Tässä näkymättömyys-suutra alkukielellä:
chakShuHprakAshAsamprayoge.antardhAnam.h .. 21..
chakSuH-prakaasha-asamprayoge antar-dhAnam. .. 21..)
Summittainen ääntämisohje:
kaajaruupasañjamaat tadgraahjashaktistambhee
tshaksuf-prakaashaasamprajoogee 'ntardhaanam.
Muutama käännös, joita vertailemalla saanee jonkinlaisen
käsityksen siitä, mitenkä toimimalla näkymättömyys saadaan aikaan:
kaaya-rUpa-saMyamaat tad-graahya-shakti-stambhe chakShuH-prakaasha-asaMprayoge’ntardhaanam
Muoks: leikkimielinen sananmukainen käännösyritys:
keho-muoto-sanjamasta, sen[= valon?]-vastaanotto-voiman-pysäyttämisellä, silmä(n ja)-valon-yhteydettömyydellä
When Perceptibility Of The Body Is Suppressed By Practicing Samyama On The Visual Character, Disappearance Of The Body Is Effected Through It’s Getting Beyond The Sphere Of Perception Of The Eye.
By performing Samyama on Rupa (one of the five Tanmatras), on suspension of the receptive power, the contact between the eye (of the observer) and light (from the body) is broken and the whole body becomes invisible.
By sanyama on form of the body, while suspending its ability to be seen, that is, the disconnecting of light to the eye – there arises invisibility (placement within).
From perfect discipline of the body’s own form, one can become invisible by paralyzing the power to perceive one’s body and blocking the contact of light from one’s eyes.
By samyama on the form of one’s body, [and by] checking the power of perception by intercepting light from the eyes of the observer, the body becomes invisible.
If one makes samyama on the form of one’s body obstructing its perceptibility and separating its power of manifestation from the eyes of the beholder, then one’s body becomes invisible.
By making Samyama on the form of the body the power of perceiving forms being obstructed, the power of manifestation in the eye being separated, the Yogi’s body becomes unseen.