best description of health comes from Ayurveda. In Sanskrit, health means swasthya, which means establishment in the self. One is established in the self when there is a union of mind, body and soul. Most symbols of health are established around a shaft with two snakes and two wings. The shaft represents the body, two snakes represent the duality of mind and the two wings represent the freedom of soul.
Sushruta*-samhitaa in Chapter 15 shloka 10 defines the Ayurvedic person as under:
Samadosha, samagnischa,
Swastha iti abhidhiyate.
(Yritän korjata tuota vähän tarkemmaksi; en takaa että menee pilkulleen oikeen:
samadoshaH, samaagnischa,
svastha iti abhidhiiyate.
Summittainen ääntämisohje:
sama-dooshas, samaagnishtsha,
prasannaatmeendrija-manaaha (prasanna-aatma-indriya-manaaH),
svastha iti abhidhiijate.)
From Ayurvedic point of view, for a person to be healthy, he/she must have balanced doshas, balanced agni, balanced dhatus, normal functioning of malkriyas and mind, body, spirit and indriyas full of bliss and happiness.