Emelian viestin innoittamana
tein vertailua kahden laskutavan välillä:
Ruo'on vuosi: As a year bearer, Acatl (reed) is the sign of day in the tonalpohualli that gives its name to this xihuitl (year). This sign is associated with the direction of the east.
Talon jakso: The 13-day period Calli (House) is ruled by Itzpapalotl. The 13 days of this trecena are governed by the conflict between culture and nature: the native desire of human beings to maintain a lineage of customs and beliefs is periodically disrupted by the evolutionary leaps of nature. In this sense, nature is represented as the house into which we are born and culture as the house into which we move. These are 13 days of struggling to decide which house is really home. With every step forward, the warrior still stands at the center of the crossroads: the heart must be trained if it is to be a reliable compass. These are good days to focus on the future; bad days to focus on the past.
Peuran päivä: The protector of day Mazatl (Deer) is Tlaloc, He Who Makes Seeds Sprout, god of rain and thunderstorms. Mazatl is the day of the hunt. It is a good day to stalk your quarry, a bad day to be stalked. Mazatl is a day for breaking old routines and to pay close attention to the routines of others. This is a day for doubling-back on your tracks.
Vuosi ja jakso pysyvät samoina, vain päivä muuttuu:
Liskon päivä: The protector of day Cuetzpalin (Lizard) is Huehuecoyotl, Old Coyote, the Trickster, god of deception. Cuetzpallin signifies rapid reversals of fortune. It is a good day to work on your reputation through actions, not words.
Hmm... Kumpikohan näistä tuntuisi "omemmalta". Olen saanut kummastakin tulkinnan, ja kyllä se taitaa sittenkin tuohon Liskoon kallistua!
-Itä ilmansuuntana pitää paikkansa, siis Feng Shuin mukaan.
-Talon jakso rinnastuu hyvin länsimaisen horoskoopin nousu- ja aurinkomerkin väliseen "ristiriitaan".