hohhoh. en muistanutkaan tän olemassa oloa
Mulla on kuun paluu 8. huoneeseen back to
tilasin muutaman kirjan kuu-aiheesta.
mun syvimmät syöverit on sinänsä aikalailla jauhettu jo terapeutilla,
mutta lueskeltuani tuota kirjaa tuli vastaan tämä:
Natal moon in the 8th house:As you learn to develop the emotional strenght you need to handle your intense inner life, you can become less afraid of sometimes dramatic changes that life brings.
When we share true intimacy with someone (literally and symbolically), we are tremendolously vulnerable, but we are also able to be powerfully connected and loved. It's this kind of bond with someone,
where they've seen you at your worst, they've seen you fall apart and they still love you, can nourish your heart more than a thousand of the nicest friends. To attach yourself so irrevocably to someone is frightening, and as you learn to deal with that fear and open in trust to a person who is capable of the same in return, it will not only nourish your heart but give you the emotional strenght to deal with the other changes life may throw at you over years.
This house is not easy on the heart. It requires a certain resilience to be able to handle the weight of life with a higher level of awareness of just how precariously balanced it is. At best it makes you aware of how precious your loved ones are, and can drive you to make the most of life. At worst you may be swallowed by the darkness, constantly haunted and unable to cope. The antidote to this lies in the balance of letting go of and facing fears.
sen takia varmaan sanotaan että mulla on luurankoja kaapissa tai että vaikutan salaperäiseltä. en vaan heti uskalla kaikkea kertoa. en oo mikään massamurhaaja kuitenkaan. pelkään vaan niin paljon muiden mielipiteitä. ja pelkään luottaa täysillä.
Progressed Moon in 8th House:This progression shifts the focus from "the other" back to to the self, in the deepest way. You may feel an increasing heaviness where life seems more intense and things happening around you feel grave and serious. You may feel desire to withdraw, as is often the case when we enter the water signs or houses, because your inner world is the scene of the "action" now. If you are already impatient with superficial interactions and conversations about the weather, you're going to be impossibly fed up now.
You may become aware of stagnant places in your life. Even if it doesn't appear outwardly that you've been standing still, internally there can be a growing realization that something really needs to change, and if it's been stuck for a while, the desire for utter change can be quite pwerful.
Joo-o. jotain muutosta oon jo pitkään halunnu. tuntunu et asiat vaan lilluu paikallaan. en oo varmaan vuoteen jaksanu niinkään astrologiaan perehtyä. oon ollu vaan pinnallisten asioiden parissa. nyt on jo ikävä syksyä. skorppari-aikaa...
ps. jos jotain kiinnostaa oman proge kuun kuvaukset tai merkit natal-kartalla niin voin tuosta kirjasta kopsata.