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Kirjoittaja Aihe: [enkku] Sopiiko meditaatio sinulle?  (Luettu 4124 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8253

« : 03.03.2014 17:04:24 »

Lontoota hyvin osaaville hauska pakina toimittajan kompuroinnista
hänelle sopivan rentoutumistekniikan löytämiseksi...

Pätkä artikkelin loppupäästä:

The full benefits of TM don't necessarily show themselves until you've been practising regularly for weeks or months – Maverick told me it took him a year – so it's too soon to say if it has had any concrete results. I don't know what it's done to my blood pressure, or whether I am any less likely to keel over with a giant heart attack before the age of 35. I certainly haven't yet experienced the shimmering, all-encompassing, unbound glow that comes with full-blown transcendence. But I've decided I'm going to stick with it, even if transcendence never comes.

Why? Because it's an almost embarrassingly luxurious thing to do. Aside from anything else it means that, for 20 minutes twice a day, I get to shut myself away. There is no TV, no rolling news, no phone calls or emails or idiots squabbling about specific definitions of feminism on Twitter. Nobody is trying to sell me anything. There's just me, alone, sitting quietly in a nice chair with my eyes closed. TM is the closest I can feasibly get to running off to live in a cave, which is something I'd like to do but probably won't because I don't think Domino's delivers to caves.

More than anything else, TM works for me. It might not work for you, but I find it profoundly relaxing. It gives me a chance to order my thoughts. I've discovered that I can concentrate more easily throughout the day. Most importantly, whether it's down to the meditation or some elaborate placebo effect, I am much less tired than I was a month ago. My sleep is deep and unbroken (so take that, new parents).

And best of all, I am still me. I haven't suddenly got religion. I still don't know what a collective consciousness is. I still swear at inanimate objects. Total relaxation and getting to call your printer a dickhead. That's the dream, isn't it?

Viestejä: 8253

« Vastaus #1 : 05.03.2014 22:25:25 »

Muiden muassa näille julkuille meditaatio on sopinut?

Satunnainen astroilija
Viestejä: 2

« Vastaus #2 : 21.03.2014 10:12:53 »

Ja nyt kaikki muutkin pääsevät testaamaan, miten se meditaatio itse kullekin sopii:  Smiley
body electric
Viestejä: 1092

« Vastaus #3 : 20.04.2014 11:40:16 »

Nykyamerikkalaiset on kyllä niin syvältä  buck2

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