Visual snow on ilmiönä yleistynyt huomattavasti ja lääketiede ei tunnu tarjoavan sille mitään selitystä. Luettuani erinäisiä keskustelupalstoja, päällimmäisenä huomasin, että missään ei oteta edes huomioon henkistä selitystä, vaan asia on nähdään negatiivisessa valossa fyysisenä ongelmana.
Kun itselläni alkoi nämä “oireet”, olin siinä mielessä hyvässä asemassa, että tiesin niiden olevan suoraa seurausta syvämeditaatiokokemuksesta. Kaivoin kuitenkin aiheesta tietoa siinä määrin, kun sitä oli suhteellisen vaivatta löydettävissä. Wikipedian mukaan visual snow:lla on usein kaverina muitakin poikkeavuuksia kuten jälkikuvat, valoherkkyys, enhanced blue field entoptic phenomenon(mikä lie suomeksi) ja tinnitus. Alempana joitain selityksiä, jotka kuulostavat omaan korvaan oikeilta.
Visual snow“In Theravada Buddhist phenomenology, Kalapas are defined as the smallest units of physical matter. Kalapas are described as tiny units of materiality, “tens of thousands of times smaller than a particle of dust,” coming into existence and disappearing in as little as a billionth of a second or a trillionth of the blink of an eye. Kalapas are understood by some Therevada thinkers as actual subatomic particles and the smallest units of materiality.”
“According to the description found in the Abhidhammattha Saïgaha, Kalapas are said to be invisible under normal circumstances but visible as a result of meditative samadhi.” Krishna kertoo kirjassaan “Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man” vastaavanlaisista oireista, jotka alkoivat kundalinin herättyä.
Blue field entoptic phenomenonYksiselitteisesti prana.ähän aiheeseen voisi mennä vaikka kuinka syvälle, mutta tässä muutama kohta sivulta :
“Plato wrote that the cosmos was constructed according to musical intervals and proportions. Pythagoras called it ‘Music of the Spheres’ and believed that it fills our inner ears and we are constantly in contact with it from the moment of our birth. Another Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, called it ‘Logos’ (divine word or sound). Some Native American traditions call it ‘Song of the Creator,’ while the Bible calls it ‘The Word’ and ‘Voice of Many Waters’. Hindus refer to it as ‘Anahad Shabd’ (unlimited tone or unstruck melody) and ‘Akash Bani’ (voice from the heavens), while the Sufis say it is ‘Saute Surmad’ (tone that fills the cosmos). Lao Tzu described the Tao as ‘unimpeded harmony’ and referred to the ‘Great Tone’ as the source of all things. Guru Nanak built Sikhism on the foundations of this 'cosmic tone'. Some believe the knowledge of this 'mystery tone' goes back even farther, beyond the origins of Hinduism, and to the ancient Egyptians of several thousand B.C. Others believe that Jesus taught it to his inner circle, his disciples, and also that Mohammed was aware of it when he was enlightened in the cave at Gare-Hira. Several spiritual Masters teach that this sound of God is in everyone and that we explore this inner space through meditation. A number of ancient Gnostics mystical texts refer to hearing the sound of God while in deep meditation states. Today, these traditions are a part of the Radhasoami Sant Mat movement, as well as several others around the world. In addition, a number of other cultures, such as the Aborigines, Aztecs, Eskimos, Malayans and Persians all believed that the universe originated in sound. In fact, the very word universe actually means ‘one song or sound’, uni meaning one and verse meaning song.”
“It has also been said that the vibrations of this sound are too fine to be audible, making it difficult to be aware of these very fine, ethereal vibrations. However, as this sound is supposedly always resounding in the soul and when one attains a certain level of stillness and concentration, the sound can become audible. It is supposedly the ringing tone one can hear when all other sounds are silent.”
Jos joku näkee kyseiset “oireet” ongelmana, niin suosittelen vaan antautumista niille. Pian niitä ei edes tiedosta, ellei sitten erikseen keskity niihin.
Kukin kuunnelkoon intuitiotaan, että mitä näillä tiedoilla tekee. Vai tekeekö.
Joka tapauksessa näkisin sen olevan vain herkkyyttä energioille. Ja jos tuntuu siltä, että taustalla on jokin fyysinen syy, niin hophop lääkäriin.
Pahoittelen laiskuuttani suomentaa muualta lainattuja kohtia. Toivottavasti kääntäminen onnistuu niiltä, joita aihe koskettaa.