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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Pluton transiitit  (Luettu 398866 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 10 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 3621

« Vastaus #270 : 10.02.2013 21:52:25 »

Hei siis, miten etäältä pluton transiitti alkaa tuntua?
Itselläni on venus ja mars asteilla 14 oinaassa ja neliötä alkaa pukkaamaan "piakkoin".
Viestejä: 3522

Profiili WWW
« Vastaus #271 : 11.02.2013 09:42:38 »

Hei siis, miten etäältä pluton transiitti alkaa tuntua?
Itselläni on venus ja mars asteilla 14 oinaassa ja neliötä alkaa pukkaamaan "piakkoin".

Tarkaksihan transiitti tulee vasta vuonna 2015. Vaikutuksia voi yrittää haistella, kun Pluto on siinä asteen, parin päässä tarkasta ohituksesta.

Aurinko Kaksonen, huone 12, Kuu Härkä, huone 11, AC Rapu, MC Vesimies
Viestejä: 3621

« Vastaus #272 : 11.02.2013 10:31:54 »

Ok Smiley
Siitä eteenpäin se onkin sitten pluton ilotulitusta, sillä aurinko on asteilla 15 ja kuu asteilla 21, kuten myös askendantti ravussa. Pluto käy siis läpi neliössä koko sisäplanetta stelliumin (lukuunottamatta merkuriusta) ja opposition askendanttiin. Fun times!!!!

Viestejä: 651

« Vastaus #273 : 11.02.2013 10:48:31 »

Tällaista tiedossa:

Pluto sextile Moon: Easy progress
End of February 2012 until end of September 2014: At this time you have the chance to get in touch with your innermost psychological being and experience your real emotions. You can understand your real motives and the basis of your unconscious compulsions and drives. You will experience your emotions as profound, real and intense, but not difficult. Because of this you can learn about aspects of your personality that are normally hidden even from yourself. This is an excellent time for encountering philosophies of human potential and growth. But you won't have to deal with it abstractly, because even in your everyday relationships you will handle people with much more emotional depth and feeling than usual.
This influence can affect your personal and domestic life as well as your innermost psychological nature. It gives the opportunity to make creative changes and reforms in your relationships with the people you see every day, such as your family, relatives and parents. You may make physical changes in your home that reflect the changes taking place within you, so that your immediate surroundings more closely harmonize with your feelings.
But there is little sense of turmoil with this influence. You have a strong sense of belonging, and those who are close to you support the changes that are happening inside you, which makes it easier to progress. Past conditioning, which often causes difficulties by generating inappropriate behavior, will actually give you a boost now. You have a strong feeling that you have something to fall back on, and that whatever you have to do will work out favorably. But you will not be run by past conditioning. Because even as it operates, you can see its actions and understand it.

Neptune trine Jupiter: How the universe works
End of March 2012 until end of January 2014: This influence can affect you in several ways, but in any case it will make you feel optimistic and hopeful about the future. You will feel that everything is going to be all right, and that is not a delusion, because during this time you will gain insights that can make your life much better.
You will feel very idealistic but also very concerned about understanding, so your idealism will not get in the way of perceiving the truth. In fact truth is very important in your life now - not so much facts, but understanding how the universe works. Just be careful not to make truth into such an abstract consideration that you cannot experience it in everyday life. However, given that warning, you do have the opportunity to gain insights through the study of philosophy, metaphysics and the occult.
At another level, this influence works to increase your optimism and self-confidence to the point that you are willing to take risks you would not ordinarily take. This may happen through gambling or speculation, or it may happen through getting rid of the elements of your life that you have always depended on for security. You now recognize that they have also limited the expansion of your consciousness, and you want to be free to experience the world. You realize that some material considerations you have thought necessary in the past are now clearly expendable.
You may decide to travel, particularly by sea or by air. However, the main purpose of this travel will be learning, not recreation. It would be best to take a long trip and get to know the land and people without the structure of a guided tour. You need and want direct experience.
Your desire to help underdog elements of society is great at this time. You have a strong feeling of social justice, and you do not want people to get the short end of the stick. Justice, you feel, should be tempered with mercy and compassion.

