Brittidekkarisarjassa mainittiin
ketamiini.Wiki: on dissosiatiivinen eläinten ja ihmisten hoidossa käytettävä nukutusaine, jota käytetään erityisesti hevosten nukutusaineena. Ketamiini saa aikaan dissosiatiivisen anestesian, millä tarkoitetaan tietoisen mielen irtautumista aistihavainnoista. Muistuttaa Patañjalin 8-osaisen (; ashta + ang-ga) yogan viidettä an.gaa eli pratyaahaaraa (prati + aa_haara) , YS II 54
स्वविषयासंप्रयोगे चित्तस्य स्वरूपानुकार इवेन्द्रियाणां प्रत्याहारः॥५४॥
svaviShayaasaMprayoge chittasya svarUpaanukaara ivendriyaaNaaM pratyaahaaraH
When Separated From Their Corresponding Objects, The Organs Follow, As It Were, The Nature Of The Mind, That Is Called Pratyahara (Restraining Of The Organs)
Pratyahara or abstraction is, as it were, the imitation by the senses of the mind by withdrawing themselves from their objects.
When the senses withdraw themselves from the objects and imitate, as it were, the nature of the mind-stuff, this is pratyahara.
When the mind is withdrawn from sense-objects, the sense-organs also withdraw themselves from their respective objects and thus are said to imitate the mind.
The drawing in of the organs is by their giving up their own objects and taking the form of the mind-stuff.