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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Nokia antoi teknopirulle pikkusormen??  (Luettu 3014 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8258

« : 11.07.2016 15:01:19 »


Post-Modern Gadget/Product technologies..

This past week in Chicago Ammachi in satsang there spoke to what she is seeing in people as she tours as a psycho-spiritual phenomena of disintegrating the human being spiritual subtle system by technology gadget.  She spoke to this in her homilies before and after the group meditations there.  That there is a world-wide problem in mental and environmental agitation now from electronic gadgets having becoming ubiquitous creating its own disabling dis-ease with a mental agitation within people world-wide.

paraphrasing Ammachi's spiritual talks:

..That in cultural remedy to the spiritual disintegrating agitated values of this techno-gadget materialism people do need to be out in nature, plant gardens and trees, be with animals, walk out in nature, do their spiritual practices that stabilize their systems, and get away from their gadgets.  And, to help integrate themselves find points to help others. That this mental agitation of the subtle system is now a world-wide problem that must be tackled directly for everyone’s and the world's well-being.

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« Viimeksi muokattu: 11.07.2016 15:05:30 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8258

« Vastaus #1 : 12.07.2016 11:18:45 »

Nokian (ja Suomen?) syöksykierre alkanee siitä kun muutaman vuoden päästä
(due to hedonic adaptation) suurin osa jengistä on kurkkuaan myöten täynnä
somettamista ja muuta älyviestinskeidaa, ja keksii jotain fiksumpaa ja menttaalisesti
 terveellisempää ajan kulua??


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