Pluto trine MC: For the common good
Beginning of April 2012 until beginning of November 2014: During this time gradual changes will take place in your life that will make you more aware of the external and internal forces that make your life move in certain directions. You will gain great psychological insight into yourself and others at this time, and you will go below surface appearances to seek out the fundamental elements of any issue.
This is also a time when you may gain power over others in some way, either in your personal or your professional life. You may be given the authority to direct a project or a group of people working together. However, you should be aware that you are acting as an agent of forces that transcend your own individuality, and that everything you do must be for the common good, or it will be to no avail.
Sometimes the power can take a form that has nothing to do with authority. It may be that your own personality becomes powerful from within, making you a person of moral influence. Without even being aware of the process yourself, you speak with wisdom and others heed what you say. People may be drawn to you, fascinated by your energy and power. Of course this confers the greatest possible responsibility upon you, because you can misuse this power, but the consequences for you would not be good!
Under this influence you may choose to undergo psychotherapy or work with other mind-expanding disciplines in order to increase your self-understanding. In your professional life you may feel that you have a very significant task to perform at this time, one that is far more important than your usual work. You feel that your work could transform the whole nature of your career, not only for yourself but for others in the same field. You have a much greater sense of purpose in your work than usual. If you take the time to communicate this in detail to others, you can be really effective. But if you assume that your insight is obvious and that everyone else sees what you see, you will become isolated from those who could help, and therefore you will be ineffective.

Jupiter opposition Neptune: Wrapped up
Beginning of September 2012 until end of April 2013: During this time it is often difficult to keep the real and the ideal sorted out. This is an extremely spiritual influence, which may make the real world seem inadequate to you, causing you to seek an escape into a more ideal and perfect "reality." Normally this escape is not through drugs or alcohol, but if you have a predisposition toward them, it could work out that way. Usually, this influence indicates a mental state in which you become wrapped up in all manner of abstract speculations or high ideals that are difficult to actualize.
On another level, this influence may tempt you to become involved in unrealistic schemes that you could only believe if blinded by extreme optimism. You may want to gamble and take risks with your resources, and if you are not careful, wild speculations and gambling could leave you bankrupt. Oddly enough, some people are so geared that they can handle the gambling aspect of this influence very well and make seemingly wild investments pan out. Usually these people have a talent for calculating the risks, however. Remember that there is a difference between amateur and professional gamblers. The main point here is that if you are tempted to get into some investment scheme, make sure that it is within your area of personal expertise.
Under certain circumstances this influence can signify the beginning of a very idealistic kind of relationship, one in which you look to your partner as a kind of god or spiritual guide. This may or may not be an accurate picture. You must be careful here also, because you could idealize a person beyond all reason, even when he does not want you to do so.
And of course, you too could be the victim of an outright deception. Be careful to deal with people as they really are, by accepting them as they are and not demanding that they conform to an ideal in your mind.

