Ensi lauantaina (7.12) saatamme saada kokea mahtavia vibraatioita, kun joogalentäjät
ympäri Euroopan suorittavat yhteisohjelmaa ([aasanat, praaNaayaama], TM + muut siddhit [mm. elefantin voimat] +
joogalento [aakasha-gamana-siddhi*]?)
Suomalaiset joogalentäjät kokoontunevat Hesassa Unioninkatu 10:ssä!
Varautukaa lämpötilojen suht. äkilliseen laskemiseen, kun joogalentäjien luoma superradianssi saa aikaan
ilmapiirin rauhoittumisen. Lämpötilahan riippunee molekyylien liiketilasta?
Molekyylin "rauhattomuus" lisääntyy lämpötilan noustessa:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Thermally_Agitated_Molecule.gif :
7th December 2013
Creating Unity, Stability and Invincibility
in the Nation and in Europe
Live Rudrabhishek Broadcast from MERU
News and Inspiration
Dear Governors, Sidhas and Meditators,
You are warmly invited to participate in the 13th Invincible Europe Day on Saturday, 7th December. Transcendental Meditation Centres throughout Europe will be participating in this event which will be held in conjunction with the monthly Ambassador Reception, broadcast live from Maharishi European Research University (MERU) in Vlodrop, Holland. The schedule and how to connect to the event are shown at the end of this announcement.
People find the Invincible Europe Days to be very nourishing and inspiring occasions. They are becoming increasingly popular in countries all around Europe. It is a great opportunity to enjoy a very special day together with friends at your local Centre.
You will be able to enjoy morning and evening group programme to generate extra coherence and harmony in the nation, and also experience the soothing recitation of Rudrabhishek (a powerful Maharishi Yagya for peace) performed live by the Maharishi Vedic Pandits. By silently listening to the recitations of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits, we can experience the waves of pure knowledge, unity and peace reverberating within ourselves.
During the afternoon on these special days you can hear inspiring knowledge and news about the Maharishi Vedic Pandit project and the groups of Yogic Flyers in Europe and the world – the golden keys Maharishi has given us to create Sat Yuga, Heaven on Earth, for the entire world for all generations to come.
Please join us, and contact your local TM Centre for details of your local event. If you are unable to come to a TM Centre for this event, you may also join us from your home at the website mentioned below, for both the Rudrabhishek and the afternoon knowledge meeting.
All our very best wishes,
Jai Guru Dev
Gunter Chassé
Deputy Minister of Defence
Global Country of World Peace
Ambassador Resource Office Team
Global Monthly Donor Program for Maharishi Vedic Pandits
MERU Holland
www.vedicpandits.org EVENT SCHEDULE
9.30 Morning Superradiance time (lift-off)
11.00 - 13.30 Rudrabhishek performed at Maharishi's Peace Palace in MERU
13.30 - 15.30 Lunch
15.30 - 17.00 Afternoon meeting:
Inspirational talk by Maharishi
Prime Minister Dr. Bevan Morris will connect live to the afternoon meeting and speak to us on knowledge and his current travels enlivening Maharishi's programs around the world
News and inspiration about Invincible Europe Day and our rapidly expanding Global Monthly Donor Campaign
18.00 Evening Superradiance time (lift-off)
The Rudrabhishek and afternoon session will be aired live over the internet at
Jai Guru Dev
* kaayaakaashayoH saMbandha-saMyamaal laghu-tuula-samaapattesh caakaasha-gamanam (ca + aakaasha-gamanam; YS III ~42)[/size]