Useita vuosia sitten, kun join säännöllisesti jopa 6 kuppia sumppia päivässä,
yhdistin sen jotenkin siihen, että auringonotto sai ihoni syyhyämään aivan
(edit) Muistaakseni tulin tuohon johtopäätöksen mm. siksi, että kun
rankan viikonloppukännäyksen jälkeen kahvi ei pariin päivään juuri
maistunut, ihokin tuntui paljon "rauhallisemmalta"... .
Saattaa kuitenkin olla, että kyseessä on kofeiinin ja gluteenin yhteisvaikutus.
Nimittäin, minun pitäisi gluteenitestejä varten syödä kuukauden verran
normaalia, gluteenipitoista ravintoa. Olen kuitenkin siirtänyt sen aloittamista,
koska huomaan jo parin hapankorpun jälkeen, että huonepölyallergian oireet
pahenevat merkittävästi. Juuri hetki sitten join kuitenkin kupin vihreätä teetä
parin hapan korppu siivun kera. Ja eikös mitä, vaikka kofeiinia lienee vihreässä
teessä vain noin kolmannes kahviin verrattuna, ihon pistely tuli ilmi, vaikka
en sitä suurin surminkaan osannut odottaa!
Tälläisen messun löysin parin minuutin
Right now I am reading a really interesting book called Caffeine Blues.
What has gotten my attention is how frequently the author goes back to auto-immune problems being exacerbated or even CAUSED by excessive caffeine.
It works two ways - caffeine exhausts your adrenal glands so that your body either can't respond to allergens or over-reacts. It also destroys the mucosa lining in your gut ("leaky gut" anyone?) so that food gets through the lining under-digested and your body responds to it as an allergen.
There are other things, but those are the two things that stuck out to me.
More than anything, though, I'm really concerned about my own auto-immune problems and all the various ways caffeine could be making it much, much worse. Not to mention the dependency on it means that I have such terrible problems getting out of bed in the morning, so I don't get up early to exercise, which contributes to feeling even crappier and having more weight issues.
The authors points out study after study that shows there is NO "moderate" amount of caffeine. Different people are affected in different ways, but no one gets off scot-free.
Today I'm going to start working on going caffeine-free. It takes three weeks to rid it from your system, according to this guy (that seems to agree with my previous experiences), so sometime around the New Year I'll try to report back on how it has gone - how it has affected my stomach problems, energy problems, etc.
I'm hoping to draw some attention to this, since EVERY person on this board has an immune problem! And hoping to hear from anyone here who has gone caffeine-free and seen an improvement. Wish me luck! And I'll report back.
In the meantime, the book is Caffeine Blues by Stephen Cherniske. I'm in no way affiliated with the author, etc. I read many nutrition & health books, and find most of them to be total junk. I only pay attention when the facts presented are backed up by heavy research, and this book is full of HUNDREDS of references to research published in respected journals. Otherwise I wouldn't give it a second glance.