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Kirjoittaja Aihe: TM:n ylistystä Vogue'issa!  (Luettu 4659 kertaa)
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Viestejä: 8258

« : 15.04.2017 23:16:30 »

In May’s cover story, Katy Perry reveals the secret to her seemingly superhuman success: twice-daily sessions of a mindfulness technique called Transcendental Meditation. “It’s a game-changer,” she tells Vogue’s Hamish Bowles. “I will feel neuro pathways open, a halo of lights. And I’m so much sharper. I just fire up!”
Perry is far from the first high-profile figure to sing the praises of the cult-like practice, known informally as TM. Lena Dunham, whose mother first brought her to a TM teacher to help with her OCD symptoms when she was just 9 years old, has said that TM “has made it possible for me to weather certain challenges and storms and public moments that I didn’t ever imagine would be in my life.” Sky Ferreira adopted it for anxiety and insomnia, but found additional benefits: “It’s already made my life waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better & even with my stage fright,” she wrote on her Tumblr page. “It’s better than any medication or all of the other nonsense I’ve tried.” Gisele Bündchen, Lykke Li, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson, Miranda Kerr, and, yes, Gwyneth Paltrow have learned the technique; director David Lynch wrote an entire book dedicated to its creative benefits and started a namesake foundation in order to spread its teachings to people in need.


Another way to look at the differences between TM and other mindfulness techniques is to compare them scientifically. According to Roth, many other methods utilize a “focused attention” model, which creates something called gamma brain waves that cycle at 20 to 50 times per second and provide cognitive and energetic benefits. Another common approach encourages the participant to detach from thoughts and observe them. This practice begets slow theta brain waves, four to seven cycles per second, and helps with stress and calming the nervous system. TM, somewhere in between, is a “self-transcending” approach that triggers alpha-1 waves (eight to 10 cycles per second), “and that is a state of deep inner calm, reflection, and yet [a feeling of being] wide awake inside. When that happens your body gains a state of rest and relaxation in many regards deeper than sleep.”

 Huh   Tongue
« Viimeksi muokattu: 15.04.2017 23:22:36 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8258

« Vastaus #1 : 16.04.2017 09:27:56 »


Yoga-suutra IV 7:

कर्माशुक्लाकृष्णं योगिनस्त्रिविधमितरेषाम्॥७॥

karmaashuklaakRSNaM yoginastrividhamitareSaam

karma-ashukla-akrishnaj jooginas, trividham itareeshaam

Sanammukainen käännös:

Karmas are neither white nor black (neither good nor bad) in the case of Yogis, they are of three kinds in the case of others.

Käännöksiä, jotka "avaavat" yhdyssanan trividham (kolmenlainen):

The actions of the Yogi are neither white [good] nor black [bad]; but the actions of others are of three kinds: good, bad and mixed.

The karma of the yogi is neither white nor black. The karma of others is of three kinds: white, black, or mixed.

TM-fani Alistair Shearer kääntää sanan yogii (sic! lemma: yogin; yks. gen: yoginaH/yoginas) sanalla enlightened eli valaistunut, mitä se mitä ilmeisimmin tarkoittaakin yoga-suutrassa, missä itse sana yoga tarkoittaa valaistumisen tilaa.

Nythän on niin, että käytännössä kaikilla TM:n harrastajilla karma on trividham, kun taas liki kaiken karmansa "polttaneeseen" yogii'hin karma ei enää "kasaannu",  koska hän on 24/7 puhtaan tietoisuuden tilassa muiden kolmen tietoisuuden perustilan ohella, eikä enää samaistu millään
tasolla oman kehonsa toimintoihin. Äärimmäisen esimerkin ottaaksemme, yogii voi vaikkapa kenties
murhata jonkun karmaa keräämättä, jos se edistää spirituaalista evoluutiota, koska hän ei silloin itse toimi vaan luonto toimii hänen fyysisen sun muun olemuksensa kautta??

Esim. Katy Perryllä ja muilla menestyneillä tyypeillä on luultavasti kypsymisvuorossa ja toteutumassa aimo annos vaaleata tai jopa valkoista (shukla) karmaa, mutta jossain karmakaapin salalokerossa luuraa lähes satavarmasti myös tumman, jopa mustan (kRSNa) karman luuranko, joka kypsyy joko nykyisessä inkarnaatiossa tai sitten jossain tulevassa.

Emme mene takuuseen tuon tulkinnan oikeellisuudesta, mutta tuo on parasta mihin tällä hetkellä kykenemme...

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