his dreams, hopes, goals, and his view of the world.This is a person who thinks in terms of Brotherhood, altruistic unity, Humanitarian values.He wants to do things that benefit society as a whole.This is why he sometimes sees himself as a reformer of sorts, improving social, cultural, or spiritual values in those around him. He wants better conditions for his comminity aswell as for humanity.
Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen Egyptiläinen: Isis Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko Druidi: Pähkinäpensas Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
« Vastaus #21 : 24.04.2006 13:37:48 » |
Part of Fortune in SAGITTARIUS: The characteristic style of Sagittarius is adventurous and expansive. The person with the Part of Fortune in Sagittarius will achieve happiness and success by reaching out to vaster mental and philosophical horizons. PART OF FORTUNE IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE: The person with his Part of Fortune in the seventh house was born soon after a Full Moon. He is a person who is so idealistic that he wants to see only the best in everything, in every person, in every situation, even in every problem. He is looking for quality in all his relationships because he is really seeking personal illumination. He would like to know his purpose in life. His personality shines through his relationships and partnerships. The Part of Fortune in the seventh house might lead to partnerships with wealthy people. Oh, totta Neptune and the Part of Fortune: If Neptune is conjunct the Part of Fortune, happiness and success will come easily to the person who uses Neptune in positive ways. Positive outlets are those of metaphysics, spiritual work, the arts, music, marine life, underwater exploration, and space exploration Tämäkin osui nappiin!
Aurinko Skorpioni, nouseva härkä, kuu kaksonen
« Vastaus #22 : 24.04.2006 14:52:18 » |
Tuohan oli kiva sivu, kiitos linkistä! Minulla Onnenpiste on 12. huoneessa, Vaa'assa ja yhtymässä Noususolmun kanssa. Mikään sen sijainnissa ei tunnu väärältä. Tässä tulkinta tuosta 12. huoneesta muille kiinnostuneille: PART OF FORTUNE IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE: The person with his Part of Fortune in the twelfth house has a unique opportunity to transform or dissolve his own Karma. This is a person who has mediumistic talents and the gift of prophecy. His dreams often give him answers. His flair for spirituality, mysticism, illusion, and fantasy can be productive in film, television, and works of fiction. Though he may not know it when it happens, his enemies will frequently change their attitude from hostility to neutrality, and sometimes even to benevolence. He is generally unaware of his good fortune. The person with his Part of Fortune in the twelfth house is treated well by health-care professionals. Vaa'asta koin omakseni sen, että parisuhde tuo onnea, koska olen aina pitänyt seurustelusta niin paljon. Linn
« Vastaus #23 : 24.04.2006 20:01:58 » |
Onnenpiste 6 astetta neitsyessä ja huoneessa 11. Tottakai oppositiossa Aurinkoon, neliöt Jupiteriin, Neppikseen ja Juno-asteroidiin. Perin onnekkaalta onkin tuntunut Jonkin toisen laskutavan mukaan olisi 14 astetta skorpparia huoneessa 2, mutta eikös se ole tuo ensimmäinen vaihtoehto, jos 10 astetta Aurinko 8 astetta ja Kuu 12 astetta ? Mihinkä suuntaan se piste siis veivautuu, eteenpäin vai taaksepäin Nousumerkistä?
« Viimeksi muokattu: 24.04.2006 20:04:43 kirjoittanut enska »
« Vastaus #24 : 24.04.2006 22:44:55 » |
PART OF FORTUNE IN THE TENTH HOUSE: The person with his Part of Fortune in the tenth house knows, deep down, that he must fulfill his role in society. He chooses a field where he can be a Professional Person. This person needs a place in the outside world, where his status and position is high and his name is associated with the field that he is in. This is the house of recognition and public standing, of career and ambition, of success and responsibility. Remember, this is Capricorn's house, so the person whose Part of Fortune is here is not afraid of hard work and effort if there is a goal to be reached. Part of Fortune in LEO: The characteristic style of Leo is showy, grand, and generous. Leo has self-assurance and leadership ability. Leo acts self-expressively, dramatically, and creatively. The person with the Part of Fortune in Leo needs recognition from others to feel happy and successful. Heh heh. Patsastelua vaan koko asema.
Viestejä: 406
« Vastaus #25 : 25.04.2006 00:13:09 » |
Mä löysin mun g-pisteen Oon niin kiitollinen!
« Vastaus #26 : 12.05.2006 14:01:28 » |
Heippa kaikki Laskin ensin itse onnen pistettä. Mulla on 17 astetta jousimies 48'59'' huoneesa 2? Tämän sain kun laskin + - Kuten astro. com sivulla... Oon syntynyt 06:09 ja noilla sivuilla lasketaan että silloin on vielä yö... Joulukuussa on suomessa vielä pimeää tohon aikaan mutta mun mielestä silloin on aamu.. Kommentteja? Tämä oli ihan uusi juttu mulle. Laskin myös sen + - ja sain tulokseksi 25astetta neitsyt 53min huoneessa 10. Tämä tulos siis kun ajattelee että synnyin aamulla. eikä tässä vielä kaikki. Huomasin että Sepon tekemässä syntymäkartassani on merkitty Part Fortunae 5 astetta 54'... Miten nämä Pisteet voivat erota toisistaan näin paljoa, varsinkin kun on kyse samasta pisteestä? Voisiko joku selventää asiaa minulle? oon syntynyt klo 06:09... Mun mielestä silloin on aamu... kokonaisuudessaan syntymäaika: 8.12.77
Taivasta katsellen ja ihmetellen
Viestejä: 50
« Vastaus #27 : 29.12.2007 03:54:56 » |
Elikkäs yhdyn fionan kysymykseen eli onnenpiste skorpionissa, mitä se kertoo.. (löytää kyllä enklankniksi mut ei ummarra ) niin ois tosi kiva jos joku osais selittää blondille : en mä löytäny muualtakaan (keskusteluista) kunnon selityksiä
« Vastaus #28 : 07.01.2008 16:02:33 » |
miten onnenpisteen löytää?
« Vastaus #29 : 08.01.2008 20:45:44 » |
miten onnenpisteen löytää? onko tuttu? Siellä tee syntymäkartta ja klikkaa valikosta "pars fortunae" , niin saat sen kartallee näkyviin...