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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Älä katso, ellet halua saada nuppiasi sekaisin!  (Luettu 4328 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8258

« : 06.01.2016 22:21:27 »

Kaikki, mitä olet halunnut tietää kvanttimekaniikasta, alle puolessa tunnissa??

(Well, brahma[n] is a probability wave extending over the whole universe, and "beyond"??)


Viestejä: 8258

« Vastaus #1 : 07.01.2016 09:32:31 »

Kaikki, mitä olet halunnut tietää kvanttimekaniikasta, alle puolessa tunnissa??

Valaistunut jäppinen tajuaa kokemuksellisesti, että loppuviimeksi ns. todellisuus (brahma[n]*) on "vain" massiivinen probability wave:

kRtaarthaM prati naSTam apy anaSTaM tad-anya-saadhaaraNatvaat!  (yoga-suutra II 22)

Although Ceasing To Exist In Relation To Him Whose Purpose Is Fulfilled The Knowable Does Not Cease To Exist On Account Of Being Of Use To Others.

Although it [dRSTam: näkyväinem mualima] becomes non-existent for him whose purpose has been fulfilled it continues to exist for others on account of being common to others (besides him).

Although destroyed for him who has attained liberation, it [the seen] still exists for others, being common to them.

Ei niin sananmukainen, mutta useimmille luultavasti helpommin aukeava käännös:

Though the object of experience becomes unreal to him who has reached the state of liberation, it remains real to all other beings.

Though destroyed for him whose goal has been gained, yet is not destroyed, being common to others.

 Cheesy    crazy2    idiot2

* sarvaM khalvidaM brahma -- kaikki tämä (näkyväinen[kin] on loppupeleissä "vain") totisesti brahma(nia)
« Viimeksi muokattu: 07.01.2016 09:49:14 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8258

« Vastaus #2 : 07.01.2016 10:37:47 »

Kiintoisa kommentti:

FocusReborn 2 kuukautta sitten

 +Matheus Adorni Dardenne -- So Quantum Mechanics really is proof that consciousness has some transcendental property to it. If I exist as mere wave functions while asleep (whatever that means), "what" is it that brings me back, or "collapses" the atoms of my body into a single dense shell again? The obvious answer is consciousness - can't be anything else. Does this therefore prove that consciousness is beyond matter itself? I think my head is going to explode.
Sivuja: [1]