Jupiter opposition Sun: A turning point
Beginning of September 2012 until end of April 2013: This can be and usually is a very positive time. But you can make more or less out of it, depending upon how you handle it. In most ways it represents a period of culmination in your life, and you will be tempted to expand beyond any reasonable limit. There is no question that you have a good chance for success in any one of a number of endeavors at this time and, within reason, you should pursue them. However, you should not restrict yourself solely to material and physical growth now. Even if you don't have all the material goods that you want, you should turn your attention to spiritual and inner needs. Ultimately, nothing satisfies like satisfaction. Objects that you acquire, possessions, money, and even social prestige are merely devices to make you feel that you have satisfaction. They are not the state of satisfaction itself. It is your inner difficulties that make your life less than it could be, even if you have corresponding problems in the material world. You must look for the solutions within yourself, and this time represents a turning point, where you should begin to look for the answers.
Under this influence, the tendency is to go after everything that you want in the material world without caring especially about whoever is in your way, to gather as much stuff as you can and indulge yourself in what you want. Then, as the influence subsides, you may feel that this effort has failed, leaving your life as empty as it was before.
Do not be arrogant toward others or assume that you have everything right. Through meaningful encounters with others, especially intimate one-to-one encounters, you can find out which way you should go at this time. Work with another person and think in terms of mutual growth. By trying to achieve goals set by both of you and by trying to be a twosome, you each will become more conscious of what you are as an individual. If you can recognize the real meaning of this influence in terms of your own life, this can be an extremely productive and growth- oriented time, a period that will always have meaning for you.

Neptune square Venus: Unrealistic attitudes
End of March 2013 until end of January 2015: Unrealistic attitudes in personal relationships may cause problems during this time, and you may experience disappointments that will seriously affect your domestic life. You tend to avoid the truth about yourself and about your relationships at this time, and your reluctance to deal with reality could set you up for a very severe fall. This will undermine your self-confidence as well as the relationships. Your sense of reality in relationships and your ability to accept others as they are is being tested by this influence.
If a new potential lover comes along, you may be swept off your feet. You are not excited by the reality of the person but by something within yourself that you are projecting upon the other. When you finally learn the truth about the other person, you may have difficulty accepting it, even though the truth is perfectly all right in itself.
A danger you should watch for especially with this influence is that of being attracted to an unattainable person. You may be setting yourself up for a situation in which you cannot win. The other person appears as an unrealizable dream, someone who is too far above you to be attained. You have to recognize that your real objective here is avoiding an actual encounter. If you play this as a dreamy kind of game, you are unlikely to do anyone, including yourself, much harm. But if you take your "suffering" seriously, the resulting sense of defeat may be quite harmful to you. Also, others may find your martyred role in love very difficult to be around.
Relationships like these are often born of a feeling of inadequacy. By avoiding confrontations with real people, you also avoid a confrontation with yourself, in which you fear that you will be the loser. Yet a real confrontation is just what you need. If you persist in one of these relationships after this period, you will have to confront both yourself and your partner as real individuals. Whatever the outcome, this could be the most valuable part of the relationship.

Taivasta katsellen ja ihmetellen
Viestejä: 74

« Vastaus #274 : 29.05.2013 22:12:23 »

Laitetaanpa tähän jatkoksi vielä itseäni kovasti kiinnostava transiitti: Pluton sekstiili Auringolle. Uskon ja toivon sen tuovan uutta virtaa ja hinkua elämääni, joka on jo jonkin aikaa polkenut lähes paikallaan. Vanhat rutiinit kyllästyttävät eikä oikein enää jaksa niitä. Onko tuo sekstiili enemmänkin oman pään sisällä tapahtumaa pakollista myllerrystä, josta sitten putkahtaa uuden elämän siemenet? Ja vanha jää historiaan... :Smiley
Corvus Leonis
Viestejä: 1652

Kaikkien sisällä on jokainen meistä.

« Vastaus #275 : 30.05.2013 17:43:43 »

Onko tuo sekstiili enemmänkin oman pään sisällä tapahtumaa pakollista myllerrystä, josta sitten putkahtaa uuden elämän siemenet?

Yleisesti ottaen Pluton transiitit Auringolle tarkoittavat merkittäviä elämänmuutoksia. Sekstiili tarkoittaa nimenomaan mahdollisuutta suureen, positiiviseen elämänmuutokseen (joskus menetysten kautta, koska Pluto = transformaatio, vanhasta luopuminen)

Pikemminkin niin, jos huomaat ettei mitään muutoksia ole meneillään, niin silloin asiat vasta ovatkin vialla (=ihminen ei hyödynnä mahdollisuuksiaan.)
Viestejä: 74

« Vastaus #276 : 30.05.2013 21:41:41 »

Ei kai tuota Pluton vaikutusta voi olla huomaamatta, sen verran se iskee nilkoille! Useamman vuoden kestänyt kaukosuhde päättyy nyt omasta halustani, en vain pysty enää jatkamaan sitä. Suhde ei anna sitä, mitä kaipaisin ja silloin on parempi lähteä kohti uutta elämää. Aika kovillekin tuo ero otti jossain vaiheessa, mutta nyt tiedän tehneeni oikean ratkaisun. Olin hyvin ahdistunut ja nyt ahdistus on taakse jäänyttä.

Saa nähdä, mitä tulevaisuus tuo tullessaan, mutta entiseen ei ole paluuta. Parempi olla yksinkin kuin jatkaa suhdetta, joka on aikansa elänyt eikä anna enää mitään. Parempaan tulevaisuuteen uskotaan kuitenkin vahvasti  smitten
Viestejä: 349

« Vastaus #277 : 30.05.2013 23:59:16 »

pluto  aspect_opp  jupiter tarkentuen 22.6. Jupiteria potkitaan muutenkin päähän, tai se potkii toisia, tässä kesän aikana. Saas nähdä, vielä on vaikutukset vast aavistusten päässä. Ainakin pään järjestely/ mentaalinen hyrskynmyrsky tuntuu jatkuvan edelleen, valoo tulee koko aika lisää. Etten sanois vyörymällä.

Pluto Transits Opposition Jupiter
~Your perspective on what you want from life, what you are willing to do to get it and the values that you want to express undergoes a change. If you have been working in a direction that is compatible with your standards and your philosophical or religious views, you are likely to be effective. This thus becomes a time when your past faith and hard work are rewarded, bolstering your confidence and helping you to make even bigger plans for your future - plans that are based on a realistic and solid foundation.

If you have been working along lines that are in conflict with your religious and philosophical views, this could be a time of tension. A change either in the direction of your life or in your values will thus be necessary to deal with your growing sense of frustration. This can lead to a religious rebirth, a time when a particular church or cult seems to express what you feel you really need from life. Whether this religious growth is along institutional or personal lines depends on what you feel is missing from your life. Your main effort now should be in trying to live up to the best in you, rather than lowering your standards to achieve a more transient worldly success.

*You are less cautious, more adventurous and confident, and more willing to spread your wings to explore new possibilities than usual. You are attracted to power and wealth, and may engage in a power struggle or go out on a limb to achieve your goals.

+Career opportunities and choices go dead against what you feel in your gut to be right. Your own sense of honesty and sensitivity squares off with some possible moves that could lead you nowhere or, worse, lead you astray.

There is a voice that doesn't use words - Listen.
Viestejä: 89

« Vastaus #278 : 31.05.2013 08:10:15 »

Mulla on alkamassa 3.6 Pluton yhtymä auringolle ja muutostahan tässä pukkaa, työputki loppuu ja kullan kanssollaan muuttamassa saman katon alle, aikamoisia olosuhdemuutoksia siis, onneksi erittäin toivottuja! Ajatus sukeltelee kyllä jo nyt syvissä suvannoissa, saa nähdä miten sitten kun on enemmän aikaa ajatella! Tärkeää aikaa tämä taitaa olla, uskon että tulee määrittämään elämäni puitteitta useaksi vuodeksi eteenpäin. Paljon on putsattavaa ennen kuin voin muutoksista ihan vain nauttia...
Viestejä: 74

« Vastaus #279 : 31.05.2013 16:24:22 »

Tulipa nyt selattua tätä Pluto-ketjua enemmänkin ja kysyisin Pluton peruutuksesta. Mistä sen näkee, milloin peruuttaa ja palaa taas samaan asetelmaan kuin nyt on (minulla siis Pluton sekstiili Auringolle)? Vai onko tämä jo joku lopullinen kliimaksi tälle sekstiilille? Ja katsotaanko se huone, johon transiitti osuu, progekartasta, ja kumman kohdalta, Pluton vai Auringon?

Kuten saattaa huomata, eivät nämä asiat ole minulla laisinkaan hallinnassa.... Mutta yritys oppia on kova  smiley6600
« Vastaus #280 : 31.05.2013 20:33:21 »

Minulla on pluto oppositio kuu päällä.Voisiko se tarkoittaa esim. kotona alkavaa remonttia(semmoista suunnitellaan).
Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #281 : 04.11.2013 19:57:56 »

Minulla alkaa Pluto sekstiili Merkurius tämän kuun lopussa ja jatkuu aina huhtikuulle ensi vuoteen. Millainen vaikutus tällä voi olla ? Sen vaikutuksen pitäisi olla erittäin voimakas.

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
Viestejä: 373

« Vastaus #282 : 04.11.2013 23:23:13 »

Pluton sekstiili Merkuriukselle tuo perusteellista muutosta ja mahdollisuuksia kommunikaation, ilmaisun ja sen sellaisen alueelle... Oot varmasti tuntenu muutospainetta näiden osalta jo jonkin aikaa, Pluton transiitit on pitkäkestoisia ja perusteellisia ja Merkuriuksen ollessa ottavana osapuolena voi ilmetä kaikennäköistä pikku vastoinkäymistä. Muutama vuosi sitten mulla oli Pluton kolmio Merkkarille ja kulminoituessaan se huipensi kyllä kommunikointikykyä, ilmaisua ja meikäläisen tapauksessa taiteellista luovuutta. Mutta helpolla ei tuostakaan päästä läpi, ennen kulminoitumista tää tuottaa aina sisäistä painetta joka onneksi helpottaa ja lopulta vapauttaa.

Paljon riippuu siitä onko sun sekstiili avautuva vai sulkeutuva. Avautuvana se tarjoaa kyllä mahdollisuuden transformaatioon ja kehittymiseen ja sulkeutuvan sekstiilin kohdalla poimit lähinnä aiemman työsi hedelmiä. Yhteisenä nimittäjänä löytäisin itse kumpaankin vaihtoehtoon sen että Pluto tulee vapauttamaan sun ilmaisukykyä.
Viestejä: 373

« Vastaus #283 : 04.11.2013 23:25:10 »

Ai niin, herkkyys kommunikaatiossa voi muutenkin parantua ja oot enemmän "auki" erilaisille viesteille.
Viestejä: 2144

Silmät ovat sielun peili :)!

« Vastaus #284 : 05.11.2013 00:25:03 »

Kiitos Hamal ! Paineita tosiaan on, mutta siitä kumpi on ei hajuakaan  Undecided. Tuolla transiittikartassa lukee vain, että sekstiili. Vaikeita aikoja varmaan monessa suhteessa tulossa, mutta jotenkin vain tiedän, että kaikki on käytävä läpi ja silli siisti  Cool. Minullahan syntymäkartassa Pluto on kolmannessa huoneessa Neitsyessä ja Merkurius (perääntyvä) yhdeksännessä huoneessa Kaloissa joten saa nähdä mitä tuleman pitää, mutta toivottavasti parempaan mennään joten estääkään en aio Wink. Tulkoot mitä tuleman pitää !

Trooppinen Oinas, Kuu Kauris, Asc Leijona
Sideerinen Kalat, Kuu Jousimies,Meridiaani Vesimies
Punainen sähköinen(spektrinen) taivaanvaeltaja
Kiinalainen: Metalli Rotta, egona Hevonen
Egyptiläinen: Isis
Asteekki merkki: Acatl eli Ruoko
Druidi: Pähkinäpensas
Kiinalainen: Rotta , Feng Shui 472
Sivuja: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21 ... 26